Engineering characterization of ground motion. Task II. Effects of ground motion characteristics on structural response considering localized structural nonlinearities and soil-structure interaction effects. Volume 2 [electronic resource].
- Published
- Oak Ridge, Tenn. : Distributed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1985.
- Additional Creators
- United States. Department of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
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- Summary
- This report presents the results of part of a two-task study on the engineering characterization of earthquake ground motion for nuclear power plant design. Task I of the study, which is presented in NUREG/CR-3805, Vol. 1, developed a basis for selecting design response spectra taking into account the characteristics of free-field ground motion found to be significant in causing structural damage. Task II incorporates additional considerations of effects of spatial variations of ground motions and soil-structure interaction on foundation motions and structural response. The results of Task II are presented in four parts: (1) effects of ground motion characteristics on structural response of a typical PWR reactor building with localized nonlinearities and soil-structure interaction effects; (2) empirical data on spatial variations of earthquake ground motion; (3) soil-structure interaction effects on structural response; and (4) summary of conclusions and recommendations based on Tasks I and II studies. This report presents the results of the first part of Task II. The results of the other parts will be presented in NUREG/CR-3805, Vols. 3 to 5.
- Report Numbers
- E 1.99:nureg/cr-3805-vol.2
nureg/cr-3805-vol.2 - Subject(s)
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- Note
- Published through SciTech Connect.
Kennedy, R.P.; Kincaid, R.H.; Short, S.A.
Structural Mechanics Associates, Inc., Newport Beach, CA (USA)
Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Walnut Creek, CA (USA)
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