Communist Chinese Scientific Abstracts. General Science. No. 42 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1967.
- Physical Description
- 106 pages
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- Contents
- "Science and October Revolution" by TOPUCHIEV, A. -- "Water Conservation Must Better Serve Agricultural Production" by CHANG Han-ying -- "Technical Control of Winter Wheatfields" by TS'AI Hsu -- "The Nutritious Turnip Leaves" by LIU Hui-jung -- "Winter Watering for Larger Harvest" -- "How to Store Foodstuffs" by WANG I-ch'un -- "Storing of Sweet Potatoes" by CHU Te-hui -- "Getting Water from Earth" by KO Yin-hsuan -- "Finding the Volume of Water" by CHANG Jun-hsiang, CHANG P'ei-chih -- "Breeding Management and Care Against Cold of Pigs During Winter" by CHANG Yao-tsung, HSIANG Ta-shih -- "Some Problems of Cabbage Cellar Storage" by CHI Wen-hai -- "SHENG Chin-lung (4141/6651/7893) Has Found the Rule of Breeding Piglets" -- "Standardization is a Mighty Weapon of Socialistic Reconstruction" by HU Ma -- "Gear Transmission by HSUAN Hai -- "Artificial Coal Gas" by MA Hsueh-liang -- "Treasures from Coal" by CH'IU Lin -- "About Coal" by YU Chun-hsiung -- "Petroleum - the [Illegible] of Industries" by OU Feng -- "Full Utilization of Wild Fibres" by A Ming -- "Degumming - The First Step toward Wild Fiber Utilization" by HUAN Chih -- "How to Prolong Wear in Clothes" by CHU Shou-liang -- "Salt Industry Revolution - Long Period Deep Brine Crystallization" by JEN Wu -- "Comprehensive Utilization Salt Industry Resources" by WEN Chan-t'ien -- "The Fundamental Labor of Soil Motion Development" -- "Electric Waves and Electric Oscillations" by LIU Yu -- "Artificial Sun - Vegetable Cultivation by Artificial Light" by YOFEY, A. F. -- "The Cause of Coal Gas Poisoning" by LIU Hui-jung -- "Activities of Peking and Tientsin Scientific Workers Supporting Agriculture in Rural Areas" -- "The Role of Local Specialist MA T'ung-i (7456/0681/5030) in Pedological Research and Development" -- "Harder than Steel, Lighter than Water" -- "How to Change Barren Earth into Fertile Soil" by HSIUNG I -- "Later Wheat Sowing for Better Harvest" -- "A New Type Welders" -- "Winter Sowing of Spring Crops" by HSU Te-ch'ing -- "Automatic Wind Power Station" -- "Good Planning of Land Utilization for Exploitation of Land Production Potential" -- "Let Grain Crops Produce More Good Rice" -- "Three Essentials for Ploughing Cattles to Pass Winter" -- "Safety Measures for Fish to Cross Over Winter" by KUANG Tsu -- "Changing Winter Water Field to Dry Field For More Harvest" by LI Ch'un-chung -- "Water Box Type Crude Level Instrument" by LI Kuei-hsing -- "The Problem of Storing Pig Manure" -- "Hydraulic Excavation" by YANG Shao-wen -- "Irrigation by Thousands Years' Ice and Snow" -- "How to Economize Time and Transportation Charge" by HOU Chen-t'ing, KUO Ch'ing-feng -- "Storing Water for Ice Cultivation" -- "Ice and Snow of Ten Thousand Years" by T'ANG Pang-hsing -- "Artificial Control of Micro-Climate" by CHANG Yang-ts'ai -- "Rotor Automatic Lines" by TUNG Pi-ch'in -- "Questions and Answers on Round Slide Rules" by WANG Hua-yen -- "The Invisible Infra-Red Rays" by LI Ming-wu -- "Electronic Devices - the Heart of Radio" by LIU Yu -- "Friction Transmission" by HSUAN Hai -- "Scientific Rice Cooking" -- "Ice Sports" by LU Yun -- "The Cause of Uterus Prolapse" -- "Extensive Application of Linear Programming" -- "Medical Science Serving Agricultural Production" by HUANG Chia-szu -- "Precious Things Within the Beehives" by K'UNG Fan-ch'ang, WANG Yen-tzu -- "Rattan-Melon Type Irrigation Gutter System" by T'AO Shu-tseng -- "Readers, Writers and Editors" -- "Separate Sowing on Cultivated and Uncultivated Soils is Scientific Method of Maize Increase Production" by SHIH Hung-t'ao -- "The Wonders of Winter Slumber World" by KO Chin -- "Gas Transportation Equipment" by CHIN Ta -- "Wasteless and Low Waste Processing" by HU Ma -- "The History of Steel" by P'AN Chien-wu -- "Snow and Farming" by I Min, CHIH Kuang., "The World of Ice" by HUANG Lung -- "The Launching of