Corrosion-resistant alloys in oil and gas production / Juri Kolts and Stephen W. Ciaraldi, editors
- Published
- Houston : NACE International, 1996.
- Physical Description
- 2 volumes (xii, 1,135 pages) : illustrations ; 28 cm
- Additional Creators
- Kolts, Juri and Ciaraldi, Stephen William, 1954-
- Contents
- Vol. 1. MARTENSITIC STAINLESS STEELS: Failures of martensitic stainless steels in sweet and sour gas service / J.D. Alkire and S.W. Ciaraldi -- Development of sour resistant modified 13CR OCTG / H. Asahi et al. -- Experiences with 13CR for mitigating CO2 corrosion in the oilfield, case histories: the Gulf of Mexico and inland gas wells / D.A. Baudoin, D.K. Barbin and J. Skogsberg -- Experience of 13% Cr tubing II: 10 years and 1 million feet later / M. Bonis and J.L. Crolet -- Corrosion behavior of 1 to 22 percent chromium steels and monel K-500 in CO/Brine environments / J.R. Bryant and G.B. Chitwood -- Laboratory test for evaluating alloys for H2S service / D.S. Bums -- Corrosion performance of 13 Cr stainless tubulars in sour environments / W.C. Chen -- Some limitations on the use of 13Cr alloys for corrosive gasand oil production / S.W. Ciaraldi -- 13Cr Tubulars solve corrosion problems in the tuscaloosa trend / J.D. Combes, J.G. Kerr and L.J. Klein -- Effect of stress and environment on failures of 17-4 pH stainless steel valve stems / F.S. Gareau, N.A. Chambers and A.M. Martinson -- Corrosion assisted cracking of CA-6NM / D.A. Hansen and T. Doody -- Corrosion behavior of 9 to 25% Cr steels in wet CO2 environments / A. Ikeda, S. Mukai and M. Ueda -- Effect of microstructure on the sulfide stress corrosion cracking resistance of AISI 410 and 420 steels / Y. Ishizawa, T. Shimada and M. Tanimura -- Operational experience of using 13% Cr tubular steels / M.B. Kermani et al. -- Influence of cathodic protection on stress corrosion cracking of martensitic stainless steels in sea water / H. Kiesheyer and G. Lennartz --, Vol. 1. [MARTENSITIC STAINLESS STEELS(cont.)] H2S cracking resistance of 420 stainless steel tubulars / L.J. Klein -- 9Cr-1Mo and 13Cr tubulars for sour service / L.J. Klein, R.M. Thompson and D.E. Moore -- Stress corrosion behavior of 13 Cr martensitic stainless steels in CO2-H2S-CI- environment / H. Kurahashi et al. -- Stress cracking of 13 Cr steels in CO2-H2S-Cl-environments / H. Kurahashi et al. -- Polarization behavior of high-alloy OCTG in CO2 environment as affected by chlorides and sulfides / K. Masamura et al. -- McElmo Dome CO2 source facilities corrosion control / M.H. Nguyen -- Behavior of different martensitic stainless steels under oil and gas corrosive environments / B.J. Orlans-Joliet et al. -- Effect of environmental factors and yield strength on SCC property of AISI 420 stainless steel / S. Sakamoto et al. -- Development of resistant OCTG and its application to corrosive wells / M. Tanimura -- Sulfide stress cracking failures of 12Cr and 17-4PH stainless steel wellhead equipment / R.M. Thompson et al. -- Evaluation of SSC resistance on super 13CR stainless steel in sour applications / M. Ueda, T. Kushida and T. Mori -- Austenitizing temperature effect on SCC resistance of 410 stainless steel / D.D. Vitale and H.E. Ebert -- Sulfide stress cracking resistance of weld repairs in wellhead alloys / M. Watkins and E.L. Von Rosenberg -- Pitting and stress cracking of 12 CR-NI-MO martensitic stainless steels in chloride and sulfide environments / Y. Yoshino and A. Ikegaya -- The application & field experience of high strength 12% Cr centrifugally cast pipe for gas gatherystem / A. Yoshitake et al. --, Vol. 1. AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS: Sulfide stress cracking of AISI 304 stainless steel springs in sour water / B. Craig and B. Hodgson -- Sulfide stress cracking resistance of nitrogen strengthened stainless steels / R.R. Gaugh -- Effects of residual stress on stress corrosion cracking of non-magnetic drill dollars / D.S. Kopecki -- A criterion for evaluating and predicting the sour resistance of high alloys / T. Murata et al. -- The stress resistance of non-magnetic stainless steels used in oil exploration / P.G. Smith