A User''s Guide to the Zwikker-Kosten Transmission Line Code (ZKTL).
- Author
- Abu-Khajeel, H.
- Published
- Dec. 1997.
- Physical Description
- 1 electronic document
- Additional Creators
- Kelly, J. J.
Online Version
- hdl.handle.net , Connect to this object online.
- Restrictions on Access
- Unclassified, Unlimited, Publicly available.
Free-to-read Unrestricted online access - Summary
- This user's guide documents updates to the Zwikker-Kosten Transmission Line Code (ZKTL). This code was developed for analyzing new liner concepts developed to provide increased sound absorption. Contiguous arrays of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) liner elements serve as the model for these liner configurations, and Zwikker and Kosten's theory of sound propagation in channels is used to predict the surface impedance. Transmission matrices for the various liner elements incorporate both analytical and semi-empirical methods. This allows standard matrix techniques to be employed in the code to systematically calculate the composite impedance due to the individual liner elements. The ZKTL code consists of four independent subroutines: 1. Single channel impedance calculation - linear version (SCIC) 2. Single channel impedance calculation - nonlinear version (SCICNL) 3. Multi-channel, multi-segment, multi-layer impedance calculation - linear version (MCMSML) 4. Multi-channel, multi-segment, multi-layer impedance calculation - nonlinear version (MCMSMLNL) Detailed examples, comments, and explanations for each liner impedance computation module are included. Also contained in the guide are depictions of the interactive execution, input files and output files.
- Other Subject(s)
- Collection
- NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Collection.
- Note
- Document ID: 19980018176.
NAS 1.26:206901.
NASA/CR-97-206901. - Terms of Use and Reproduction
- No Copyright.
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