Soviet Abstracts. Biology. Section M, Cultivated Plants. Section N, Weeds and Their Control [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1958.
- Physical Description
- 107 pages
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- Contents
- Fertilizing Cotton Sown on a Bed of Lucerne. (Udobreniye khlopchatnika, vysevayemogo po plasty lyutserny) by Kh. Gyul'akhmedov -- Vegetative Hybridization Among Cotton Varieties Having a Different Chromosome number. (Vegetativnya, gibridizatsiya mezhdu raznokhromosomnymi vidami khlopchatnika) by Ruzhitsa Glavinich -- The Irrigation Conditions for Cotton on the Golodnaya Steppe by Z. S. Tursunkhodahayev, I. K. Kiseleva -- The Salt Resistance of Cotton and Its Effect on the Seasonal Dynamics of Salts in the Kura-Aruksinskaya Plain. (Soleustoy-chivost khlopchatnika, i yego vliyaniye na sezonnuyu dinamiku soley y usloviyekh Kura-Arcksinskoy nizmennostil by I. V. Penskoy -- The Effect of Several Factors on the Concentration of Cellular Fluid in Cotton. (Vliyaniye nekotorykh faktorov na kontsentratsiyu kletochnogo soka khlopchatnika) by Avakyan -- The Biochemical Processes in Cotton Bolls in Relation to the Pinching Out Periods. (Biokhimicheskiye protsessy v korobochkakh khlopchatnika v zavisimosti ot srokov chekanki) by N. P. Krivkina -- Cotton Raising in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. (Khlopkovodstvo Demokraticheskoy Respubliki V'yetnam) by V. Karamyshev -- How the Chinese Cotton Raisers Cultivate Cotton. (Kak vozdelyvayut khlopchatnik kitayskiye khlopkordby) by A. Aleksandrov -- Correctly Side Dressing Cotton. (Pravil'no provesti podkormki khlopchatnika) by K. I. Semergey -- Concerning the Rationalization of Cotton Irrigation Techniques. (O ratsionalizatsii tekhniki poliva khlopchatnika) by G. A. Danov -- The Effect of Forced Self-Pollination and Intervarietal Crossing on the Viability of Flax Plants. (Vliyaniye prinuditel'-nogo skreshchivaniya na zhiznennost' rastenniy l'na) by Saakyan -- Development of the Seed Cultivation of Flax Fiber in the USSR. (Razvitiye semenovodstva l'na-dolguntsa v SSSR) by M.F. Poperekov -- The Agrotechny of Flax in the Northern Rayns of Kirovskaya Oblast'.(Agretekhnika l'na v severnykh rayonakh kirovskoy Oblasti) by B.K. Karmanovskiy -- Concerning the Article of A. A. Shushkin "New Selected Varieties of Fiber Flax". (Po povodu stat'i A. A. Shushkina "Novyye selektsionnyye sorta l'na-dolguntsa") by N.D. Matveyev -- Vegetative Reproduction. (Vegetativnoye pazmaozheniye) by Yan Chzhen'-khen -- The Most Important Achievements in the Selection of Oil-Bearing Crops in Poland During the Post-War Years. (Vazhneyshiye dostizheniya selektsii maslichnykh kul'tur v pol'she v poslevoyensyye gody.) by A. Litynskiy -- The Agrotechny and Variety Testing of Sunflowers Grown with Irrigation on the Light Chestnut Soil of Stalingradskaya Oblast'. (Agrotekhnika i sortoispytaniye podsolnechnika pri oroshenii na svetlo-kashtanovykh pochvakh, Stalingradskoy oblasti) by S.G. Konurov -- The Effect of Sowing Times and Spacing Between Plants on the Castor Oil Seed and Oil Harvest. (Vliyaniye srokov poseva i rasstoyaniya mezhdu rasteniyami na urozhay semyan kleshche viny i sbor masla) by F. Dembinskiy, M. Yablonskiy, A. Gofmanova, B. Kelchevskiy -- The Poppy. (Mak) by D. Stamatelake -- Progress in Sugar Beet Selection and Cultivation (Dostizheniya v seleksii i vyrachivanii sakharroy svekly) by S. Rosnovskiy, L. Shimchak -- The Efficiency of the Various Varieties of Fertilizer Used on Sugar Beets in the Meadow-Land. Zone of Chuyskaya Valley.