v. 1. From gentleman's sport to the commissioner system -- v. 2. From the commissioners to continental expansion -- v. 3. From postwar expansion to the electronic age.
0271003316 (v. 1) 0271003340(pbk. : v. 1) 0271003308(v. 2) 0271003332(pbk. : v. 2) 0271003294(v. 3) 0271003324(pbk. : v. 3)
Ronald A. Smith Sports History Book Collection.
Vol. 1 foreword by Allan Nevins; v. 2 foreword by Ronald A. Smith; v. 3 foreword by Clifford Kachline. Vol. 1-2 are reprints. Originally published: Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1966-1970.