There's a meetin' here tonight -- Molly Malone -- The monks of St. Bernard -- Seven daffodils -- Hey li lee li lee -- Headin' for the hills -- The far side of the hill -- Rumania, Rumania -- Madeira, m'dear -- Proshchai.
Molly Malone Monks of St. Bernard Seven daffodils Hey li lee li lee Headin' for the hills Far side of the hill Rumania, Rumania Madeira, m'dear Proshchai There's a meetin' here tonight
Durations on container. Program notes by Leo Zhito on container. Folk-songs and ballads.
Participant/Performer Note
Performed by the Limeliters, accompanying themselves on the banjo, guitar, and double bass.
Data/Place of Event
Recorded live at the Ash Grove, Hollywood, Calif., July 29, 1960.