USSR Scientific Abstracts. Chemistry. No. 107 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1972.
- Physical Description
- 100 pages : figures
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- Contents
- "The Gibbs and Tomson Adsorption Equations. II. Application of Gibbs' Equilibrium Principle to Adsorption, Chemical and Electrochemical Equilibria" by NASSONOV, P. M. -- "The Gibbs and Tomson Adsorption Equations. I. Application of the Gibbs Equilibirum Principle to Adsorption Equilibriums in Real Monophasal, Multicomponent Systems" by NASSONOV, P. M. -- "Possibility of the Control of Binding Forms of Adsorbed Molecules by Means of a Change in the Electronic State of the Semiconductor Surface" by ZARIF'YANTS, YU. A., KARYAGIN, S. N., KISELEV, V. F., KHRUSTALEVA, S. V., CHUKIN, G. D. -- "Porous Structure and Molecular-Sieve Properties of Activated Hydrocarbon Adsorbents From Industrial Furyl Resin FL-2 by PLACHENOV, T. G., GUR'YANOV, V. V., SEVRYUGOV, L. B., MUSAKIN, G. A. -- "Method of Determining the Effectiveness of Filter Materials for the Sterilisation of Air" by MOTINA, G. L., BASMANOV, P. I., REVIN, A. A. -- "Temperature Dependence of Dissolution of Semiconductor as a Process Including Absorption Equilibrium" by REPINSKIY, S. M., DEVYATOVA, S. F. -- "Study of Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide on Zeolite at Pressures from 0.1 to 72 atm" by ZHUKOV, V. V., SERPINSKIY, V. V. -- "Thermal Coefficient of Limiting Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide on NaX Zeolite" by ZHUKOV, V. V., SERPINSKIY, V. V. -- "Study of the Mechanism of Adsorption of Nitrogen Dioxide on Silica Gel by IR Spectroscopy. Report III. Desorption of Nitrogen Dioxide Adsorbed by Synthetic Zeolites" by LOGAK, L. G., ROZENBERG, G. I., KUSNETSOV-FETISOV, L. I. -- "Study of the Mechanism of Adsorption of Nitrogen Dioxide on Silica Gel by IR Spectroscopy. Report II. Kinetics of Adsorption of Nitrogen Dioxide on Synthetic Mordenite at Low Adsorbate Pressures" by LOGAK, L. G., ROZENBERG, T. I., KUZNETSOV-FETISOV, L. I. -- "Study of the Mechanism of Adsorption of Nitrogen Dioxide on Silica Gel by IR Spectroscopy. Report I. Method and Preliminary Results" by VELIKANOV, V. M., ROZENBERG, G. I., KUZNETSOV-FETISOV, L. I. -- "Some Results of the Dynamic Nature of Adsorption" by YARYSHEV, G. M., SUYETIN, P. Ye. -- "The Problem of the Role of Adsorbed Gas During Boiling" by YERSHOV, Yu. G., KHRENOV, V. I. -- "Adsorption of Water Vapors on Gallium Arsenide" by KIROVSKAYA, I. A., LOBANOVA, G. L., STAROVOYTENKO, L. M. -- "Adsorption of N-methylpyrrolidone from Gases by Activated Carbon" by KORDYSH, Ye. I. -- "Determination of the Specific Surface of Humates by the Gas-Chromatographic Method" by NOVOTOROV, A. S., KRUGLITSKIY, N. N., TRETINNIK, V. Yu., PARKHOMENKO, V. V., BELIK, F. A. -- "Study of the Adsorption of Ions of Certain Elements in Groups I-VIII on Surface (111) of Semiconductor Monocrystals" by VASIL'YEV, I. Ya., NIKULIN, V. N. -- "Movement and Nature of the Front of Adsorption of Benzene by Zeolites frow a Mixture of Benzene-n-heptane" by SAMOYLOV, N. A., FOMINYKH, L. F. -- "Infrared Spectra of the OH Groups on the Surfaces of Oxides" by