(Effektivmost' otdel'nykh vidov udobreniy pod sakharnuyu sveklu v lugovoy zone Chuysoy doliny) by P. V. Presnyakov -- Contribution to the Problem of the Selectivity of [Illegible] in the Sugar and Table Beets. (K voprosu ob [Illegible] sakharnoy i stolovoy svekly) by G. G. Batikyan, B. A. Kostanyan., The Effect of Various Forms of Phosphorus Fertilizers on the Carbohydrate Metabolism, Quality and Yield of Sugar Beets. (Vliyaniye raznykh form fosfornykh udobrenil an uglevodnyy obmen, kachestvo i urozhay sokharnoy [Illegible] by G. K. Sul'zhenko -- Improvement of the Technological Properties of Sugar Beets Through Seed Stimulation. (Uluchsheniye tekhnologicheskikh svoystv sakharnoy svekly s pomoshch'yu stimulyatsii semyan.) by Ye. Popov -- The Square Cluster Method of Planting Sugar Beets. (Kvadratnognezdovoy sposob vozdelyvaniya sakharnoy svekly) by M. Ye. Nikolayev -- A Practical Study of the Various Varieties of Sugar Beets. (Prakticheskoye izucheniye razlichnykh sortov sakharnoy svekly) -- A Four Year Attempt to Obtain Sugar Beet Seeds. (Chetyrekhletniye opyty po polucheniyu semyan sakharnoy svekly) by J. Choma -- The Taytan 134, a Better Variety of Sugar cane. (Luchshiy sort sakharnogo trostnika Taytan 134) by Chzhen De-tsin -- Pollination's Action on the [Illegible] and Viability of Succeeding Generations of Tobacco Seen at Different stages of Style Growth. (Vliyaniye opyleniya na oplodotvoreniye i zhiznennost' potomstva tabaka pri razlichnom vozrastom sostoyanii ryl'tsa) by Rubaryan -- Tolacco Cultivation in the People's Republic of Albania. (Kul'tura tabaka v Narodnoy respublike Albanii) by R. I. Dogonadze -- The Cultivation of Tobacco. (Vyrashchivaniye tabaka) by Kim Ik Bom -- Experiments In Fertilizing (Tobacco and other Crops) with Organic and Mineral Mixtures. (Rezul'taty opytov po udobreniyu (tabaka i drugykh kul'tur) organo-mineral'nymi smecyami) by Yanko Yenchev -- The Side Dressing of Tobacco Seedlings with the Combined Fertilizer NH₄NO₃ · CaCO₃. (Podkormka tabachnoy rassady kombinirovannym udobreniyem NH₄NO₃.CaCO₃) by S. Markovich -- Prospective Mulberry Hybrids. (Perspektivnyye gibridy shelkovitsy) by E. Kraichiu -- Side Feeding the Outside Roots of Mulberry Saplings (Vnekornevaya podkormka sazhentsev shelkovitsy) by Chzhou Gen-chao -- Pinching Out Mulberry Seedlings. (Chekanka sazhentsev shelkovitsy by Myu Shou-tszyun' -- An Attempt to Raise Astragalus sinicus in Mulberry Orchards (Opyt vozdelyvaniya Astragalus sinicus na plantatsiyakh shelkovitsy) by Khuan Tszun-nan', Li Syao-chzhen', Ye Shou-tszyun', Chen' Tszin-shu -- The Composition of the Soap Fruit Tree. (Sostav plodovogo myl'nogo dereva) by D.F. Sokolov -- The Wild Fruit of South Kazakhstan. (Dikorastushchiye plodovyye Yuzhnogo Kazakhstana) by S.S. Kalmykov -- The Causes of the Quiescent Period in