Using Facility Condition Assessments to Identify Actions Related to Infrastructure
- Author
- Rubert, Kennedy F.
- Published
- June 28, 2010.
- Physical Description
- 1 electronic document
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- Unclassified, Unlimited, Publicly available.
Free-to-read Unrestricted online access - Summary
- To support cost effective, quality research it is essential that laboratory and testing facilities are maintained in a continuous and reliable state of availability at all times. NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) and its maintenance contractor, Jacobs Technology, Inc. Research Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering (ROME) group, are in the process of implementing a combined Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) program to improve asset management and overall reliability of testing equipment in facilities such as wind tunnels. Specific areas are being identified for improvement, the deferred maintenance cost is being estimated, and priority is being assigned against facilities where conditions have been allowed to deteriorate. This assessment serves to assist in determining where to commit available funds on the Center. RCM methodologies are being reviewed and enhanced to assure that appropriate preventive, predictive, and facilities/equipment acceptance techniques are incorporated to prolong lifecycle availability and assure reliability at minimum cost. The results from the program have been favorable, better enabling LaRC to manage assets prudently.
- Other Subject(s)
- Collection
- NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Collection.
- Note
- Document ID: 20100025760.
27th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement and Ground Testing Conference; 28 Jun. - 1 Jul. 2010; Chicago, IL; United States. - Terms of Use and Reproduction
- Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights.
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