Soviet Third Spaceship" -- "Odd and Even Points Mapping Method" by KUAN Mei-ku -- "Inquiry for Drafts." -- "A Simple Selection Method for Shortest Route Selection" by HOU Chen-t'ing -- "The Mapping Method" by CHANG Jun-hsiang -- "Application of Linear Programming to Agriculture" by LIN Ts'o-yun, WU Wen-chao -- "Winter Cultivation of Sphaerella" by HUA Ju-ch'eng -- "Perniosis Prophylaxis" by K'UNG Hsiang-ch'in -- "Infectious Hepatitis" by WANG Hsi-ming -- "Peat - A Nationwide Natural Fertilizer" by LIU Ying, CHANG An-tai, HSU Ch'eng-chiang -- "Pig Breeding and Climate" -- "How does Coal Gas Automobile Operate" by CH'EN Hsiao-kuang -- "The Unlimited Potential of Photosynthesis" by HO Tsai -- "Signal Variations" by LIU Yu -- "The Future of Aviation Service To Agriculture" by HSIEH Ch'u -- "Agricultural Airplanes" -- "Development of Science within the Communes" -- "Introduction of Scientific Technique to the Agricultural Production Frontlines" -- "Manage Well the Work of Protecting the Working Woman" by LI Te-ch'uan -- "Strive for This Year's Bumper Cotton Crops" by CHANG Ch'iu-hsiang -- "A Subject Widely Used in the Construction of National Economy -- Linear Programming, Part II" by HUA Lo-keng -- "New Varieties Created Through Sexual Hybridization" by CHUANG Ch'iao-sheng -- "Isotopes on the First Line of Agriculture" by LU Lu -- "A Great First That Shocks the World" -- "Plant Battery" -- "Geological Effects and Agriculture" by SHIH Kung -- "The Coordination and Use of Irrigation Machinery" by KAO Ju-shan -- "Repair Sick Tractors" by TUNG Hsiu -- "A Good Master of the Tractor" by KUO Fu-ch'ang -- "What Are the Problems to be Stressed in the Production and Use of Locally Made Chemical Fertilizers?" by HU Shih-chun -- "Irrigation of Wheat Field When Wheat Returns to Green" by YU K'ai-te -- "Chart Solution Method" by CHANG Jun-hsiang -- "One Method of Saving Materials" by JU Sung -- "Make Anthracite the Equal of Coke" by CHAO Meng-chien -- "Wire-Meshed Cement" by SHEN Tan-shen -- "Refilling Steel with Oxygen" by JO Wen -- "Why Does the Planting of Early-Maturing Jing Rice in Place of Early-Maturing Hsien Rice Increase Production?" by CH'EN I-wu, CHIANG Ch'in-lung -- "Man and Ions in the Air" by KO Chin -- "Making Use of Various Motive Power Resources to Generate Electricity" -- "Heroic Sisters Active on the Front of Science and Technology" -- "Comprehensive Utilization of Electric Power Industry and Energy Resources" by PAO Kuo-pao -- "The New Steam Combustion Thermoelectric Power Station" -- "A Power Station Without Turbines or Generator" -- "Hoe to Make Rice Grow More Ears, Grains and Full Grains" by KUO I-hsien -- "Fight Drought to Preserve Water in Soil" by YANG Ch'un-feng -- "Three Key Measures to Successful Raising of Chickens" by CHAO Hsi-pin -- "The Successful Launching and Return of the Fourth Soviet Spaceship" -- "Network of Irrigation Channels in Plain Fields" by CHANG Yung-ch'ang -- "Linear Programming, Par III" by HUA Lo-keng -- "Rational Use of Raw Material" -- "The Three Canons for the Production of the Blast Furnace -- Fine Raw Material Strong Air Blast, and High Temperature" by HUANG Wu-ti -- "A Scientific Method of Economizing Coke" by KENG Ping-hsi -- "Second Refining of Steel" -- "Rocket Was Born in Our Great Fatherland" by CHANG Li -- "The Mystery of Venus" by HSI Tse-tsung -- "The Sliding-Type Coal Storage" by HUANG Tien-kung -- "Cooks for Crops" by SHENG Sheng -- "Exterminating Mosquitoes in Spring" by LIN Ching-han -- "Self-Protecting Power of the Human Body" by TUNG Feng -- "How to Render Farmyard Manure Harmless" by KUAN Nai-yuan, WANG Yun-lieh -- "The Secret of Water in Soil" by YU K'ai-te -- "Flying Sand Soil" by CHANG I-ch'un -- "Potassium Bromide Helps Increase Yield of Corn" -- "A Good Method of Making Cotton Seedlings Cold-Resistant" -- "A Unique Drought-Resistant Medicine" -- "New Soldiers on the Agricultural Front -- High Molecules" by HO P'u -- "Mathematics for Dense Planting" by CHANG Jun-hsiang, CHANG P'ei-chih -- "The Secret of the Cinder Brick" by SHEN Tan-shen -- "Flight Towards