PLATONOV, V. V., TRET'YAKOV, N. Ye., FILIMONOV, V. N. -- "Adsorption Capacity of Higher and Lower Oxides of Y, U and Mn Produced by Mutual Conversions" by MARDALEYSHVILI, R. Ye., DANELIYA, A. P., KON', M. Ya. -- "Surface Tension of Mixtures of C₇C₁₀ Alcohols with Heptane" by YEFREMOV, Yu. V. -- "Determination of Surface Tension of Slags of Energetic Coals in the Plastic State" by VDOVENKO, M. I., ZHUKOVA, T. S. -- "Express Method for the Determination of ⁹⁰Sr, ⁸⁹Sr, and ⁹¹Y in Aerosol Samples" by YUSHKAN, YE. I., ROVINSKIY, F. YA., STUKIN, YE. D., IOKHEL'SON, S. B., TSYBUL'NIK, G. S. -- "New N-Substituted Derivatives of Cytisine" by SHAYMARDANOV, R. A., ISKANDAROV, S., YUNUSOV, S. YU., "Alkaloids of Aconitum Tranzscheli and A. Anthroideum" by TEL'NOV, V. A., YUNUSOV, M. S., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "Dynamics of the Accumulation of Alkaloids in Peganum Harmala" by KHASHIMOV, KH. N., TELEZHENETSKAYA, M. V., SHARKHIMOV, N. N., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "Pediculinin -- A New Alkaloid from Pedicularis Olgae" by ABDUSAMATOV, A., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "The Structure of Pediculidine" by ABDUSAMATOV, A., RASHIDOV, M. U., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "Alkaloids of Buxus Sempervirens" by KHODZHAYEV, B. U., SHAKIROV, R., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "Alkaloids of the Bulbs of Colchicum Kesselringii" by TURDIKULOV, KH., YUSUPOV, M. K., SADYKOV, A. S. -- "Alkaloids of Verbascum Nobile" by NINOVA, P., ABDUSAMATOV, A., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "Alkaloids of Leontuce Smirnovii" by TKESHELASHVILI, E. G., ISKANDAROV, S., MUDZHIRI, K. S., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "A Study of the Alkaloids of Malacocarpus Crithmofolius" by ZHAREKEYEV, B. KH., TELEZHENETSKAYA, M. Y., YUNUSOV, S. YU. -- "Alkaloids of Stephania Hernandifolia. VIII. Methylhernanine" by FADEYEVA, I. I., FESENKO, D. A., IL'INSKAYA, T. N., PEREL'SON, M. YE., TOLKACHEV, O. N. -- "PAPER Electrophoresis for the Determination of Galantamine and Securinine in Forensic Chemical Investigations" by MIKHNO, V. V., LEVITS'KA, C. K. -- "Determination of Residual Methyl Mercaptophos in Biological Matter" by TASHPULATOV, A. YU. -- "Densitometric Determination of Opium Alkaloids with Use of Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation" by CHICHIRO, V. YE., KOSTENNIKOVA, Z. P., MEKHTIKHAMOV, S. D. -- "Study of Surface Tension of Solutions in the System Indium-Bismuth" by GOLUBEV, N. A., ZHUKOVSKIY, Ye. L., POKROVSKIY, N. L. -- "The Powder (Solid-Propellant) Engine as a Homogeneous Chemical Reactor" by GOSTINTSEV, YU. A., YERMOLAYEV, B. S., POKHIL, P. F. -- "The Effect of Gas-Phase Mass Transfer on Fuel Cell Operation" by LIDORENKO, N. S., ONISHCHUK, V. A. -- "New ELectrochemical Power Energy Sources" by BAGOTSKIY, V. S. -- "Manufacture of Annealed Anodes for Aluminum Electrolyzers by Combined Pressing and Annealing" by DEMIN, A. V., POPOV, V. L., SVOBODA, R. V., LAVROVA, T. V., KOZHEVNIKOVA, N. A., SHIPKOV, N. N. -- "Stand for Non-bath Galvanic Treatment of Apertures in Parts" by BORODYANSKIY, A. M. -- "Use of Niobium and Zirconium Electrodes in Precipitation Reactions" by KHUZIYATOVA, N. G. -- "Method