Use of a near back-scattering imaging system on the National Ignition Facility [electronic resource].
- Published
- Washington, D.C. : United States. Dept. of Energy, 2006.
Oak Ridge, Tenn. : Distributed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy. - Physical Description
- PDF-file: 15 pages; size: 2 Mbytes
- Additional Creators
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States. Department of Energy, and United States. Department of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information
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- Free-to-read Unrestricted online access
- Summary
- A near back-scattering imaging diagnostic system has been implemented, qualified and fielded on the first quad of beams on the National Ignition Facility. This diagnostic images diffusing scatter plates, placed around the final focus lenses on the NIF target chamber, to quantitatively measure the fraction of light back-scattered outside of the incident cone of the focusing optics. The imaging system consists of a wide-angle lens coupled to a gated CCD camera, providing 3mm resolution over a 2m field of view. To account for changes of the system throughput due to exposure to target debris the system was routinely calibrated in situ at 532nm and 355nm using a dedicated pulsed laser source. The diagnostic and calibration methods will be described together with recent results from the NIF early light shots.
- Report Numbers
- E 1.99:ucrl-conf-221190
ucrl-conf-221190 - Subject(s)
- Other Subject(s)
- Note
- Published through SciTech Connect.
Presented at: High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Williamsburg, VA, United States, May 07 - May 11, 2006.
Griffith, R; Jones, G; Celeste, J; MacGowan, B; Reinbachs, I; Mackinnon, A J; Piston, K; Glenzer, S; Costa, R; Kirkwood, R; McCarville, T J; Niemann, C; Holtmeier, G. - Funding Information
- W-7405-ENG-48
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