Code requirements for concrete repository and processing facilities [electronic resource].
- Published
- Washington, D.C. : United States. Dept. of Energy, 1993.
Oak Ridge, Tenn. : Distributed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy. - Physical Description
- 7 pages : digital, PDF file
- Additional Creators
- Westinghouse Savannah River Company, United States. Department of Energy, and United States. Department of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
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- Summary
- The design and construction of facilities and structures for the processing and safe long-term storage of low- and high-level radioactive wastes will likely employ structural concrete. This concrete will be used for many purposes including structural support, shielding, and environmental protection. At the present time, there are no design costs, standards or guidelines for repositories, waste containers, or processing facilities. Recently, the design and construction guidelines contained in American Concrete Institute (ACI), Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349), have been cited for low-level waste (LLW) repositories. Conceptual design of various high-level (HLW) repository surface structures have also cited the ACI 349 Code. However, the present Code was developed for nuclear power generating facilities and its application to radioactive waste repositories was not intended. For low and medium level radioactive wastes, concrete has a greater role and use in processing facilities, engineered barriers, and repository structures. Because of varied uses and performance/safety requirements this review of the current ACI 349 Code document was required to accommodate these special classes of structures.
- Report Numbers
- E 1.99:wsrc-ms--93-143
E 1.99: conf-930408--62
wsrc-ms--93-143 - Subject(s)
- Other Subject(s)
- Low-Level Radioactive Wastes
- Underground Disposal
- High-Level Radioactive Wastes
- Reinforced Concrete
- Stability
- Mechanical Properties
- Performance
- Design
- Construction
- Containers
- Radioactive Waste Processing
- Waste Processing Plants
- Radioactive Waste Facilities
- Geology
- Rocks
- Yucca Mountain
- Grouting
- Heat Transfer
- Seals
- Radionuclide Migration
- Radiation Doses
- Gamma Decay
- Yucca Mountain Project
- Note
- Published through SciTech Connect.
" conf-930408--62"
10. international high-level radioactive waste management conference, Las Vegas, NV (United States), 25-29 Apr 1993.
Hookham, C.J.; Palaniswamy, R. - Funding Information
- AC09-89SR18035
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