High Voltage Engineering Testing [electronic resource] / Hugh Ryan (ed.).
- Published
- Stevenage : IET, 2013.
- Edition
- 3rd ed.
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (960 pages)
- Additional Creators
- Ryan, Hugh M.
Access Online
- Series
- Contents
- Machine generated contents note: 1.1.Introduction / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.2.Development of transmission and distribution systems / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.2.1.Early developments (1880-1930) / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.2.2.The development of the transmission grid concept (1930-90) / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.2.3.Global developments / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.2.4.Recent developments 1990 to date (or 1990 onwards or post 1990) / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.3.Structure of transmission and distribution systems / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.3.1.Technical factors influencing the structure of transmission and distribution systems / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.3.2.Organisational structures / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.4.Design of transmission and distribution systems / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.4.1.Security of supply / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.4.2.Quality of supply / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.4.3.Stability / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.5.Operation of transmission and distribution systems / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.5.1.Operational planning / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.5.2.Extended real-time operation / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.5.3.Real-time operation / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.5.4.Post real-time operation / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.6.Future developments and challenges / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.6.1.Organisational developments / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.6.2.Technical and technological developments / I.A. Erinmez -- 1.6.3.Control and communication developments / I.A. Erinmez -- References / I.A. Erinmez -- 2.1.Introduction / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.2.Classification of dielectric stress / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.2.1.Power frequency voltage / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.2.2.Temporary overvoltages / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.2.3.Switching overvoltages / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.2.4.Lightning overvoltages / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.3.Voltage-time characteristics / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.4.Rated withstand voltage levels / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.Factors affecting switching overvoltages / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.1.Source configuration / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.2.Remanent charge / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.3.Transmission line length / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.4.Compensation / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.5.Circuit-breaker pole scatter / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.5.6.Point-on-wave of circuit-breaker closure / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.6.Methods of controlling switching surges / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.6.1.Circuit-breaker pre-insertion resistors / T. Irwin / H.M. Ryan -- 2.6.2.Metal oxide surge arresters / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.6.3.Circuit-breaker point-on-wave control / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.6.4.Comparison of switching overvoltage control methods / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.6.5.Application of insulation co-ordination for ultra high-voltage technology / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.7.Factors affecting lightning overvoltages entering substations / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.7.1.Backflashover / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.7.2.Direct strike / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.7.3.Attenuation of lightning overvoltage / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.8.Methods of controlling lightning overvoltages / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.8.1.Location of surge arresters / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 2.9.Conclusions / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- References / H.M. Ryan / T. Irwin -- 3.1.Introduction / H.M. Ryan -- 3.2.Atmospheric air clearances / H.M. Ryan -- 3.2.1.Test areas / H.M. Ryan -- 3.2.2.Sphere gaps / H.M. Ryan -- 3.2.3.Spark gaps / H.M. Ryan -- 3.2.4.Overhead lines and conductor bundles / H.M. Ryan -- 3.2.5.Guidelines for live working / H.M. Ryan -- 3.3.Other gases / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.Switchgear and GIS / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.1.Introduction / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.2.Arc extinction media / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.3.General dielectric considerations / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.4.Performance under contaminated conditions / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.5.GIS service reliability / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.6.Gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) / H.M. Ryan -- 3.4.7.Vacuum switches / H.M. Ryan -- 3.5.System modelling for switchgear design applications / H.M. Ryan -- 3.5.1.Field analysis techniques / H.M. Ryan -- 3.5.2.Prediction of breakdown voltages / H.M. Ryan -- 3.6.Summary / H.M. Ryan -- Acknowledgements / H.M. Ryan -- References / H.M. Ryan -- 4.1.Introduction / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.2.HVDC transmission - a brief overview / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.3.General principles / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.Main components of HVDC links / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.1.Thyristor valves / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.2.Converter transformer / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.3.Control equipment / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.4.AC filters and reactive power control / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.5.Smoothing reactor and DC filter / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.6.Switchgear / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.7.Surge arresters / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.8.Valve cooling / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.4.9.Auxiliary supplies / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.5.Converter building / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.6.VSC HVDC / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.7.Economics / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.8.Power electronic support for AC systems / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.8.1.Static var compensators (SVCs) / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.8.2.STATCOM / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.8.3.Series compensators ' / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.8.4.Unified power flow controller (UPFC) / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.9.Power electronics for industrial applications / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 4.10.Conclusion / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- References / Gearóid ó hEidhin -- 5.1.Introduction / Adrian Wilson -- 5.2.Drivers for renewable energy / Adrian Wilson -- 5.2.1.Fossil fuel / Adrian Wilson -- 5.2.2.Nuclear fuels / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.UK renewable energy resources and technology / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.1.Power transfers / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.2.Wind resources / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.3.Wave resources / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.4.Tidal resources / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.5.Biomass resources / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.6.Network implications from remote resource locations / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.7.Generator technologies - conventional power stations / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.8.Generator technologies - full converter wind turbine / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.9.Generator technologies - partial converter wind turbine / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.10.Generator technologies -wave machines / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.11.Generator technologies - tidal machines / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.12.Generator technologies - biomass-fed generators / Adrian Wilson -- 5.3.13.Generator technologies - microgeneration / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.Renewable generator technologies - network implications / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.1.Cost of connections / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.2.Voltage rise / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.3.Load flow / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.4.Fault level / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.5.Power quality / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.6.Network extensions / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.7.Regulation / Adrian Wilson -- 5.4.8.Grid Code issues / Adrian Wilson -- 5.5.Value of energy / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.Solutions for renewable energy / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.1.Voltage rise / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.2.Fault level / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.3.Fault current limiters / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.4.Principles of superconducting fault current limiters / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.5.Fault current limiters / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.6.Resistive fault current limiters / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.7.Shielded core fault current limiters / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.8.Pre-saturated core fault current limiters / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.9.Load flow / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.10.Energy storage / Adrian Wilson -- 5.6.11.Distributed intelligence in networks / Adrian Wilson -- 5.7.Conclusions / Adrian Wilson -- References / Adrian Wilson -- Postscript note - by H.M. Ryan / Adrian Wilson -- 6.1.Introduction / A.L. Barclay -- 6.2.Elementary theory / A.L. Barclay -- 6.2.1.Voltage, electric field and capacitance / A.L. Barclay -- 6.2.2.Current, magnetic field and inductance / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.Historical development / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.1.Early telegraph cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.2.Early lighting systems / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.3.Flexible cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.4.Impregnated cables and the renaissance of high voltage / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.5.Pressure-assisted (gas) cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.6.Fluid-filled cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.7.Polymeric cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.3.8.Polypropylene-paper laminate / A.L. Barclay -- 6.4.Features of real cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.4.1.The conductor / A.L. Barclay -- 6.4.2.The insulation system / A.L. Barclay -- 6.4.3.Multi-core and multi-function cables / A.L. Barclay -- 6.4.4.Outer layers / A.L. Barclay -- 6.4.5.Installation / A.L. Barclay -- 6.5.Current ratings / A.L. Barclay -- 6.5.1.Time-dependent ratings / A.L. Barclay -- 6.5.2.Factors affecting ratings / A.L. Barclay -- 6.6.Accessories / A.L. Barclay -- 6.6.1.Terminations / A.L. Barclay -- 6.6.2.Joints / A.L. Barclay -- 6.6.3.Other accessories / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.Direct current and subsea cable systems / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.1.Applications of AC and DC transmission / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.2.Subsea cable configurations / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.3.Insulation systems / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.4.Manufacture / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.5.Installation / A.L. Barclay -- 6.7.6.Accessories / A.L. Barclay -- 6.8.Standards / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.Testing / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.1.Development testing / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.2.Type testing / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.3.Prequalification testing. / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.4.Factory acceptance testing / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.5.After-laying tests / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.6.In-service monitoring / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.7.Testing for periodic maintenance / A.L. Barclay -- 6.9.8.Fault location / A.L. Barclay -- 6.10.Future directions / A.L. Barclay -- References / A.L. Barclay -- 7.1.Introduction / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.2.Principles of current interruption in HV systems / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.2.1.System-based effects / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.2.2.Circuit-breaker characteristics / M. Seeger / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 7.3.Arc control and extinction / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spence, Contents note continued: 7.3.1.Gas-blast circuit-breakers / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer / M. Seeger -- 7.3.2.Electromagnetic circuit-breakers / M. Seeger / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 7.3.3.Dielectric recovery / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.4.Additional performance affecting factors / M. Seeger / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 7.4.1.Metallic particles / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 7.4.2.High-frequency electrical transients / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 7.4.3.Trapped charges on PTFE nozzles / J.W. Spencer / M. Seeger / G.R. Jones -- 7.5.Other forms of interrupters / M. Seeger / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 7.5.1.Domestic circuit-breakers / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.5.2.Oil-filled circuit-breakers / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.5.3.Vacuum interrupters / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 7.6.Future trends / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 7.6.1.Other gases / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer -- 7.6.2.Material ablation and particle clouds / M. Seeger / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 7.6.3.New forms of electromagnetic arc control / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones / M. Seeger -- 7.6.4.Direct current interruption / M. Seeger / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- References / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer / M. Seeger -- 8.1.Introduction / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.1.1.SF6 circuit-breakers / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.1.2.Sulphur hexafluoride / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.2.Interrupter development / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.2.1.Two-pressure system / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.2.2.Single-pressure puffer-type interrupters / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.3.Arc interruption / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.3.1.Fault current / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.3.2.Capacitive and inductive current switching / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.3.3.Reactor switching / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.3.4.Arc interruption: gas-mixtures / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.4.Third-generation interrupters / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.5.Dielectric design and insulators / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.6.Mechanism / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.7.SF6 live- and dead-tank circuit-breakers / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.7.1.Basic GIS substation design / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.8.Opening and closing resistors/metal-oxide surge arresters / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.8.1.Opening and closing resistors / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.8.2.Closing resistors/metal-oxide surge arresters / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.8.3.Main features of metal-oxide surge arresters (MOSA) / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.9.Disconnector switching / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.10.Ferroresonance / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.11.System monitoring / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.11.1.Monitoring during installation and in service / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.11.2.Continuous