of Electrochemical Dimensional Working" by KOTEL'NIKOV, A. I., DAMASKIN, Yu. I., MEL'NIKOV, G. I. -- "Method of Electrolytic Polishing of Rare Earth Metals and Their Alloys" by TEREKHOVA, V. F., KULAKOV, Yu. A., SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., SHELKOVA, I. G. -- "Method of Anodization of Beryllium and Its Alloys" by VOL'FSON, A. I., UMOV, V. S., POLONSKIY, E. L., MARKOVA, N. Ye., CHERNYSHOV, V. V., LEBEDEV, V. N. -- "An Alkaline Battery" by MOZALEVSKAYA, V. A., SHIL'NIKOV, A. I., YABLOKOVA, I. Ye., KAZAKEVICH, G. Z. -- "A Lead Battery" by ASEYNBERG, E. Ye., CHERNYSHEV, I. I., KRYUCHKOV, A. V., BETS, D. I., MARSHEVA, Z. V. -- "Method of Preparation and Use of Alkaline Battery" by POZIN, Yu. M., GOLUB, Yu. S., NIKOL'SKIY, V. A. -- "Method of Manufacture of Lead-Acid Battery Electrodes" by ZALYATDINOV, Sh. S. -- "Device for Manufacture of Electrodes of Chemical Current Sources" by KREYNIN, M. N., RUVINSKIY, L. G., ADAMYAN, R. G. -- "Method of Separation of Alkali Metal Amalgams" by KUBASOV, V. L., VOLKOV, G. I. -- "Electrolyte for Electrochemical Polishing of Products" by SHTAN'KO, V. M., LIPKIN, Ya. N., NOVIKOV, V. G., VOLKOV, Yu. M., STRIZHAK, G. K., RABINOVICH, O. Ya., ZIMOVETS, V. G., DANILOV, A. M., MATVEYEV, Yu. M., MEDNIKOV, Yu. A. -- "Influence of Complex Formation on the Structure of Chromium Sediments" by TARASOVA, K. P., BARABOSHKIN, A. N., MARTEM'YANOVA, Z. S. -- "The Problem of Determining the Internal Stress of Nickel Coatings" by DVORSHAK, A., VROBEL', L. V. -- "Electrodeposition of Tin-bismuth Alloy in Sulfuric Acid Electrolyte with Surface Active Agents" by KAS'YANOV, A. V. -- "Study of Electrolytic Separation of Silver-Cadmium Alloy" by KUDRA, O. K., IZBEKOVA, O. V., GAYEVSKAYA, L. V., "Galvanoplastic Method of Manufacture of Metal Filters" by TARASOV, Yu. A., GARBUZOV, N. V., TSAKHNOVSKIY, I. M., VASIL'KO, N. P. -- "Method of Determining the Porosity of Metal Coatings" by GOLUBEV, A. I., KADYROV, M. Kh., PEDANOVA, V. G. -- "Means of Specialization of Galvanic Production" by ZGURSKIY, V. A. -- "Installations for Chemical and Electrochemical Surface Processing" by ZHENISHEK, L. -- "Production of Continuous Coatings of Vanadium by Electrolysis of Halide Melts" by IVANOVSKIY, L. Ye., KOTELEVSKAYA, V. A., RASKIN, B. Ya. -- "Influence of Pulsed and Reversing Current on Purification of Zirconium of Hafnium During Electrolysis of Chloride-Fluoride Melts" by PETENEV, O. S., IVANOVSKIY, L. Ye. -- "Influence of Melt Composition on Rate of Titanation of VN-2 Alloy" by BELYAYEVA, G. I., ANFINOGENOV, A. I., ILYUSHCHENKO, N. G., FINKEL'SHTEYN, S. D. -- "Electrode Processes During Electrolysis of Anodes of NbO in a Chloride-Fluoride Melt" by KRASIL'NIKOV, M. T., IVANOVSKIY, L. Ye. -- "Electrolysis of Niobium Dioxide Anodes in a Chloride-Fluoride Melt" by KRASIL'NIKOV, M. T., IVANOVSKIY, L. Ye. -- "Electrochemical Reduction of Uranium (VI) to Uranium (IV) in Sulfate Solutions" by STABROVSKIY, A. I., SLEPCHENKO, I. G. -- "Study of Some Reactions Using Phosphine Derivatives of Niobium and Tantalum Pentachlorides" by GLUSHKOVA, M. A., YERSHOVA, M. M., OVCHINNIKOVA, N. A., BUSLAYEV, YU. A. -- "Chemical Transfer of Uranium Sulfides and Selenides" by