USSR and East Europe Scientific Abstracts. Materials Science and Metallurgy. No. 5 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1973.
- Physical Description
- 83 pages
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- Contents
- "Effect of Production Conditions on the Structure of Ingots and Semifinished Pressure Molded Products Made of Al-Zn-Mg Alloys" by LEVIN, L. I., ZOLOTOREVSKIY, V. S., ZAKHAROV, V. V. -- "Indirect Evaluation of Aluminum Alloy Fatigue Strength" by STEPNOV, M. N., YEVSTRATOVA, S. P. -- "Neutron-Activation Method of Determining Micro-Admixtures of Oxygen in Titanium Sponge" by GALKIN, R. M. -- "Investigation of the Dispersion of Energy in Carbon Steels in the Fatigue Process" by FRANYUK, V. A., RANTSEVICH, V. B. -- "Correlation of Methods of Determining Aluminum in Beryllium and in its Alloys" by VINOGRADOV, A. V., ZEMLYANUKHINA, N. A., PAVLOVA, I. V., DRONOVA, M. P., LOPATINA, N. N. -- "ON the Method of Determining the Adhesion of Titanium Coatings to Steel" by LAYNER, D. I., KHARITONOVA, L. D., MASLOVSKIY, V. A. -- "Calorizing Steel" by RYABOV, V. R. -- "Investigation of Titanium Diffusion Coatings on High-Melting Metals" by SHAPOVALOV, V. P., KURASOV, A. N. -- "Refractory Coatings on Phosphate Bonds" by ABZGIL'DIN, F. YU., AMIROV, R. A., BIGLOV, A. KH. -- "Drawing of Composite Materials Based on Aluminum and Copper" by SEVERDENKO, V. P., MATUSEVICH, A. S., GONCHAROV, A. F. -- "Study of the Strength and Deformation Capacity of Thin Composite Materials Such as Magnetic Information Carriers. Report 2. Strength and Deformation Capability at Low Temperatures" by UMANSKIY, E. S., DEBRIVNYY, I. Ye., KRYUCHKOV, V. V. -- "Effect of the Salinity of Sea Water on the Anodic Behavior of Protector Magnesium Alloys" by LYUBLINSKIY, YE. YA. -- "On the Resistance of Al₂O₃ Coatings on Nickel, Molybdenum, and Titanium in Melted LiCl-KCl Eutectic" by CHUKREYEV, N. YA., VOROB'YEVA, N. P., ZIL'BERBERG, V. G., KARPINOS, D. M. -- "Investigation of the Corrosion Resistance of Nickel in SnCl₂-KCl Salt Melt" by TYUTYUNIK, O. A., CHETVERIKOV, A. V., PAVLENKO, N. A., KORCHINSKAYA, O. A. -- "Effect of the Thermal Cycle of Welding on the Corrosion Resistance of the Near-Seam Zone of OKh21N5T Ferrite-Austenite Steel in 65%HNO₃-Solution" by MELKUMOV, S. B. -- "Effect of Some Nitrogen-Containing Organic Substances on the Corrosion of OT₄ Titanium Alloy in Hydrochloric Acid" by TUPIKIN, YE. I., KLYUCHNIKOV, N. G. -- "Investigation of the Kinetics of Prolonged Atmospheric Oxidation of Titanium" by KORNILOV, I. I., BRYNZA, A. P., BORISKINA, N. G., ZABRODSKAYA, M. N. -- "Production and Properties of Thick Oxide Films in Titanium" by MARCHENKO, M. A., CHERNENKO, G. G. -- "Protection of Aluminum Alloys From Atmospheric Corrosion by Vacuum Chromium Coatings" by