monitoring / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.11.3.Periodic monitoring / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.12.Insulation co-ordination / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.12.1.Introduction to appendices / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 8.13.Further discussions and conclusions / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- Acknowledgements / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- References / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- Appendices / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- A.Some historic observations / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- B.SF6 circuit-breakers in the UK plus a perspective from USA / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- C.Relevant strategic IEC Standard reports / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- D.Update of some recent CIGRE activities relating Appendices D and E to Substations (SC B3) and also (SC B5) - compiled from CIGRE publications by H.M. Ryan / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- E.Residual life concepts, integrated decision processes for substation replacement and an overview of CIGRE work on AM themes - compiled by H.M. Ryan / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 9.1.Introduction / B.M. Pryor -- 9.2.Substations / B.M. Pryor -- 9.2.1.Substation types / B.M. Pryor -- 9.2.2.Substation layouts / B.M. Pryor -- 9.3.Distribution system configurations / B.M. Pryor -- 9.3.1.Urban distribution systems / B.M. Pryor -- 9.3.2.Rural distribution systems / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.Ratings / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.1.Rated current / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.2.Rated short-circuit-breaking current / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.3.Rated short-circuit-making current / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.4.Rated asymmetrical breaking current / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.5.Rated short-time current / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.6.Rated voltage / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.7.Rated insulation withstand levels / B.M. Pryor -- 9.4.8.Rated transient recovery voltage / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.Switching equipment / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.1.Circuit-breakers / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.2.Distribution circuit-breaker types / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.3.Disconnectors / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.4.Earth switches / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.5.Switches / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.6.Switch disconnector / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.7.Switch fuse / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.8.Fuse switch / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.9.Fuses / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.10.Contactors / B.M. Pryor -- 9.5.11.Ring main units / B.M. Pryor -- 9.6.Circuit protection devices / B.M. Pryor -- 9.6.1.Surge arresters / B.M. Pryor -- 9.6.2.Instrument transformers / B.M. Pryor -- 9.7.Switchgear auxiliary equipment / B.M. Pryor -- 9.8.SF6 handling and environmental concerns / B.M. Pryor -- 9.8.1.SF6 breakdown products / B.M. Pryor -- 9.8.2.SF6 environmental concerns / B.M. Pryor -- 9.9.The future (as perceived in 2000 and again in 2011) / B.M. Pryor -- 9.9.1.The future 1 - by B.M. Pryor in 2000 / B.M. Pryor -- 9.9.2.The future 2 - by H.M. Ryan in 2011 / B.M. Pryor -- Disclaimer / B.M. Pryor -- Summary / B.M. Pryor -- References / B.M. Pryor -- Appendices - by H.M. Ryan / B.M. Pryor -- A.Additional CIGRE references / B.M. Pryor -- B.Distribution systems and dispersed generation (after CIGRE [8]) - summary of key CIGRE information mainly from SC C6 2011 AGM [8] - compiled by H.M. Ryan / B.M. Pryor -- 10.1.Introduction / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.2.Circuit-breaker / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.3.Vacuum circuit-breaker / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.4.SF6 gas circuit-breakers / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.5.Puffer circuit-breaker / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.6.Rotating-arc circuit-breaker / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.7.Auto-expansion circuit-breaker / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.8.Operating mechanism / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.9.Choice of correct circuit-breaker for special switching duties / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.10.Capacitive and inductive current switching / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.11.Circuit-breakers for generator circuit switching / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.11.1.DC offset / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.11.2.Current chopping and reignition / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.12.Synchronised switching / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 10.13.Conclusions and some future developments / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- CIGRE perception of future developments: prepared and compiled by H.M. Ryan / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- Acknowledgements / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- Bibliography / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- Appendices / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- A.Relevant strategic IEC Standard reports / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- B.The impact of new functionalities on substation design (relating to CIGRE published work) - abridged and compiled by H.M. Ryan / S.M. Ghufran Ali -- 11.1.Introduction / John Steed -- 11.2.Reliability / John Steed -- 11.2.1.Sources of data / John Steed -- 11.2.2.Typical distribution company requirements for data / John Steed -- 11.2.3.Case studies using data / John Steed -- 11.2.4.The bath tub curve / John Steed -- 11.2.5.Practical example - distribution transformers / John Steed -- 11.2.6.Human factors in plant reliability / John Steed -- 11.2.7.Conclusions on reliability / John Steed -- 11.3.Condition monitoring / John Steed -- 11.3.1.Definitions / John Steed -- 11.3.2.Benefits of condition monitoring / John Steed -- 11.3.3.Application to equipment / John Steed -- 11.3.4.What condition monitoring information can tell us about asset management / John Steed -- 11.3.5.Condition assessment leading to asset replacement / John Steed -- 11.3.6.The new working environment - users' requirements / John Steed -- 11.3.7.Condition monitoring - the future / John Steed -- 11.4.Plant maintenance / John Steed -- 11.4.1.General techniques / John Steed -- 11.4.2.Enhanced maintenance / John Steed -- 11.4.3.Reliability-centred maintenance (RCM) / John Steed -- 11.4.4.Condition-based maintenance (CBM) / John Steed -- 11.5.Working plant harder / John Steed -- 11.5.1.Towards a risk-based strategy - the reasons why / John Steed -- 11.5.2.Risk assessment - FMEA and FMECA / John Steed -- 11.5.3.Working switchgear harder / John Steed -- 11.5.4.Working transformers harder / John Steed -- 11.6.Future trends in maintenance / John Steed -- 11.7.A holistic approach to substation condition assessment / John Steed -- 11.8.Retrofit, refurbish or replace? / John Steed -- 11.9.Current challenges / John Steed -- 11.10.A standard for asset management / John Steed -- 11.11.The impact of smart grids on asset management / John Steed -- 11.12.Information management / John Steed -- 11.13.Conclusions / John Steed -- References / John Steed -- 12.1.Introduction / John S. Graham -- 12.2.Types of bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.2.1.Non-condenser bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.2.2.Condenser bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.3.Bushing design / John S. Graham -- 12.3.1.Air end clearance / John S. Graham -- 12.3.2.Oil-end clearance / John S. Graham -- 12.3.3.Radial gradients / John S. Graham -- 12.4.Bushing applications / John S. Graham -- 12.4.1.Transformer bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.4.2.High-current bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.4.3.Direct connection to switchgear / John S. Graham -- 12.4.4.Switchgear bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.4.5.Direct current bushings / John S. Graham -- 12.5.Testing / John S. Graham -- 12.5.1.Capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor measurement / John S. Graham -- 12.5.2.Power frequency withstand and partial discharge measurement / John S. Graham -- 12.5.3.Impulse voltage tests / John S. Graham -- 12.5.4.Thermal stability test / John S. Graham -- 12.5.5.Temperature rise test / John S. Graham -- 12.5.6.Other tests / John S. Graham -- 12.6.Maintenance and diagnosis / John S. Graham -- References / John S. Graham -- 13.1.Introduction / A. White -- 13.2.Transformer action / A. White --, Contents note continued: 13.3.The transformer as a circuit parameter / A. White -- 13.4.Core- and shell-form constructions and components / A. White -- 13.4.1.The core / A. White -- 13.4.2.The windings / A. White -- 13.4.3.Cooling / A. White -- 13.4.4.Insulation / A. White -- 13.4.5.Tank / A. White -- 13.4.6.Bushings / A. White -- 13.4.7.On-load tap-changer / A. White -- 13.5.Design features / A. White -- 13.5.1.Dielectric design / A. White -- 13.5.2.Electromagnetic design / A. White -- 13.5.3.Short-circuit forces / A. White -- 13.5.4.Winding thermal design / A. White -- 13.6.Transformer applications / A. White -- 13.6.1.Power station transformers / A. White -- 13.6.2.Transmission system transformers / A. White -- 13.6.3.HVDC convertor transformers / A. White -- 13.6.4.Phase-shifting transformers / A. White -- 13.6.5.Industrial transformers / A. White -- 13.6.6.Railway transformers / A. White -- 13.7.A few predictions of the future / A. White -- References / A. White -- 14.1.Introduction / J.A. Lapworth / S. Ryder -- 14.2.Specification of user requirements / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.2.1.Need for user specifications / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.2.2.Functional and design specifications / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.2.3.Specifications and standards / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.2.4.Specification content / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.2.5.Guidance on specifications / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.3.Supplier selection / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.3.1.Industry changes / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.3.2.Timing / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.3.3.Format / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.3.4.Aims / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.3.5.Main elements of process / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.Testing / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.1.Classification of tests / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.2.Performance tests / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.3.Thermal tests / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.4.