Effect of Variable Chord Length on Transonic Axial Rotor Performance Investigated
- Author
- Suder, Kenneth L.
- Published
- March 2002.
- Physical Description
- 1 electronic document
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- Unclassified, Unlimited, Publicly available.
Free-to-read Unrestricted online access - Summary
- During the life of any gas turbine, blade erosion is present, especially for those units that are exposed to unfiltered air, such as aviation turbofan engines. The effect of this erosion is to reduce the blade chord progressively from the midspan to the tip region and to roughen and distort the blade surface. The effects of roughness on rotor performance have been documented by Suder et al. and Roberts. These papers indicate that the penalty for leading-edge roughness and erosion can be significant. Turbofan operators, therefore, restore chord length at routine maintenance intervals to regain performance before deterioration is too severe to salvage blades. As the rotor blades erode, the leading edge becomes rough - blunt and distorted from the nominal shape - and the aerodynamic performance suffers. Nominal performance can be recovered by recontouring the leading edges. This process, which inherently shortens the blade chord, can be used until the blade chord erodes to the stall limit. Below this chord length, which varies among engine-compressor types, a decrease of stall margin is likely. After compressor blade rework that includes leading edge recontouring, the blades have different chord lengths, ranging from blades that are near nominal chord length down to those near the stall chord limit. Furthermore, as blades erode below the stall limit, they must be replaced with new blades that have the full nominal chord length. Consequently, a set of compressor blades with varying chord lengths will be installed into each turbofan engine that goes through a complete maintenance cycle. The question arises, "Does fan or compressor performance depend on the order in which mixed-chord blades are installed into a fan or compressor disk?"
- Other Subject(s)
- Collection
- NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Collection.
- Note
- Document ID: 20050205809.
Research and Technology 2001; NASA/TM-2002-211333. - Terms of Use and Reproduction
- No Copyright.
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