KOLTUNOVA, L. N., PETRUSHIN, A. P., ROYKH, I. L. -- "Corrosion Resistance of Diffusion Chrome Plated Steel in Certain Mediums" by MULYAKAYEV, L. M., DUBININ, G. N., DALISOV, V. B., POLUBOYARTSEVA, L. A., MANTOROVA, T. M., REYFER, A. A. -- "The Effect of Alloying Elements on the Corrosion Behavior of Titanium" by TOMASHOV, N. D., RUSKOL, YU. S., AYUYAN, G. A., IVANOV, YU. M., PLAVNIK, G. M., NAZAROVA, R. I. -- "The Effect of Diamond Smoothing of the Surface of Kh18N9T Steel on its Corrosion and Electrochemical Behavior" by TOLSTAYA, M. A., KHVOROSTUKHIN, L. A., LOGVINENKO, V. V., SOLODKINA, V. P., MUKHINA, M. G. -- "Investigation of the Inclination of OCOKh20N20S5 (ZI-52) Steel to Intercrystalline Corrosion" by ZHADAN, T. A., BABAKOV, A. A., SHARONOVA, T. N., VASIL'YEVA, N. M. -- "Investigation of the Hydrometallurgical Reprocessing of Wastes of Titanium Alloys" by MEYERSON, G. A., LISKOVICH, V. A., BOYKO, A. I. -- "Oxidation of High-Titanium Slag on Heating in Atmospheres of Air and Water Vapors" by KARYAZIN, I. A., REZNICHENKO, V. A., KHALIMOV, F. B., VOROBEYCHIK, A. I., MENYAYLOVA, G. A., KIPRICH, N. A., GORDEUCHIK, R. A., "The Mechanism of Forming and Failure of Complex System Elements During Extrusion" by MOGUCHIY, L. N. -- "Experimental Studies in Pressure Working of Metals" by SMIRNOV-ALYAYEV, G. A., CHIKIDOVSKIY, V. P. -- "On the Evaluation of the Strength of Graphite Materials" by URSIN, V. A., ANUFRIYEV, YU. P., PETUKHOVA. I. A., LAUKHINA, N. S. -- "The Effect of Air Pressure on the Brittle Failure of Graphite" by DUBROVSKIY, K. Ye., KISSEL', V. V. -- "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Tendency of OOOKh16N15M3 Steel to Inters crystalline Corrosion" by ZHELTOVA, G. A., BELINKIY, A. L., KRISTAL', M. M., ADUGINA, N. A. -- "Effect of Temperature on the Work Hardening of Parts Made of Heat-Resistant Alloys" by POLOSKIN, YU. V., MAKAROVSKIY, N. L. -- "Phase-Sensitive, Electromagnetic Flaw-Detection Method" by MUZHITSKIY, V. F., SMIRNOV, A. S. -- "Some Features of the Methodology of Investigating the Strength Properties of Graphites Under Plane Stress Conditions" by FRIDMAN, A. M., BARABANOV, V. N., ANUFRIYEV, YU. P., STROKOV, V. I. -- "Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled lOKhSND Steel" by NIKITSKAYA, V. A., PYATAKOVA, L. L., POLTAVETS, N. A., SHUBINA, S. A., KUZNETSOVA, L. M., VOLKOV, L. G., BARANOV, V. Ya., CHEREDNIK, L. Ye. -- "Strength of Superplastic Two-Phase Alloys" by TIKHONOV, A. S., SHORSHOROV, M. Kh. -- "Study of the Effect of the Mineralization Agent on Properties of SAP Products" by KOTIYEVA, L. U., FILICHKINA, M. P., KOCHETKOV, P. G. -- "Criteria for Endurance of Steels Under Variable Loads Under Conditions of Monaxial and Biaxial Static Extension" by LEBEDEV, A. A., SHKANOV, I. N., KOZHEVNIKOV, Yu. L. -- "Determination