the Seeds of Fruit Plants. (O prichinakh perioda pokoya u semyan plodovykh rasteniy) by N.A. Abramov -- Fruit Orchard Irrigation (Orosheniye plodovykh sadov) by V. Ivanov -- Reconstruction Problems in Gardening and Viticulture. (Problemy rekonstruktsii sadovodstva i vinogradarstva) by I. Shoosh -- The Principles of Districting the Fruit Producing Area and Site Selecting for Fruit Orchards in the Central Terrain Along the Volga. (Printsipy plodovodstvennogo rayonirovaniya i vybor mestopolozheniy dlya plodovykh sadov v usloviyakh Srednogo Povolzh'ya) by F.D. Samuilov -- The Effect of Pruning Slightly Frozen Trees on the Restoration of Dead Tissue. (Vliyaniye obrezki podmerzshikh derev'yev na vosstanovleniye otmirayushchikh tkaney) by J. Sliva -- Horticulture in Sweden. (Sadovodstvo v Shvetsii) by S.A. Penenzhek -- The Principle Directions of Fruit Raising Research in the USA. (Osnovnyye naprvleniya issledovaniy po plodovodstvu v SShA by Frank P. Kyullinan -- The Field Vegetation Method of Investigating Apple Seedlings. (Polevoy vegetatsionnyy metod issledovaniya seyantsev yablon') by M.D. Kuznetsov -- The Problem of Methods of Evaluation for Fruit Culture Stock. (K voprosu o metodakh otsenki podvoyev u plodovykh kul'tur) by N.V. Kovalev, D.K. Sapon -- Peculiarities in the Development of Root Sucker Varieties of Apple. (Osobennosti razvitiya korneotpryskovykh sertov yabloni) by V.G. Gavrilov -- Several Peculiarities of Growth and Development in Dwarf Apple Stock. (Nekotoryye osobennosti rosta i razvitiya karlikovykh podvoyev yabloni) by V.I. Budagovskiy., The Effect of Partial Apple and Pear Pollination on the Development of Fruit and Seed. (Vliyaniye chastichnogo opyleniya tsvetka yabloni i grushi na razvitiye plodov i semyan) by N.A. Abramov -- The Irrigation Rates and Techniques for the Apple Orchard at Mozdoskaya Steppe. (Polivnoy rezhim i tekhnika poliva yablonevogo sada v Mozdokskoy stepi) by O.A. Revunova -- The Reproduction of Northern Forms of Common Quince (Razmnozheniye severnykh form ayvy obyknovennoy) by V. Smykov -- The Quince in the Dniester River Region. (Ayva v Pridnestrov'ye) by I.B. Kaymakan -- The Behavior of Local Plum Varieties Tuleu Gras and Gras Rominesc as Parents in Attempts to Derive New Varieties. (Povedeniye mestnykh sortov slivy Tuleu gras i Gras romynesk kak proizvoditeley v opytakh po vyvedeniyu novykh sortov) by V. Kochu -- The Apricot Crop in the District of Aiud. (Kul'tura abrikosa v rayone Ayud) by S. Vagner -- An Interesting New Variety of Cherry. (Novyy interesnyy sort chereshni) by Ye. I. Malyshev, Yu. K. Zoti -- New Nut Plant Species in South Kazakhstan. (Novyye vidy orekhoplodnykh rasteniy v Yuzhnom Kazakhstane) by S.S. Kalmykov -- The Turkish Hazel Nut. (Turetskiy funduk) by I. Iliyev -- The Inoculation and Variety Testing of the English Walnut. (Okulirorka i sortoispytaniye gretskogo orekha) by I.I. Pushkarskiy -- Berry Plants in Tyan'-Shan' by P. Ya. Kryachkov -- Wild Berries and Horticultural Production in the Khakassko-Minusinsk Depression. (Dikorastushchiye yagody i produktsiya sadovodstva Khakassko-Minusinskoy kotloviny) by A.S. Lenshin -- Strawberry Selection in the Voronezh Agricultural