et al. --, Vol. 1. DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS: Materials failures in sour gas service / S.W. Ciaraldi -- Evaluation and application of highly alloyed materials for corrosive oil production / B.D. Craig -- Evaluation of the resistance of some highly alloyed stainless steels to stress corrosion cracking in hot chloride solutions under high pressures of CO2 and H2S / J.L. Crolet and M.R. Bonis -- Special stainless steels for application of natural gas exploitation systems; resistance to stress corrosion in environments containing chlorides and H2S of austenitic and austeno-ferritic grades / A. Desestret et al. -- Properties of and experience with welded joints in stainless alloys / H. Eriksson, P. Norberg and S. Bernhardsson -- Corrosion and age hardening studies of some cast stainless alloys containing ferrite / J.W. Flowers, F.H. Beck and M.G. Fontana -- The effect of cathodic protection on duplex stainless steels in sea water / R. Francis, G. Byrne and G.R. Warburton -- The corrosion of duplex stainless steels in sour service / R. Francis and G. Byrne -- Corrosion behaviors of duplex stainless steel for wet CO2 environment / A. Ikeda et al. -- Effect of alloying element and ferrite-austenite ratio on SCC resistance of duplex stainless steels in sour gas environment / Y. Ishizawa and T. Inazumi --, Vol. 1. [DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS(cont.)] Production technology and corrosion properties of duplex stainless steel line pipe by HF-ERW Process / H. Kashimura et al. -- Full scale testing of duplex stainless steel pipes in simulated sour environments / Y. Kobayashi et al. -- Duplex stainless steel pipelines and piping on the north slope / A.C. Madsen et al. -- Corrosion behavior of 25 pet Cr Duplex stainless steel in CO2-H2S-Cl- environments / S. Mukai et al. -- Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of duplex stainless steels in sour gas environments / P.R. Rhodes, G.A. Welch and L. Abrego -- Investigation of the stress corrosion cracking of duplex stainless steel weldments in sour conditions / M.J. Schofield, R. Bradshaw and R.A. Cottis -- Optimizing welding condition for excellent resistance in duplex stainless steel linepipe / K. Tamaki et al. -- Corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel weldments / H. Tsuge, Y. Tarutani and T. Kudo -- Performance of high resistant duplex stainless steel in chloride and sour environments / M. Ueda et al. -- Influence of thermal history on corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel linepipe / K. Ume et al. -- Effect of heat treatment and microstructure on the corrosion and SCC of duplex stainless steels in H2S/Cl- environments / S. Mark Wilhelm and R.D. Kane -- Performance of duplex stainless steel pipes in sour gas wells / G. Wilken --, Vol. 2. PRECIPITATION-HARDENED NICKEL ALLOYS: Cast nickel alloys for sour service / R. Badrak -- Effect of sulfur on cracking behavior of CRA's in simulated downhole environments / W. Coyle -- Evaluation and qualification of a precipitation-hardened material for deep, hot, sour environments / T.A. DeBold et al. -- Failure of monel Ni-Cu-Al alloy K-500 bolts in seawater / K.D. Efird -- Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement of high-strength nonmagnetic alloys in brines / J.G. Erlings, H.W. deGroot and J.F.M. van Roy -- Development of large Nickel-base alloy 925 composite block trees for extreme corrosion, fire-resistant applications on offshore platforms / T. Haeberleand P.J. Kovach -- Hydrogen embrittlement of INCOLOY Alloy 925, MONEL Alloy K-500, and INCONEL alloy 625 by slow strain method / J.A. Harris and E.F. Clatworthy -- Behavior of age-hardenable alloy UNS N07725 for oil field applications / E.L. Hibner -- Precipitation-hardened, Nickel-base alloys for sour gas environments / M. Igarashi et al. -- Failures of Nickel Copper bolts in subsea applications / M.W. Joosten and L.H. Wolfe -- Heat treatment and environmental embrittlement of high-performance alloys / J. Kolts -- Alloy 718 for the oil and gas industry, superalloy 718 metallurgy and applications / J. Kolts -- Alloy 718-alloy