SEVAST'YANOV, V. G., ELLERT, G. V., SLOVYANSKIKH, V. K. -- "Electrochromatography of Rare Elements. II. Separation of Rhenium (VII), Molybdenum (VI), Vanadium (V), and Tungsten (VI) in a Sulfuric Acid Solution on a Layer of Aluminum Oxide" by GAYBAKYAN, D. S., SAGRADYAN, S. I. -- "Separation of Neptunium and Plutonium by an Adsorption Method on the Surface of Polished Platinum" by SAMARETSEVA, A. G., ZHURAVLEVA, Z. A. -- "Oxidation of Uranium Dioxide at Temperatures Below 270°C" by KUZ'MICHEVA, YE. U., KOVBA, L. M., IPPOLITOVA, YE. A. -- "Crystalline Structures of Double Uranium Oxides" by KOVBA, L. M. -- "Photochemical Reduction of Uranyl Fluoride With Ethanol" by KIREYEVA, G. N., SAVEL'YEVA, V. I., GROMOV, B. V. -- "Tetravalent Uranium and Thorium Benzoylacetonates" by GRINBERG, A. A., PETRZHAK, G. I., LOZHKINA, G. S. -- "Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constants and Reaction Heat Effects of the Extraction of Uranyl Nitrate with Trialkylphosphates in Inert Solvents. IX. Tri-n-Decylphosphate (TDP)" by SHPUNT, L. B., KOMAROV, YE. V., PUSHLENKOV, M. F. -- "Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constants and Reaction Heat Effects of the Extraction of Uranyl Nitrate with Trialkyl Phosphates in Inert Solvents. VII. Tri-n-Nonylphosphate (TNP)" by KOMAROV, YE. V., SHPUNT, L. B. -- "Appearance of Nonequilibrium Current Carriers in Interaction of Ge Single Crystal With Au³⁺ Ions in HF Solution" by KRIKSHTOPAYTIS, I. B., KUDZHMAUSKAYTE, ZH. P. -- "Separation of Isotopes During Exchange Between Molecules of the Gas Phase and Ions of a Solid-Exchanger. III. Determination of H.E.T.C. During Exchange Between Ammonium and the Ammonium Form of an Ionite in a Counterflow Column" by BAYRAMOV, V. T., SUFANOV, M. S., GORSHKOV, V. I. -- "Formation of Ion Pairs in Ionites" by SOLDATOV, V. S. -- "An Infrared-Spectroscopic Study of the Thermal Stability of the Anionite VP-1 AP" by KISELEVA, YE. D., KHSANOVZ, V. M., SEMENOVSKAYA, Y. D. -- "Some Properties of Ceramic Ion Exchange Membranes" by KUDRYAVTSEV, L. A., DMITRIYEVA, L. M., PEDOROV, A. P., DANILKIN, V. I. -- "Nonionic Exchange Sorption of Monoiminodiacetates of Rare Earth Elements on a Cation Exchange Resin" by MARTYNEKO, L. I., KUPRIYANOVA, G. N., PRUTKOVA, N. M. -- "Study of Beryllium Complexing in Aqueous Organic Solutions of Mineral Acids by the Ion Exchange Method" by BELYAVSKAYA, T. A., NEMIROVSKAYA, I. A. -- "Swelling of Cation Exchange Resin KU-2 in Aqueous Organic Solutions of Mineral Acids" by NEMIROVSKAYA, I. A., BELYAVSKAYA, T. A. -- "Thermal Stability of Cation Exchange Resins" by POLYANSKIY, N. G., TULUPOV, P. YE., "Reactivity of Ambident Anions. Selective Solvation of Acetoacetic Ester Anion in Alkylation Reactions" by KURTS, A. L., MASIAS, A., BELETSKAYA, I. P., REUTOV, O. A. -- "Anomalies in Sorption in Phosphoric Acid Ionites" by KOLESNIK, Ye. S., MAKAROVA, S. B., PAKHOMOVA, E. M., YEGOROV, YE. V. -- "Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide on Monocrystals of Gallium Arsenide" by KIROVSKAYA, I. A., FILIMONOVA, V. M. -- "The Effect of Surface Active Media on Free Surface Energy of Pyrographite" by YELYUTIN, V. P., KOSTIKOV, V. I., KHARITONOV, A. V. -- "Polysaccharides of the Brown Algae. V. Smith's