Venus" -- "Plastics Serve Agricultural Production" -- "Man's Great Dream of Space Travel Has Been Realized"., and "Sing Praises of Vostok 1" by KUO Mo-jo -- "The First Human Space Traveler" by KAO Shih-ch'i -- "An Outstanding Railroad Engineer of Our Country -- CHAN T'ien-yu" by MAO I-sheng -- "A Soviet Space Traveler" by MEI-ERH-K'U-LO-FU -- "Meteorological Work Must Better Serve Agricultural Production" by JAO Hsing -- "A MeteorolgicalGuard on the Agricultural Front" by CH'I Kuan-t'ien -- "A Subject Widely Used in the Construction of National Economy -- Linear Programming, Part IV" by HUA Lo-keng -- "Crop Arrangement" by LI Ping-ch'uan -- "A New Way of Refining Steel and Iron" by WENG I-sen -- "The Reader, the Writer and the Editor" -- "The Significance of Careful Selection of Iron Ores" -- "How Do I Carry Out Technical Reform?" by SHEN Kuan-ken -- "How to Be a Good Doctor for Machines" by LIU Yu-ch'i -- "Microorgnisms and the Nutrition of Food" by HU Chi-sheng -- "The Methods of Producing, Storing and Using Royal Jelly" by WANG Yen-tzu -- "Tonics for Agricultural Crops -- Trace Elements: Boron and Manganese" by LI Chi-yun -- "Chick Diseases and Method of Prevention and Treatment" -- "A Simple Tool for Preventing Clogging Up of Irrigation Canals -- The T-Shaped Board" by CHANG Yung-ch'ang -- "A New Zoological Resource -- the Bloodworm" by TAI Ai-yun -- "Riboflavin Bacteria" by CH'EN Wen-wei -- "What is Riboflavin?" -- "Fry Emerge from Spawns in Spring Water" by KUANG Tsu -- "Catching Fish by Sound, Light, or Electricity" by SHE Ta-nu -- "A Red Flag of Coal Production" -- "A Good Example of Safe Generation of Electricity" -- "Hail the New Victory of the Soviet Union in Cosmic Flight" by Commentator -- "Space Flight and Mathematics" by CHIH Shih -- "How to Train Astronauts" by WEN Yu-jen -- "An Exercise at a Rocket Launching Station" by A-p'ing-ch'in-k'o -- "Psychology and the Selection of Flyers" by LIN Chung-hsien -- "We Want to Be Masters of Nature" by CHIN Shan-pao -- "On the Relationship Between Climate and Living Beings" by LU Chiung -- "Questions and Answers on the Basic Knowledge Concerning Technical Innovation and Technical Revolution" -- "Nitrogen-Fixing Microorganism and the Secret of Nitrogen-Fixing" by CHANG Hsien-wu -- "The Way to Miniaturization" by LIU Wei, HSUEH Kan -- "Single-Seat Aircraft" by HUNG Chun -- "Jet Boosters" by T'IEN An-chiu -- "Scientific and Technological News in Brief" -- "The Cradles of Mining Resources" by SHIH Kung -- "Why Hard Alloy Cutting Tools Are So Sharp?" by WANG Wen-sheng -- "Transportation Routes" by WU Kuan-sheng, CHAO Cheng-hsiang, WANG Te-ying -- "The Ancient Fishery in China" by SHE Ta-nu -- "The Way to Rebuild Cutting Tools" -- "Sciences and Ourselves" by CHAO Hsi-pin, CHUNG Wen, LIU Yu -- "The External Fertilization and Culture of a Human Egg" by LI Tsung-hao -- "Agricultural Knowledge" by TSENG Che-jung, CHU Te-hui, WANG Shih-chih, YAO Ying -- "The Future in Steel Production" by JO Wen -- "On the Revolution of Machine-Building Industry" by MIAO Yen -- "Biology and Chemical Industry" by CHU Nai-hu -- "The Idea of Food Production by Photosynthesis Directly" by HO Tsai -- "The Application of Supersonic Waves in Agriculture" by LI Chun-ming -- "Karst and Agriculture" by WANG Jui -- "The Contributions of Polish Scientists" -- "The New Uses of Air" by I Ch'uan -- "The Many Uses of Air in Construction" by SHEN Tan-shen -- "Scientific and Technological News in Brief" -- "High Molecular Polymeric Materials for Medical Use" by YU Shih-ch'eng, CHU Nai-hu -- "Supersonic Flight" by HSIEH Ch'u -- "The Value of Noise in Production" by T'U Yen -- "Technical Knowledge Titbits" -- "Science and Ourselves" by TAI Hsing-chun -- "The 'Dialectic Diagnosis' by Chinese Traditional Medicine" by HUNG Hsi -- "Revival from Death" by KU Jui-chin -- "How to Attain a Longer Life" by CH'ENG Wen-liang.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
- Subject(s)
- Note
- Document Date: 9/15/1967.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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