optimization for applications in oil and gas production / O.A. Onyewuenyi --, Vol. 2. SOLID SOLUTION NICKEL/COBALT-BASE ALLOYS: Corrosion-resistant alloys for hot, deep sour wells: properties, experience, and future trends / A.I. Asphahani, J.C. Prouheze and G.J. Petersen -- Stress-cracking resistance of stainless alloys in sour environments / H.E. Chaung, M. Watkins and G.A. Vaughn -- Laboratory testing of Nickel alloys for H2S service / J.A. Harris and T.F. Lemke -- Environmental cracking evaluation of resistant alloys in H2S-CO2-CL- environment by slow strain rate tensile test / A. Ikeda, M. Ueda and H. Tsuge -- Laboratory evaluation of corrosion resistant alloys for the oil and gas industry / J. Kolts -- Temperature and texture effects on properties of CRA's / S.E. Mahmoud and C.W. Petersen -- The use of strain rate testing to determine the effect of elemental sulfur on stress corrosion cracking of Nickel-base alloys / C.J. Martin et al. -- Development of high-alloy tubular goods for sour wells / H. Ogawa et al. -- Critical contents of nickel and chromium required for SCC resistance of high alloy OCTG / J.I. Sakai et al. -- Laboratory and field evaluations of clad christmas tree equipment / W.J. Sisak and J.R. Gordon -- The effect of elemental sulfur on stress cracking of Nickel base alloys / N. Sridhar and S.M. Corey -- Influence of elemental S on corrosion behavior of CRA in H2S-CO2-Cl- environment / M. Ueda and T. Kudo -- Wireline materials for sour service / G.A. Vaughn and H.E. Chaung --, Vol. 2. OTHER ALLOYS: Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of Aluminum alloy drillpipe in a water-based, low-solids, nondispersed drilling mud / S.W. Ciaraldi et al. -- Yellow metal (UNS C69100) for sour service / T. Clark, W. Inglis and C.M. Fowler -- Performance of a Beryllium Copper nonmagnetic drill collar alloy / F. Dunlevey -- Corrosion and Hydrogen embrittlement behavior of Titanium in aqueous sulfidic solutions / Z.A. Foroulis -- Engineering incentives for utilizing Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo alloy tubulars in highly aggressive deep sour gas wells / D.R. Klink and R.W. Schutz -- Stress corrosion behavior of Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo alloy under deep sour gas well conditions / R.W. Schutz, M. Xiao and T.A. Bednarowicz -- Stress cracking behavior of Ti-38-6-44 in sour gas environments / D.E. Thomas and S.R. Seagle -- The chloride stress corrosion cracking behavior of Beryllium Copper and other nonmagnetic drill collar alloys / J.C. Tum, Jr -- The effect of Oxygen and temperature on chloride stress corrosion cracking of Beryllium Copper and Other nonmagnetic alloys in a simulated chloride drilling environment / J.C. Tum, Jr -- The performance of Zirconium alloys in sulfide solutions / T. Yau --, and Vol. 2. ACIDIZING CORROSION-RESISTANT ALLOYS: Duplex stainless steel behavior during acidification: laboratory versus field test results / T. Cheldi et al. -- Hydrogen-assisted cracking and inhibition of spring alloys in acidizing solutions / W.R. Coyle et al. -- How high alloy tubulars react in acidizing environments / J.D. Garber and M. Kantour -- Compatibility of stainless and Nickel Base alloys in acidizing environments / R.D. Kane and S.M. Wilhelm -- Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of high-performance alloys in simulated acidizing environments to 17SOC (350°F) / J. Kolts and S.M. Corey -- Corrosion inhibition of 13Cr, Super 13Cr, and 15Cr stainless steels in hcl-hf acidizing fluids / R.D. Mack -- Effect of acidizing solutions on Kieac of 13 Cr and 22 Cr stainless steels / T.H. McCoy, S.T. Mackey, M.L. Walker -- Corrosion behaviors of corrosion-resistant alloys in acid stimulation environments / A. Miyasaka and H. Ogawa -- A field experience of corrosion inhibition during the acid fracturing of a deep oil well completed with 22% Cr duplex steel / A. Valdes, A. Viloria and S. Marcano -- Acid inhibition of CRA's: a review / M.L. Walker et al.
- Subject(s)
- 1877914924
- Bibliography Note
- Includes bibliographical references (pages 1127-1135).
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