Degradation of Sargassan and Pelvetian" by SOLOV'YEVA, T. F., KHOMENKO, V. A., PAVLENKO, A. F., OVODOV, YU. S. -- "Polysaccharides if the Brown Algae. IV. Fragmentation of the Sargassan and Pelvetian Molecules" by KHOMENKO, V. A., PAVLENKO, A. F., SOLOV'YEVA, T. F., OVODOV, YU. S. -- "Contact Interaction of Melts in the System Silicon-Niobium with Carbon Materials" by BOBKOLSKIY, V. N., DERGUNOVA, V. S., IVANOVA, T. N., KOSTIKOV, V. I., LEVIN, V. Ya., TARABANOV, A. S. -- "Aminoesters of Heterocyclic Dicarboxylic Acids" by PONOMAREV, A. A., MARTEM'YANOVA, N. I. -- "Indole Chemistry. XXVII. 2-Halogenacetylindoles" by KOST, A. N., GORBUNOVA, S. M., BUDYLIN, V. A. -- "Indole Chemistry. XXVI. Mercurization of the 1-Methylindoles" by YUDIN, L. G., KOST, A. N., PAVLYUCHENKO, A. I. -- "Indole Chemistry. XXV. Bromination of the Benzene Ring of Alkylindoles" by KOST, A. N., YUDIN, L. G., BUDYLIN, V. A., ABDULLAYEV, M. -- "Indole Chemistry. XXI. Nitration of 3-Acylindoles" by YUDIN, L. G., PAVLYUCHENKO, A. I., BUDYLIN, V. A., MINKIN, V. I., KOST, A. N. -- "Synthesis of Derivatives of a New Heterocyclic System of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrobenzofuro[3,2-c]pyridine" by KUCHEROV, N. F., AKSANOVA, L. A., SHARKOVA, L. M. -- "Indole Derivatives. Report 72. Addition of Sulfur-Containing Reagents to Nitrovinylindole" by VINOGRAD, L. KH., SHALYGINA, O. D., BULATOVA, N. N., KOSTYUCHENKO, N. P., ZYKOVA, T. N., MIKERINA, A. L., ARUTYUNYAN, G. S., SUVOROV, N. N. -- "Studies in the Imidazole Series. LXIII. Synthesis of Imidazo-[1,2-a]Imidazole Derivatives Based on 2-Aminoimidazoles" by PRIYMENKO, B. A., KOCHERGIN, P. M. -- "Isoquinoline Derivatives. VI. Synthesis and Pharmacological Properties of 4,6,7-Substituted 1(2)-Arylalkyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines and Their Analogues" by MNDZHOYAN, AL., MARKARYAN, E. A., MARTIROSYAN, T. N., SOLOMINA, L. P., MARASHYAN, E. S. -- "New Derivatives of 4-Quinaldinol. XVII. 2-Methyl-3-(3-chlorobuten-2-yl-1)--4-hydroxyquinoline-6-carboxylic acid and Some of Its Reactions" by GYUL'BUDAGYAN, L. V., MARGARYAN, N. A., DURGARYAN, V. G. -- "Synthesis of N'-Substituted 4-Aminopiperidines With a Shielded Nitrogen Atom" by NIKITSKAYA, YE. S., ALEKSEYEVA, L. M., SHEYNKER, YU. N., YAKHONTON, L. N. -- "Raman Spectra of Polynitro- and α-Halogenopolynitroalkanes" by LEVIN, A. A., KHUTORETSKIY, V. M., OKHLOBSTINA, L. V., SHLYAPOCHNIKOV, V. A. -- "Synthesis of Nitroalkyl-N-nitrosoamines" by GAFUROV, R. G., SOGOMONYAN, YE. M., YEREMENKO, L. T. -- "Ferrocenylgoldtriphenylphosphine Complexes With Monovalent Gold Salts" by PEREVALOVA, E. G., LEMENOVSKIY, D. A., GRANDBERG, K. I., NESMEYANOV, A. N. -- "Complex Compounds of Thorium with Organic Ligands" by GRINBERG, A. A., PETRZHAK, G. I., LOZHKINA, G. S. -- "Oxidation of Phosphine with Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Bromide Ions" by SOKOL'SKIY, D. V., DORFMAN, YA. A., RAKITSKAYA, T. L. -- "Method for Obtaining Functional-Replacing Dialkyl Phosphates" by NIFANT'YEV, E. Ye., BLAGOVESHCHENSKIY, V. S., SOKURENKO, A. N., SKLYARSKIY, L. S. -- "Steric Structure of Phosphorus-Containing Heterocycles. II. Dipole Moments and Kerr Constants of Certain 