The Size Evolution of Passive Galaxies : Observations From the Wide-Field Camera 3 Early Release Science Program
- Author
- Kimble, R. A.
- Published
- March 22, 2012.
- Physical Description
- 1 electronic document
- Additional Creators
- Balick, B., Hathi, N. P., Calzetti, D., MacKenty, J., Bushouse, H., Dopita, M. A., Crockett, R. M., Trauger, J., Windhorst, R. A., O’Connell, R. W., Disney, M., Koekemoer, A. M., Cohen, S. H., Yan, H., Frogel, J. A., Hall, D., N., B., Mccarthy, P.J., Bond, H. E., Ryan, R. E., Jr., Kaviraj, S., Rutkowski, M. J., Young, E., Mechtley, M. R., and Holtzman, J. A.
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- Restrictions on Access
- Unclassified, Unlimited, Publicly available.
Free-to-read Unrestricted online access - Summary
- We present the size evolution of passively evolving galaxies at z approximately 2 identified in Wide-Field Camera 3 imaging from the Early Release Science program. Our sample was constructed using an analog to the passive BzK galaxy selection criterion, which isolates galaxies with little or no ongoing star formation at z greater than approximately 1.5. We identify 30 galaxies in approximately 40 arcmin(sup 2) to H less than 25 mag. By fitting the 10-band Hubble Space Telescope photometry from 0.22 micrometers less than approximately lambda (sub obs) 1.6 micrometers with stellar population synthesis models, we simultaneously determine photometric redshift, stellar mass, and a bevy of other population parameters. Based on the six galaxies with published spectroscopic redshifts, we estimate a typical redshift uncertainty of approximately 0.033(1+z).We determine effective radii from Sersic profile fits to the H-band image using an empirical point-spread function. By supplementing our data with published samples, we propose a mass-dependent size evolution model for passively evolving galaxies, where the most massive galaxies (M(sub ) approximately 10(sup 11) solar mass) undergo the strongest evolution from z approximately 2 to the present. Parameterizing the size evolution as (1 + z)(sup - alpha), we find a tentative scaling of alpha approximately equals (0.6 plus or minus 0.7) + (0.9 plus or minus 0.4) log(M(sub )/10(sup 9 solar mass), where the relatively large uncertainties reflect the poor sampling in stellar mass due to the low numbers of highredshift systems. We discuss the implications of this result for the redshift evolution of the M(sub )-R(sub e) relation for red galaxies.
- Other Subject(s)
- Collection
- NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Collection.
- Note
- Document ID: 20140010557.
Astrophysical Journal; Volume 749; Issue 1; 53. - Terms of Use and Reproduction
- Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright.
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