of Admixtures in Graphite by the Neutron-Activation Method" by MUKHAMEDSHINA, N. M., YANKOVSKIY, A. V. -- "Dosimetry of Neutron-Gamma Radiation With a Scintillation Spectrometer" by KOVALEV, V. P., KAPCHIGASHEV, S. P., PAVLOV, L. P. -- "The Characteristics of the DINA Personal Neutron Track Dosimeter" by KEIRIM-MARKUS, I. B., KOROLEVA, T. V., KRAYTOR, S. N., USPENSKIY, L. N. -- "Activation of Synchrocyclotron Cooling Water" by KOMOCHKOV, M. M., TETEREV, Yu. G. -- "Modelling Nuclear Reactions in an Isotropically Irradiated Thick Target" by LAVRUKHINA, A. K., USTINOVA, G. K., MALYSHEV, V. V., SATAROVA, L. M. -- "Gamma-Activation Analysis of Carbon in Uranium and Thorium" by GORENKO, A. F., SKAKUN, N. A., SHEVCHENKO, G. M., ZADVORNYY, A. S., BUGAYEVA, N. I., KLYUCHAREV, A. P. -- "On the Micro- and Macroheterogeneity of the SAS-1 Alloy" by PALATNIK, L. S., KAGAN, YA. I., SHILOV, I. F., BELYAYEV, YU. I., BOGDANOVA, A. F., KOBYLEV, P. P., KOLESNIK, B. I., KUDINOV, D. D. -- "Investigation of the Process of Sulfurization of Cermet Stainless Steels: Report II" by SLYS' I. G., FEDORCHENKO, I. M., YERMAKOVA, YE. N., PUGINA, L. I. -- "Plasma Spraying With Submersion of the Nozzle In Water" by KARPINOS, D. M., ZIL'BERGBERG, V. G., SHARIVKER, S. YU. -- "Influence of Production Technology on Properties of the Material SAP" by KOTIYEVA, L. U. -- "High-Refractory Materials on a Zirconium Dioxide Base Stabilized by Yttrium and Aluminum Oxides" by ANDREYEVA, A. B., LEONOV, A. I., KELER, E. K. -- "Sintering of a Mullite-Corundum Briquette in Oxidizing and Reducing Media" by ANTONOV, S. A., PITAK, N. V., ZHUKOVA, Z. D. -- "Growing of Fe₃O₄ and CoO Crystals in a d-c Electric Arc" by PAVLOV, V. S., MOCHALOV, M. M., VORONTSOV, YE. S. -- "Kinetics of Reduction-Oxidising Reactions on TiO₂ and NiO Single and on the Oxidized Surface of Metals" by PALEOLOG, Ye. N., FEDOTOVA, A. Z., DERYAGINA, O. G. -- "Cyclic Strength and Residual Stresses of Nitrocemented Steel Containing Chromium and Nickel" by POPOV, I. N., PEREVERSEV, V. M., KOROLEV, P. G., ZHEREBKIN, O. A., NESTERENKO, V. I. -- "Characteristics of the Behavior of Gases in the Crystallization of Ingots of Kh18N9-Type Steel with Titanium" by KLYUCHAREV, V. YE., URAZGIL'DEYEV, A. KH., AGEYEV, P. YA., SOBGLEV, YU. V. -- "Change of Structure and Properties of Cr-Ni Steels During Heating in Carbonaceous Atmospheres" by VITMAN, D. V., TARKHOV, N. A., STROYEV, V. S., "Strengthening of Cr-Ni Steels with Unstable Austenite" by SPIRIDONOV, V. B., KUZ'MINSKAYA, L. N., GORDEYEV, YU. P. -- "Improving the Properties of Kh18N1OT Steel From 100-ton Electric Furnaces by Refining the Steel in the Ladle with Liquid Synthetic Slag" by USHAKOV, S. T., CHERNYAKOV, V. A., VOINOV, S. G., KEYS, N. V., PRONICHKIN, A. A. -- "Investigation of High-Strength Steels