2-Thiono-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinanes" by VERESHCHAGIN, A. N., ARSHINOVA, R. P., VUL'FSON, S. G., CHERKASOV, R. A., OVCHINNIKOV, V. V. -- "Synthesis of 0,0-Diethylethylphosphenyl/N,N,N-diethylaryl(alkyl)/ammonium Halides" by BARABASH, N. D., DZHUNDUBAYEV, K. D., KOZHAKHMETOVA, R. I., PORTNOVA, G. V., "Vibrational Spectra of Trimetaphosphates in M¹PO₃-MTI(PO₃)₂ Systems" by POLETAYEV, E.V., TOKMAN, I. A., BUKHALOVA, G. A. -- "Study of the Solubility of Monosubstituted Quinoline, Isoquinoline, Quinaldine, and Lepidine Phosphates in Ethanol and Methanol of Different Concentrations" by POPOV, V. A., YUSHKOVA, I. K., BOLAVINA, I. G., CHERKASOV, N. KH., KHARLAMPOVICH, G. D. -- "Synthesis of Acid Amides of Phosphoric Acid" by SHILOV, I. V., NIFANT'YEV, E. YE. -- "Study of the Kinetics of Oxidation of Phosphine with Chlorine Solution" by SOKOL'SKIY, D. V., DORFMAN, YA. A., POLE, G. P. -- "Triphenylphosphite Transesterification Reaction with Alcohols" by NIFANT'YEV, E. YE., SHESTAKOVA, T. G., KIRICHENKO, E. A. -- "Syntheses in the Purine Series. Report 28. The Role of Phosphorus Pentachloride in the Transformation Reaction of Theobromine or 8-Chlorotheobromine into Respective 2,6-Dichloropurines by GUTOROV, L. A., NIKOLAYEVA, L. A., GOLOVCHINSKAYA, YE. S. -- "Effect of the Structures of Aromatic Organophosphorus Acids on Their Extraction Properties" by LASKORIN, B. N., BUCHIKIN, YE. P., SHATALOV, V. V., PONOMAREVA, S. I. -- "Steric Structure of Certain 2-Oxa-Derivatives of 1,3,2,-Dioxaphosphorinanes" by ARBUZOV, B. A., ARSHINOVA, R. P., ZOROASTROVA, V. M. -- "Isomerization of 1-Oxo-chlorophospholenes in Presence of Phosphorus Trichloride" by ARBUZOV, B. A., VIZEL', A. O., GINIYATULLIN, R. S., SHCHUKINA, L. I. -- "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Some Oxanzaphospholanes" by SHAGDULLIN, R. R., SHALIROV, I. KH., PUDOVIK, M. A., TERENT'YEVA, S. A. -- "Catalytic Phosphorylation of Polyfluorinatad Alcohols. 1. Preparation of Tripolyfluoroalkyl and Arylpolyfluoroalkyl Phosphates" by ZAKHAROV, L. S., PISARENKO, V. V., GODOVIKOV, N. N., KABACHNIK, M. I. -- "Interaction of N-Aminomethylamides of Carboxylic Acids with Phosphorous Acid Esters" by IVANOV, B. YE., KROKHINA, S. S. -- "l-Halogen-l-thioxophospholenes" by ARBUZOV, B. A., VIZEL', A. O., VERESHCHAGIN, A. N., RAYEVESKIY, O. A., ZVEREVA, M. A. -- "IR Spectra and Hydrogen Bonds in Some Organophosphorus Derivatives of Nitro Alcohols" by MATROSOV, YE. I., BARANOV, G. M., PEREKALIN, V. V., KABACHNIK, M. I., MASTRYUKOVA, T. A. -- "Dipole Momenta of Para-Substituted Styryl Phosphonates" by ISHMAYEVA, E. A., BONDARENKO, N. A., PUDOVIK, A. N. -- "Conformation of Some Methylphenylphosphinic Acid Eaters" by RAYEVSKIY, O. A., KHALITOV, F. G., PUDOVIK, M. A. -- "NMR-H¹, NMR-P³¹ and INDOR-H¹ - {P³¹} Spectra of Compounds Containing -P(X) - N - P(Y)-Group" by NURETDINOV, I. A., NEGREBETSKIY, V. V., YANKELEVICH, A. Z., KESSENIKH, A. V., NIKONOROVA, L. K., LOGINOVA, E. I. -- "Molecular Structures of Acyclic Organophosphorus Compounds" by KHAYKIN, L. S., VILKOV, L. V. -- "Mass Spectra of 1,2,3-Phosphadiazoles" by KOSTYANOVSKIY, R. G., PLEKHANOV, V. G., IGNATOVA, N. P., BOBKOVA, R. G., SHVETSOV-SHILOVSKIY, N. I. -- "Tetraanilides of