Songs my mother taught me.
- Published
- Hamburg : Deutsche Grammophon, [2008]
- Copyright Date
- ℗2008
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (1 sound file)
- Additional Creators
- Kožená, Magdalena, Röschmann, Dorothea, Martineau, Malcolm, Freimuth, Michael, Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928. Selections, Dvořák, Antonín, 1841-1904. Selections, Schulhoff, Ervín, 1894-1942, Eben, Petr, Rösler, Johann Josef, 1771-1813, Novák, Vítězslav, 1870-1949, Dvořák, Antonín, 1841-1904, Martinů, Bohuslav, 1890-1959, Janáček, Leoš, 1854-1928, and Kozeluch, Leopold, 1747-1818
Access Online
- Language Note
- Sung in Czech, English, French, and German.
- Contents
- Kebych bola jahodú = If I were a strawberry plant (1:06) -- Moravská lidová poezie v písních = Moravian folk poetry in songs. Lavečka = The little bench ; Jabúčko = Little apple ; Muzikanti = Musicians (6:00) / Leoš Janáček -- Cikánské melodie : op. 55 = Gypsy melodies. Když mne stará matka = Songs my mother taught me ; Struna naladěna = The strings are tuned ; A les je tichý kolem kol = And the wood is quiet all around / Antonín Dvořák (7:00) -- Národní písně a tance Těšínska = Folksongs and dances from the Těšínsko Region. Pasala volky = She was grazing her oxen ; Když sem byla mamince na klině = When I was on mummy's lap ; Sidej na vuz = Come and sit in my trap / Erwin Schulhoff (7:00) -- Písně k loutně = Lute songs. Milovánie bez vídánie = Loving without seeing ; I dare not ask ; Quand ce beau printemps = When I look at this lovely spring ; Ach Gott, wie weh tut Scheiden = Ah God, how painful parting is ; Jakž sem tě najprv poznal = The very first time I saw you ; Stratilart sem milého = I have lost my love / Petr Eben (12:00) -- An die Entfernte = To the distant beloved / Jan Josef Rösler (4:13) -- Pohádka srdce : op. 8 = Fairytale of the heart. Piseň melancholická = Melancholy song ; Zda není snem? = Isn't it a dream? ; Večer = Evening ; Podzimní nálada = Autumn mood ; Až přejde den = Once the day is over / Vítězslav Novák (12:00) -- Večerní písně : op. 3 = Evening songs. Mně zdálo se, žes umřela = I dreamt you were dead (4:06). Moravské dvojzpěvy : op. 32 = Moravian duets. Prsten = The ring ; Zajatá = A captive / Antonín Dvořák (6:00) -- Písničky na dvě stránky = Songs on two pages. Děvče z Moravy = A girl from Moravia ; Súsedova stajňa = Our neighbour's stable ; Naděje = Hope ; Hlásný = The watchman ; Tájna láska = Secret love ; Boži muka = The roadside cross ; Zvolenovcí chlapci = The lads from Zvolen / Bohuslav Martinů (9:00) -- Slezské písně ze sbírky Heleny Salichové = Silesian songs from Helena Salichová's collection. Aj co to je za slaviček = Hey, what nightingale is this one? ; V černym lese = In the black wood / Leoš Janáček (6:00) -- 12 Italian arietts, op. 31. Sento amor / Leopold Kozeluch (2:13).
- Subject(s)
- Genre(s)
- Sound Characteristics
- digital
- Digital File Characteristics
- audio file
- Note
- The 1st work a folksong for unaccompanied voice; the 5th work for voice and guitar; the 9th work for 2 sopranos and piano; the remainder for voice and piano.
- Participant/Performer Note
- Magdalena Kožená, Dorothea Röschmann (9th work), sopranos ; Malcolm Martineau, piano (2nd-4th, 6th-11th works) ; Michael Freimuth, guitar (5th work).
- Data/Place of Event
- Recorded 2007 March Munich, Bavaria Musikstudios.
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