and Alloys for Work in Humid Hydrogen Sulfide" by ZAKHAROV, YU. V., MYASNIKOV, YU. F., UL'YANIN, YE. A., VASIL'YEV, P. YE., USTIMENKO, M. YU. -- "The Stabilization of Austenite with Inverse Conversion in Cr-Co-Mo and Cr-Ni-Co-Mo Steels" by SHAKHNAZAROV, YU. V., ANISIMOVA, M. S., BARAKHTIN, B. K., SHUL'MAN, V. M. -- "Killed Steel Ingot Quality" by KOLOSOV, M. I., STROGANOV, A. I., SMIRNOV, YU. D., OKHRIMOVICH, B. P. -- "Critical Temperatures of Alloy Plasticity" by BEREZHKOVSKIY, D. I. -- "Planning of an Experiment for the Optimization of the Properties of the Tikonal Alloy" by POVOLOTSKIY, YE. G., RAKHLEVSKAYA, M. N. -- "Some Features of High-Temperature Creep in Nickel-Base Alloys" by KOVPAK, V. I., OLISOV, A. N. -- "On the Catastrophic Oxidation of Nickel Alloys" by IVANOV, YE. G., KOLOMYTSEV, P. T., KOSTINA, L. A. -- "Thermomechanical Treatment of Al-Zn-Mg Alloys" by DAVYDOV, V. G., DRITS, A. M., ZAKHAROV, YE. D. -- "Properties of VT20 Weld Joints After Annealing" by GORSHKOV, A. I., MATYUSHKIN, B. A., CHUGUNOVA, R. S., KIRYUKHINA, G. N. -- "Resistance of Titanium Alloys to Repeated Static Loads" by PETRAKOV, A. F., KHOREV, A. I., PETROV, L. M., RUBLEV, YA. A. -- "Composition of Martensite in Hardened Ti-Mo Alloys" by KOLACHEV, B. A., MAMONOVA, F. S., LYASOTSKAYA, V. S. -- "Titanium Alloy Cracking During Aging" by PARSHIN, A. M., USHKOV, S. S., YARMOLOVICH, I. I. -- "Investigation of Titanium Alloys Alloyed with Refractory Elements" by SOLONINA, O. P., ULYAKOVA, N. M. -- "Oxygen in Alloys of Titanium with Aluminum and Zirconium" by KORNILOV, I. I., PERADZE, T. A., VAVILOVA, V. V., FATKULKINA, L. P., KOROBOV, O. S. -- "Fatigue Failure of a Two-Phase Titanium Alloy in Vacuum" by GRINBERG, N. M., OSTAPENKO, I. L. -- "The Effect of Alpha and Beta Stabilizers on the Mechanism of Plastic Deformation of Titanium" by ODINOKOVA, L. P. -- "Titanium and Titanium Dioxide Production Processes" by AGEYEV, N. V. -- "Effect of Expansion and Vacuum Annealing on Residual Stresses in Welded OT4-1 Alloy Joints" by KOLACHEV, B. A., MAMONOVA, F. S., ARTSYBASOV, YU. N., SHCHENNIKOVA, A. YE., GORSHKOV, YU. V. -- "Grain Boundary Migration and Intergranular Slip in the Weld-Seam Metal of Nickel Alloy Joints" by SHORSHOROV, M. KH., CHERNYSHOVA, T. A., LOSEVA, G. I. -- "Effect of the Electron-Beam Thermal Welding Cycle on Sean Formation and Properties of Niobium (VN-2AE) and Steel (Kh18K1OT) Weld Joints" by SIVOV, YE. N., D'YACHENKO, V. V. -- "Single-Side Spot Welding of Small-Thickness Parts" by GANIN, YU. K., SHAVYRIN, V. N. -- "Effect of Welding Mode on Seam Metal Density in the Vacuum-Arc Welding of Alloy AMg6" by GOL'TSOV, V. A., OLYSHANSKIY, N. A. -- "Manual Argon-Arc Welding of Titanium Without Bevelling" by CUREVICH, S. M., SHELENKOV, G. M. -- "Some Features of Electron-Beam Welding