bis-Polyhaloacylamidophosphoric Acid" by RUDAVSKIY, V. P., LITOSHENKO, N. A. -- "A Novel Method for the Conversion of Amidophosphites Into Amidophosphates" by GUDKOVA, I. P., CHAN DIN' DAT, NIFANT'YEV, E. YE. -- "Chromatographic Activity and Dipole Moments of Certain Organothiophosphorus Compounds" by BANKOVSKAYA, N. N., ORLOVA, G. V. -- "Method of Production of Symmetrical or Nonsymmetrical O, O, O', O'-Tetraalkyl-S, S'-Isopropyline Bis-dithiophosphates" by MEL'NIK, Ya. I., ZEMLYANSKIY, N. I. -- "Novel Fungicides - Derivatives of Dithiocarbamic Acid" by BEZOBRAZOV, YU. N., BRYSOVA, V. P., GUKOVA, R. A. -- "The Economic Factor in Determining Optimal Chlorination Conditions" by SIMONOV, V. D., IVANOV, V. I. -- "Determination of Organic Chloride Pesticides by Thin-Layer Chromatography with Some Modifications" by BRATOV, K. B., BABAYEV, I. I. -- "Effectiveness of Autumn-Spring Application of Mixture of 2,4-D Butylester and Dibutylphosphite in Control of Perennial Shoot Weeds" by KULIKOV, G. P., KOGAN, V. Sh., PROKOF'YEV, A. N., KOVALENKO, I. S. -- "Testing of a New Herbicide -- Tordone (aminotrichloropicolinc acid)" by KULIKOV, G. P., PROKOF'YEV, A. N., VAGINA, V. Ye., and "Analysis of Forms of Herbicides and Methods of Their Application to Fields" by ZAPEVALOV, P. P. -- "Herbicides in Feed Production" by KUTUZOV, G. P., ZOSIMOVSKAYA, T. V., KANYGIN, YU. I. -- "Properties and Biological Activity of the Naphthenic Acid Fractions of Baku Oil" by ARTAMONOV, A. F., GORYAYEV, M. I. -- "Derivatives of Arylalkylamines. II. Constitution and Physiological Activity of Some Substituted Arylalkylamines and Their Derivatives" by MNDZHOYAN, A. L., MARKARYAN, E. A., ALEKSANYAN, R. A., KHORENYAN, G. A., BALAYAN, R. S., ARUSTAMYAN, ZH. S. -- "Bis- β-chloroethyl Sulfides. 2. Derivatives of α-Chloro-β-(β-chloroethylthio)- and α-( β-Chloroethylthio)- β-chloroisobutyric Acid" by LIN'KOVA, M. G., GREYCHUTE, D. I., RASTEYKENE, L. P., KNUNYANTS, I. L. -- "Diallyl Esters of Alkyl(aryl)thiophosphoric Acid" by FAYZULLIN, I. N., SHVETSOVA, L. YE. -- "Bis-(tri- β, β', β"-chloromethyl)-ethyl Ester of Methylphosphonic Acid -- a New Additive for Obtaining Fireproof Polymers" by VLASOVA, L. A., KUZNETSOV, YE. V. -- "Phosphorus-Containing Complex-Forming Polymers on the Basis of Vinylphosphonic Acid Diisobutyl Ester and Acrylic Acid" by EFENDIYEV, A. A., ABBASOVA, B. G., OSMANOV, U. O., KERIMOVA, S. A. -- "Radiation-Chemical Grafting of Organophpsphorus Monomers Onto Polyethylene" by POPOVA, A. I., SERENKOV, V. I., GEFTER, YE. L. -- "Radiation-Chemical Synthesis of Grafted Polymer Materials With Fungicidal Properties" by KABANOV, V. YA., VORONKOV, V. A., KOCHKIN, D. A., Academician Vict. I. SPITSYN -- "Study of the Anomalous Water by the Method of Neutron Activation Analysis" by SPITSTN, V. I., GLAZUNOV, M. P., MULYAR, V. M., DERYAGIN, B. V., CHURAYEV, N. V., ZORIN, Z. M. -- "Polythermal Evaporation of Sea Water Concentrate at Boiling Temperatures" by ZDANOVSKIY, A. B., TIMOSHENKO, YU. M.
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- Y 3.J 66:
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- Document Date: 4/19/1972.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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