-Dielectric tests / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.5.Short-circuit withstand / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.4.6.Condition assessment testing / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.5.Operation and maintenance / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.5.1.Limitations on transformer life / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.5.2.Preventive and corrective maintenance / S. Ryder / J.A. Lapworth -- 14.5.3.Time- and condition-based maintenance / J.A. Lapworth / S. Ryder -- 14.5.4.Oil tests / J.A. Lapworth / S. Ryder -- 14.5.5.Electrical tests / J.A. Lapworth / S. Ryder -- 14.6.Concluding remarks / J.A. Lapworth / S. Ryder -- Bibliography / J.A. Lapworth / S. Ryder -- 15.1.Introduction / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.2.Measuring system / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.3.Amplitude measurements / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.3.1.Direct voltage / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.3.2.Alternating voltage / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.3.3.Impulse voltage / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.3.4.Impulse current / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.4.Time parameter / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.5.Measuring purposes / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.5.1.Dielectric tests / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.5.2.Linearity tests / Ernst Gockenbach -- 15.6.Summary / Ernst Gockenbach -- References / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.1.Introduction / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.2.Recommendations and definitions / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.3.Test voltages / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.3.1.DC voltage / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.3.2.AC voltage / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.3.3.Impulse voltage / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.4.Impulse current / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.5.Test conditions / Ernst Gockenbach -- 16.6.Summary / Ernst Gockenbach -- References / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.1.Introduction / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.2.Physical background of partial discharges / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.3.Requirements on a partial discharge measuring system / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.4.Measuring systems for apparent charge / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.5.Calibration of a partial discharge measuring system / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.6.Examples of partial discharge measurements / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.6.1.Partial discharge measurement on high-voltage transformers / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.6.2.Partial discharge measurement and location on high-voltage cables / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.6.3.Partial discharge measurement on high-voltage gas-insulated substations / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.6.4.Development of recommendation / Ernst Gockenbach -- 17.7.Summary / Ernst Gockenbach -- References / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.1.Introduction / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.2.Requirements on the recording device / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.3.Requirements on the evaluation software / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.4.Application of digital recording systems / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.4.1.DC and AC voltage measurements / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.4.2.Impulse voltage or current measurements / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.4.3.Partial discharge measurements / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.5.Application examples of evaluation procedures / Ernst Gockenbach -- 18.6.Conclusions / Ernst Gockenbach -- References / Ernst Gockenbach -- 19.1.Introduction / J. Blackett -- 19.1.1.History / J. Blackett -- 19.1.2.High-voltage laboratory testing / J. Blackett -- 19.2.Pre-breakdown discharges / J. Blackett -- 19.2.1.Electron avalanches / J. Blackett -- 19.2.2.Streamer discharges / J. Blackett -- 19.2.3.Leaders / J. Blackett -- 19.3.Uniform fields / J. Blackett -- 19.3.1.Electron avalanches in uniform fields / J. Blackett -- 19.4.Non-uniform fields / J. Blackett -- 19.4.1.Direct voltage breakdown / J. Blackett -- 19.4.2.Alternating voltage breakdown / J. Blackett -- 19.4.3.Impulse breakdown / J. Blackett -- 19.4.4.Leaders / J. Blackett -- 19.4.5.Sparkover, breakdown, disruptive discharge / J. Blackett -- 19.5.The 'U-curve' / J. Blackett -- 19.5.1.The critical time to breakdown / J. Blackett -- 19.6.The gap factor / J. Blackett -- 19.6.1.Test procedures / J. Blackett -- 19.6.2.Air gaps of other shapes / J. Blackett -- 19.6.3.Sparkover under alternating voltages / J. Blackett -- 19.6.4.Sparkover under direct voltages / J. Blackett -- 19.7.Flashover across insulator surfaces in air / J. Blackett -- 19.8.Atmospheric effects / J. Blackett -- 19.8.1.Introduction / J. Blackett -- 19.8.2.Density effects / J. Blackett -- 19.8.3.Humidity effects / J. Blackett -- 19.8.4.Application of correction factors / J. Blackett -- 19.8.5.Air density correction factor k1 / J. Blackett -- 19.8.6.Humidity factor correction k2 / J. Blackett -- 19.8.7.Other atmospheric effects / J. Blackett -- 19.9.New developments / J. Blackett -- 19.9.1.UHV at high altitudes / J. Blackett -- 19.9.2.Testing transformers / J. Blackett -- 19.9.3.Future work / J. Blackett -- References / J. Blackett -- 20.1.Introduction / A. White -- 20.2.How do faults develop? / A. White -- 20.3.Which parameters should be monitored? / A. White -- 20.4.Continuous or periodic monitoring / A. White -- 20.5.Online monitoring / A. White -- 20.6.Degrees of sophistication for transformer monitors / A. White -- 20.7.What transformer parameters can be monitored? / A. White -- 20.8.Basic monitors / A. White -- 20.9.On-load tap-changer (OLTC) module / A. White -- 20.10.Insulation module / A. White -- 20.11.Bushing module / A. White -- 20.12.Cooling module / A. White -- 20.13.Advanced features measurements and analyses / A. White -- 20.14.Partial discharge monitoring / A. White -- 20.15.Temperature measurement / A. White -- 20.16.Chemical parameters / A. White -- 20.17.Dielectric parameters / A. White -- 20.18.Conclusions / A. White -- 20.19.Further reading / A. White -- References / A. White -- 21.1.Introduction / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.2.The evolution of condition monitoring systems / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.2.1.Periodic monitoring, 1960-1990 / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.2.2.Basic discrete online monitoring, 1990-1999 / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.2.3.More intelligent discrete monitoring, 2000-2009 / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.2.4.Integrated substation condition monitoring (2010 onwards) / M. Schuler / C. Charlson / T. Irwin -- 21.3.Objectives of condition monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.4.Application to key substation equipment / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.5.The substation environment / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.Condition monitoring platform / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.1.Data acquisition systems / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.2.Sensors and transducers / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.3.Conversion module / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.4.Interface module / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.5.Data acquisition module / T. Irwin / C. Charlson / M. Schuler -- 21.6.6.Control PC module / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.6.7.Communication module / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.7.Data acquisition, analysis and diagnostics / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.7.1.Developing a common monitoring platform / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.7.2.Specification of the node unit data acquisition system / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.8.GDM node unit overview / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.8.1.Data collection / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.8.2.Predictive alarms and SF6 gas inventory / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.8.3.Maintenance / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.9.CBM node unit overview / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.9.1.Signals measured and recorded / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.9.2.System alarms / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.9.3.Data storage and display / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.10.PDM node unit overview / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.10.1.PDM node unit data collection / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.10.2.Node unit sequencer controls / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.10.3.Node unit noise monitoring and alarm control / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson --, and Contents note continued: 21.10.4.Node unit system diagnostics / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.11.Power transformer monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.11.1.Sensors for dissolved gas analysis / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.11.2.Sensors for tap-changer monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.12.Cable monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.12.1.Sensors for cable monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.13.Surge arrester monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.14.ISCM system overview / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.14.1.Substation gateway / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.14.2.CM module: PD monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.14.3.CM module: gas density monitoring / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.15.ISCM systems going forward / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 21.16.Concluding remarks / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- Acknowledgements / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- References / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- Appendices / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- A.Gas density monitoring transducer options / C. Charlson / T. Irwin / M. Schuler -- B.Circuit breaker monitoring data sampling rates / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- C.Partial discharge monitoring data sampling rates / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- D.Disconnector and earth switch monitoring data sampling rates / T. Irwin / M. Schuler / C. Charlson -- 22.1.The nature of intelligent monitoring / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 22.2.The basis of chromatic monitoring / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 22.3.Online monitoring of high-voltage equipment using optical fibre chromatic techniques / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 22.3.1.Optical fibre chromatic sensors / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 22.3.2.Examples of chromatic optical fibre sensors for high-voltage systems / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 22.3.3.Time and frequency domain chromatic processing of optical fibre sensor data / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 22.4.Chromatic assessment of the degradation of high-voltage insulation materials / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 22.4.1.Chromatic characterisation of partial discharge signals (M. Ragaa) / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- 22.4.2.Offline assessment of high-voltage transformer oils with chromatic techniques (E. Elzazoug and A.G. Deakin) / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- 22.5.Conclusions / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- Acknowledgements / J.W. Spencer / G.R. Jones -- References / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- Appendix A / G.R. Jones / J.W. Spencer -- Preface / H.M. Ryan -- 23.1.Introduction / H.M. Ryan -- 23.2.International takeovers in UK power sector and possible impacts / H.M. Ryan -- 23.2.1.Warning: kid gloves treatment / H.M. Ryan -- 23.3.Some aspects of renewable energy development in the UK / H.M. Ryan -- 23.3.1.Energy-mix and perceived renewable energy costs (2004-10) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.3.2.Renewable energy vs landscape calculations (The Sunday Times, 20/11/11) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.3.3.UK energy storage: call to build a series of dams to store power from wind turbines (after D. MacKay) (Jonathan Leake, The Sunday Times, 18/3/12) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.3.4.Press articles: Some very public energy discussions (commentaries on articles by D. Fortson et al., The Times, 2010-12) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.4.UK government's recent wind of change / H.M. Ryan -- 23.5.Nuclear power plants: recent events and future prospects / H.M. Ryan -- 23.5.1.Fukushima nuclear accident: short-term impact on global developments / H.M. Ryan -- 23.5.2.Future nuclear developments / H.M. Ryan -- 23.5.3.Future prospects of 'new-build' nuclear plants overseas / H.M. Ryan -- 23.6.Some aspects of carbon trading / H.M. Ryan -- 23.6.1.Coal-fired to co-fired stations in the UK to avoid paying rising climate taxes (after Danny Fortson, The Sunday Times, Energy Environment, 26/2/12) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.6.2.Frying note: storage energy back-up / H.M. Ryan -- 23.7.A new green technology: carbon capture and storage (CCS) (Tim Webb, The Times Business Dashboard, 29/3/12) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.7.1.Some committed CCS developments worldwide / H.M. Ryan -- 23.8.Recent developments in UK Network/European Grid links / H.M. Ryan -- 23.8.1.New UK/International DC cable links / H.M. Ryan -- 23.8.2.Proposal case for a North Sea super grid (NSSG) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.8.3.Challenges facing AC offshore substations for wind farms and preliminary guidelines for design and construction / H.M. Ryan -- 23.8.4.Network upgrades and some operational experiences / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.Some UK operational difficulties with wind farms / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.1.Wind farms paid £900,000 to switch off (1) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.2.Storm shut-down is blow to the future of wind turbines (2) (Jon Ungoed-Thomas and Jonathan Leake, The Sunday Times, 11/12/11) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.3.Energy speculators now bet on wind farm failures (3) (J. Gillespie, The Times, December 2011) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.4.Millions paid to wind farm operators to shut down (4) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.5.Clean energy financial support; impact of Scotland leaving the Union after an independence vote in 2014 (5) (Karl West, The Sunday Times, 22/1/2012) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.6.Crown Estate: Scottish assets worth arguing over in independence debate [6] (Deirdre Hipwell, The Times, 21/06/2012, pp. 34-5) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.7.Some poor wind farm performance statistics / H.M. Ryan -- 23.9.8.'Flying wind farms pluck energy out of the blue', states Gillespie in The Sunday Times (08/07/12, p. 7) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.10.UK air-defence radar challenged by wind turbines / H.M. Ryan -- 23.11.Noise pollution: wind turbine hum (The Sunday Times, 18/12/11) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.12.Balancing fluctuating wind energy with fossil power stations / H.M. Ryan -- 23.13.Future developments including smart grids / H.M. Ryan -- 23.13.1.US study by Gellings et al. from EPRI [30] (1) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.13.2.Some CIGRE perspectives of energy activities and future development [35] (2) / H.M. Ryan -- 23.14.Discussion and conclusions / H.M. Ryan -- 23.14.1.Discussion / H.M. Ryan -- 23.14.2.Conclusions / H.M. Ryan -- References / H.M. Ryan -- A.Cyber-crime and cyber-security / H.M. Ryan -- B.Cyber-crime N / H.M. Ryan -- C.CIGRE: Treatment of information security for electric power utilities / H.M. Ryan.
- Summary
- This third edition comprises 23 chapters covering high-voltage engineering and testing themes - with many valuable references describing CIGRE work. This new third edition of HVET will again provide a valuable broad overview of the developments in the sector including renewable energy (windfarms, biomass etc.). Cost, environmental and operational aspects are covered. Modern substation condition monitoring strategies for switchgear, transformers and cables are discussed and new insulation co-ordination (IC) technologies are discussed - adopted using higher performance arresters for new ultra high-voltage AC transmission substations in China, India and Japan (operating at voltages >=1,100 Kv). Fundamental design concepts, special strategic network developments, asset management issues at EHV and other special matters are also discussed. The book also touches on how network equipment and systems operate and are monitored and managed at this time - and can perhaps best be managed in the future. The important roll of CIGRE in the energy sector via its extensive Study Committee structure (see Table 1, Introduction), and production of Technical Brochures, is also explained.
- Subject(s)
- Other Subject(s)
- high-voltage engineering
- high-voltage testing
- renewable energy sources
- substation condition monitoring strategy
- switchgear
- power transformers
- power cables
- insulation co-ordination technology
- IC technology
- arresters
- ultrahigh-voltage AC transmission substations
- China
- India
- Japan
- asset management
- strategic network developments
- network equipment
- 9781849192644
- Note
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