Institute. (Selektsiya zemlyaniki v Voronezhskom sel'skokhozyaystvennom institute) by Ye. A. Lapteva -- The Best Strawberry Varieties. (Luchshiye sorta zemlyaniki) by M.K. Ol'khovskiy -- High Grape Yields in the Second Year after Planting. (Vysokiye urozhai vinograda na vtoroy god posle posadki) by P. Ye. Tsekhmistrenko -- The Combined Action of the Microelements on Grapes. (Kombinirovannoye vozdeystviye mikroelementov na vinograd) by O.K. Dobrolyubskiy, A.B. Slavvo -- Report on a Study of the Cultivation of High Standing Grape Vines in the People's Republic of Serbia. (Soobshcheniye ob izuchenii vyrashchivaniya vysokoshtambovykh loz vinograda v Narodnoy Respublike Serbii) by M. Dragash, Milan [?], L. Abramov -- The Problem of the Formation of Grape Bushes. (K voprosu o formirovanii kustov vinograda) by Ye. I. Zakharova -- The Relative Phylloxera Resistance of Several Grape Varieties in the North Eastern Rayons of Armenia. (Sravnitel'naya fillokseroustoychivost' nekotorykh sortov vinograda v severo-vostochnykh rayonakh Armenii) by P.A. Yeresyan, G.M. Sosikyan -- Grape Irrigation in the Steppe Portion of the Kabardinian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. (Orosheniye vino-gradnikov v stepnoy chasti Kabardinskoy ASSR) by Ye. Yu. Boyeva -- The Stocks Used in Grape Cultures in the Rumanian People's Republic, and Their Effects on the Adaptability of Grafts, Productivity and Longevity of the Plantings. (Podvoi, primenyayemyye pri kul'ture vinograda v RNR, i ikh vliyaniye na prizhivayemost' privivok, urozhaynost' i dolgovechnost' posadok) by G. Konstantinesku, L. Velyanu, I. Poyenaru -- Dressing the Outside Grape Roots with Boron. (Vnekornevaya podkormka vinograda borom) by A.L. Kuts, Z.I. Shkarupa -- Biological Criteria for Determining the Initial Moment of Florescence in the Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera sativa). (Biologicheskiye kriterii dlya opredeleniya momenta nachala tsveteniya vinogradnoy lozy (Vitis vinifera sativa) by G. Konstantinesku, V. Lezeresku, I. Poyenaru -- Pollinating Grapes with Stock Variety Pollen. (Opyleniye vinograda pyl'tsoy podvoynykh sortov) by Ye. B. Ivanova -- Directed Cultivation of the Grape Crop. (Napravlenoye vyrashchivaniye urozhaya vinograda) by S.A. Mel'nik -- New Hungarian Varieties of Grape. (Novyye vengerskiye sorta vinograda) by Ye. S. Komarova -- The State of Viticulture in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. (Sostoyaniye vinogradarstva v Harodnoy Respublike Bolgarii) by M. Oshlobyanu., The Hamburg Muscadine, the Best Pollinator for the Korna Nyagra and Chasselas (Muskat gamburgskiy--luchshiy opylitel' dlya Korna nyagra i Shasla) by L.V. Kolesnik, A.T. Darova -- The Problem of the Evolution of the Areas Occupied by Vineyards in East and South CarpathianZones. (K voprosu ob evolyutsii ploshchadey, zanyatykh pod vinogradniki v vostchnoy i yuzhnokarpatskoy zonakh) by I.C. Teodoresku -- Grape Vineyards in the People's Republic of Macedonia and Yield Boosting Measures. (Vinogradnyye plantatsii v NR Makedonii i mery po uvelicheniyu urozhaya) by D. Pomovskiy -- Viticulture in Argentina. (Vinogradarstvo Argentiny) by Ya. I. Potapenko -- The Advantages of an