of VT5-1 Alloy" by GRUZDEV, B. L., KLADOV, YE. I., BULGAKOV, I. YA. -- "Electron-Microscopic Investigation of Steel-Aluminum Joints Welded Without Smalting" by KOPYLOV, YU. N., LANTSMAN, P. SH. -- "Welding, Cutting and Soldering Metals" by KHRENOV, K. K. -- "Some Problems of Boiling Alkali Metals" by ZEYGARNIK, YU. A., LITVINOV, V. D. -- "Activity of Carbon in Nickel-Base Alloys" by GOLOVANENKO, S. A., TOMILIN, I. A., KONNOVA, I. YU. -- "Experimental Evaluation of the Role of Surface Reactions in Studies of Hydrogen Permeability Through Titanium, Nickel, and Copper" by KAZAKOV, D. N., KUNIN, L. L., LITVINOVA, N. F. -- "On the Interaction of Titanium-Containing Steels with Atmospheric Air" by GUREVICH, YU. G., FRAGE, N. R. -- "Change of the Substructure of Manganese and Nickel Austenitic Alloys in the Process of Micro-Impact Affect" by ROGACHEV, I. N., [Illegible], L. D., SHKLYAR, R. Sh., and "Kinetics of the Interaction of Fluorine with Iron-Nickel Alloys" by ALENCHIKOVA, I. F., NEPOREZOV, V. S., SUKHOVERKHOV, V. F. -- "Anodic Behavior of Nickel in Melted Sodium Tetraborate" by BULER, P. I., TOPORISHCHEV, G. A., YESIN, O. A., KOPYSOV, V. A., LEPINSKIKH, V. B. -- "Compounds of Rare Earth Metals (REM) with Cobalt (RCO₅) as Materials for Permanent Magnets" by LINETSKIY, YA. L., KRAPOSHIN, V. S. -- "Working Experience of a 100-ton Electric Furnace with Uprated Transformer and Improved Short Mains" by KUZNETSOV, L. K., TULIN, N. A, ZHAVORONKOV, K. P., LABUNOVICH, O. A., ZINUROV, I. YU. -- "In a Single Complex" by LIYELPETER, YA. -- "Mechanism of Excitation and Registration of Ultrasonic Waves in Iron and in an Iron-Nickel Alloy in the Curie Temperature Range" by BUDENKOV, G. A., MASKAYEV, A. F. -- "New Method of Quenching Vacancies in Metals" by NECHAYEV, YU. S. -- "Determining the Crystalline Grain Sizes in Sitals" by NOVOKHATSKIY, I. A., VELYUKHANOV, V. P. -- "Effect of Boron, Vanadium, and Nickel on the Structure and Properties of Hieh-Chromium Irons Surfaced with Powdered Strip" by NIKOLAYENKO, M. R., KORTELEV, G. A. -- "Solubility of Hydrogen in Liquid Alloys of Cobalt and Aluminum" by LEVIN, YE. S., KOSTINA, T. K., PETRUSHEVSKIY, M. S., GEL'D, P. V., KUROCHKIN, K. T. -- "The Effect of Alloying of Carbonyl Nickel on its Recrystallization" by STEPANOVA, M. V., KOROLEV, F. V., ZOLOTUKHINA, A. M., FIGUROVSKAYA, T. A., BOROK, B. A., SHCHEGOLEVA, R. P. -- "Features of the Failure of Aluminum and Titanium Alloys at Low Temperatures" by NOVIKOV, N. V., ZNACHKOVSKIY, O. YA. -- "Ribbed Tube Rolling" by ROMANOWSKI, Marek -- "Possibilities of Reducing the Costs of Electricity in the Aluminum Industry by Means of Rate Reduction" by MUSZA, K.
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- Document Date: 7/24/1973.
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