Uncovered Grape Culture. (Preimushchestva neukryvnoy kul'tury vinograda) by P.N. Gornayev -- Remarks on Raising Grape Vines from Seed. (Zametki o vyrashchivanii vinogradnoy lozy iz semeni) by C. Blatnyy -- The Behavior of the Chasselas Dore and Fetyaska Belaya Districted Grape Varieties in the Vineyards of Copou under 1956 Conditions. (Povedeniye rayonirovannykh sortov vinograda Shasla dore i Fetyaska belaya na vinogradnikakh Kopou v usloviyakh 1956 g.) by C. Tsirdya -- Subtropical Fruit Trees in the Tupolang River Basin (Western Gissar).(Subtropicheskiye plodovyye basseyna r. Tupolang (Zapadnyy Gissar) by F. Kh. Dzhangurazov -- Contribution to the Problem of Better Stocks for Citrus Crops. (K voprosu o luchshikh podboyakh dlya tsitrusovykh kul'tur) by S. Kh. Pirtskhalayshvili -- The Phenomenon of Atrophy in the Absorptive Root System of Tea Plants. (Yavleniye otmiraniya vsasyvayushchey kornevoy sistemy u chaynogo rasteniya) by V.V. Vorontsov -- Supplemental Pollination with a Pollen Mixture in the Seed Raising of Tea. (Dopolnitel'noye opyleniye smes'yu pyl'tsy v semenovodetve chaya) by R.A. Khvatiya -- Sideration Bolsters Winter Hardiness in the Tea Shrub. (Sideratsiya povyshayet zimostoykost' chaynogo kusta) by N.P. Berdikovskaya, N.M. Vil'chinskiy -- The Efficiency of Various Dosages of Phosphorus on the Tea Plantations of Lenkorano-Astara Zone. (Effektivnost' razlichnykh doz fosfora na chaynykh plantatsiyakh Lenkorano-Astarinskoy zony) by R. Guseynov, A. Mirzoyan -- The Quality of Raw Tea in the Lenkorano-Astara Zone. (O kachestve chaynogo syr'ya Lenkorano-Astarinskoy Zony) by Ye. Sapozhnikova, F. Ponomareva -- Experiments on the Trimming Times of Young Tea. (Opyty po srokam podrezki molodykh chaynykh kustov) by Chzhuan Van'-fan, Chzhan Tszya-tszyuy, Fey Da-yun' -- The Jujube in Azerbaydzhan. (Unabi v Azerbaydzhane) by S.R. Aslanov -- The Subtropical Persimmon in Azerbaydzhan. (Subtropicheskaya khurma v Azerbaydzhane) by Z. Yu. Nabiyeva -- The Pomegranate in South Kazakhstan (Granat na yuge Kazakhstana) by A.S. Gukas'yan -- The Best Varieties of Subtropical Cultures. (Luchshiye sorta subtropicheskikh kul'tur) by M.N. Leont'yeva -- The Medicinal Cherry Laurel, Laurocerasus officinalis Roem, Its Distribution in Bulgaria and Biology. (O rasprostranenii v Bolgarii lavrovishni lekstvennoy Laurocerasus officinalis Roem i yeye biologii) by I. Penev -- The Oblepikha, a Source of Vitamin C. (Oblepikha, istochnikvitamina C) by J. Shindelarzhova -- Several Problems in Saffron Production. (Nekotoryye voprosy proizvodstva shafrana) by N. Rafizade -- The Forest and Phytocides. (Les i fitontsidy) by I.A. Floresku -- The Effect of Potassium Ferricyanide on Datura stramonium L., on its Leaf Yield, Content of Alkaloids and Several Other Components. (Vozdeystviye zhelezosinerodistogo kaliya na Datura stramonium L.--na urozhay list'yev, soderzhaniye alkaloidov i nekotorykh drugikh komponentov) by I. Reyfer, A. Ruminskaya, J. Konchkovskiy -- Contribution to the Microscopical and Morphological Study of the Development of Spurred Rye, Claviceps purpurea (Fries) Tul. II. (K mikroskopicheskomu i morfologicheskomu izucheniyu razvitiya sporyn'i Claviceps purpurea (Fries) Tul. II) by P. Molovidov -- Variations in the Weight of Ergot Sclerotia, Containing Alkaloids of the Ergotamine and Ergotoxine Groups. (Kolebaniya vesa sklerotskiy sporyn'i, soderzhashchey alkaloidy iz gruppy ergotamina i ergotoksina) by M. Karmazin., and A Pharmacognostic Study of the Chinese Medicinal Raw Material in the Plant Flos carthami tinctorii. (Farmakognosticheskoye izucheniye kitayskogo rastitel'nogo lekarstvennogo syr'ya flos carthami tinctorii) by Lou Chzhi-tsen', Lyu Mey-laz' -- Pharmacognostic Investigation of the Root Scutellaria baicalensis. (Farmakognosticheskoye issledovaniye kornya Scutellariae baicalensis) by Chzhao De-Ven', Mi Tszin-sen' -- Some Relative Data on Male and Branchy Ferns. (Nekotoryye sravitel'nyye dannyye o muzhskom i raskidistom paporotnike) by V. Vaverane -- The Dynamics of the Essential Oils during the Development of Individual Plant Phases. (Dinamica efirnogo masla v techeniye individual'nogo razvitiya rasteniy) by Ye. N. Balkovaya, P.A. Pozlevich -- The Eucalyptus and Its Possible Cultivation in Czechoslovakia as a Pharmaceutical Raw Material. (Evkalipt i vozmoszhnosti yego vyrashchivaniya v Chekhoslovakii v kachestve farmatsevticheskogo syr'ya) by G. Cheyka -- The Tulip Tree in Tadzhikistan. (Tyul'panoye derevo v Tadzhikistane) by F.A. Voloshchuk -- Dendrological Description of the City of Leshno (Dendrologicheskoye opisaniya g. Leshno) by W. Oltushevskiy -- A Tree And Shrub Assortment for Planting about Settled Areas in the Lithuanian SSR. (Assortiment derer'yev i kustarnikov dlya ozeleneniya naselennykh punktov Litovskoy SSR) by M. Lukaytene -- Several Ornamental Shrubs Suitable for Green Gardens in the Northern Regions. (Nekototryye Dekorativnyye kustarniki, prigodnyye dlya ozeleneniya severnykh rayonov) by Th. Groza -- Camellias. (Kamelii) by S.I. Nazarevskiy -- The Grenadine Carnation. (Gvozdika grenadin) by G.S. Gavrilov -- The Method Of Orchid Seed Reproduction. (Metodika semennogo razmnozheniya orkhidey.) by V.A. Poddubnaya-Arnol'di, V.A. Selezneva -- A Short Survey of New Varieties of Decorative Flower Cultures. (Kratkiy obzor novykh sortov dekorativnykh isvetochnykh kul'tur) by Z. Khel'vig -- Contribution to the Characterization of Vegetative Reproduction in the Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense Scop.) (K kharakteristike vegetativnogo razmnozheniya osota rozobogo (Cirsium arvease Scop.) by M. Koyich -- A New Method of Applying Herbicides.(Novyy sposob primeneniya gerbitsidov) by A.A. Kolosova -- The Effect of Minute Quantities of the Herbicide 2,4-D on the Grape Vine. (Vliyaniye malykh kelichesty 2,4-D na vinogradnuyu lozu) by D. Ziroyevich -- The Application of MG-T Preparation for Couch and Beach Grass Control.(Primeneniye preparata MG-T v bor'be a pyreyem i veynikom) by A. Eglite -- The Use of Herbicide P in Forest Nurseries for Weed Control by P. Sarv -- Field Mustard, and Its Control with Hormite.(Polevaya gorchitsa i unichtozheniye yeys gormitom) by M. Raycheva.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
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- Note
- Document Date: 12/18/1958.
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