USSR Scientific Abstracts. Electronics and Electronical Engineering. No. 90 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1968.
- Physical Description
- 105 pages : figures, tables
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- Contents
- Experimental investigation of amplitude and frequency fluctuations in a thin magnetic tape parametron by Potemkin, V. V., Zhigal'skiy, G. P. -- Resonant oscillations in slow-wave systems of traveling wave tubes (TWT) by Ryutts, D. -- Investigation of parallel compensation in the MUS-D system with semiconductor amplifiers by Sevast'yanov, V. A., Yesin, A. I., Ineshin, A. P. -- Calculation of the noise figure of a straight-through reflex-klystron regenerative amplifier by Kayal'yants, G. I. -- On increasing the operating speed in systems with magnetic amplifiers by Ineshin, A. P., Sevast'yanov, V. A. -- Statistics of the field of antennas with rotating polarization by Shubarin, Yu. V., Gorobets, N. N. -- A very wide band antenna with variable gain by Belyanskiy, V. B. -- "Parabolic-Horn Antenna With Improved Directivity Patterns in the Transverse Plane" by V. V. Timofeyev, N. L. Maksimova, A. A. Timofeyeva -- Coincidence and anticoincidence circuits with maximum switching speed of 40 Miz by Bushnin, Yu. B., Dunaytsev, A. F., Sen'ko, V. A. -- Electric fields in MHD channels in the case of anisotropic conductivity by Vatazhin, A. B. -- The analysis of a cryotronnic associative element controlling single field currents by Voytovich, I. D. -- Computation of the overheating of relay contacts. Computation of the overheating of electrical contacts in an automatic control system by Omel'chenko, V. T., Isakova, A. V. -- Prospects of using cold-cathode gas-discharge tubes in electronic computers by Kashkovskiy, V. -- Multiplier-divider unit using triangular carrier signals by Tsvetov, Yu. N. -- Semiconductor signal amplitude band selector by Abdulayev, D. A., Zhuravlev, V. M., Kogan, V. Ya. -- Radio-relay communications pioneer by Burland, V. -- Reliability of long-distance cables by Bunin, D. A. -- Reliability of information in the channels with noise signals by Dmitriyev, V. P. -- Law of distribution of signal distortion during data transmission by the method of Multiplex relative phase modulation by Krvshin, V. I., Pushkin, V. M., Sergiyenko, L. I. -- Mathematical description of the occurrence of errors in a communication channel by Zeliger, A. N. -- Ship radio communication in river basins (basic principles) by Girshfel'd, G. S. -- On certain problems occurring in the control of electron ray technological processes of microcircuit preparation by Derkach, V. P. -- Semiconductor thremoelectric microrefrigerators for temperature control of electronic equipment by Shcherbina, A. G. -- Possibilities of plasma MHD converters employing the Rankine cycle by Mokrushin, S. A., Radchenko, R. B., Stepanov, V. G., Sheynkman, A. G. -- A coding device utilizing a cathode ray tube with circular scan by Sakhov, V. B., Novozhilov, V. V., Sokolov, S. D. -- A spark plug. Class 46, No. 200961 by Bryantsev, A. Kh., Zorin, S. S., Kolodzeychak-Kolozeyskiy, Ye. I., Supitskiy, A. F., Filonenko, I. I. -- Device for swinging two antennas. Class 21, No. 201472 by Makkoveyev, P. M., Tsilevich, B. N. -- Thermocouple. Class 42, No. 203288 [announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electrothermal Equipment (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut elektrotermicheskogo oborudovaniya)] by Burtsev, Yu. I., Izakson-Demidov, Yu. A., Polishchuk, Ya. A., Edemskiy, V. M. -- Theoretical relationship between the thermal errors of bead thermistors and their parameters and measuring conditions by Glagolev, Yu. A. -- The theory of phase sensitive semiconductor relays by Figurnov, Ye. P. -- Microwave properties of a semiconducting receiving diode with a clamped point contact. Part II. by Strikha, V. I., Radziyevskiy, I. A., High frequency silicon high-power rectifiers VKCh-50 by Yuditskiy, S.B. -- A tunnel diode and transistorized decade counter by Butyl'skiy, Yu. T., Orlov, I. P., Zhukov, Ye. M. -- Effect of alloying temperature on characteristics of GaAs tunnel p-n junctions by Aleksoyeva, Z. M. -- Design of a ring counter using four-layer switching diodes by Katkov, A. F., Bratchikov, A. I. -- Directive-gain impairment due to arriving-wave fluctuation by Chesrokova, V. D. -- Radio source spectra in the meter wavelength range by Artyukh, V. S., Vitkevich, V. V., Dagkesamanskiy, R. D. -- Frequency stabilization of a millimeter band klystron with an open resonator by Shamfarov, Ya. L. -- A ferrite, magnetoelastic shf modulator by Lisovskiy, F. V., Monosov, Ya. A. -- The "Orbita" system of ground receiver station by Talyzin, N., Kantor, L., Tseytlin, M. -- Radio transmitters by Pakhlavyan, Anaida Nikitichna -- Pondermotive action of electromagnetic waves on waveguide cavity resonators by Orlov, V. G., Kukush, V. D. -- Enhancing reliability of electronic equipment by introducing automatic fault finders by Braudo, E. M. -- Device for punched tape duplication by Kerolev, V. V. -- Organization of the flow of information in a specialized computer for the control of electron-ray technological processes of microcircuit preparation by Derkach, V. P., Makarov, G. T., Rakitskiy, V. R., Zgurovets, L. Ya. -- The construction of secondary frequency codes and the probability indicators of secondary frequency codes by Sovetov, B. Ya. -- Automatic introduction of typewritten material into electronic computers by Tel'ksnis, L. -- Operating reliability of "Minsk-2" computers by Przhiyalkovskiy, V. V., Pshonik, A. G., Tokar', M. S. -- An OR and OR-NOT pulse logical element. Class 42, No. 199527 by Neplyuyev, L. N., Gorokhov, Yu. G., Knorre, K. G., Milash, V. G., Tuzov, V. M., Motorov, N. G., Shestakov, A. A. -- Immediate-access memory unit. Class 21, No. 199202 by Melikyan, K. A., Kazaryan, E. A. -- Random code generator for computers by Kozlov, G. A., Kuznetseva, Ye. Ye. -- General-purpose analog-digital system for operational data processing in the study of objects with general-purpose digital computers by Bykov, Yu. M., Ivanov, V. M., Yenikeyev, Sh. G., Ruzhnikov, Ye. M., Rybochenko, Ye. S., Yushkin, A. V. -- On the application of high speed magnetic logic elements in telemechanics by Tolkachev, V. Yu., Yevtushenko, I. N. -- "Parasitic Coupling and Stray Pick-Ups in High Speed Electronic Digital Computers" (Parasitnyye svyazi i navodki v bystrodeystvuyushchikh ETsVM) by Viktor Grigor'yevich Pekelis, Viller Yakovlevich Simkhes -- Automatic electronic millisecond timer. Class 83, No. 202774 [announced by Special Design Office at the Vil'nyus Plant of Calculating Machines (Spetsial'noye konstruktorskoye byuro pri Vil'nyusskom zavode schetnykh mashin)] by Ryazanskis, R. I., Vasilyauskas, T. P. -- The efficiency of various coatings for thermistors used in the RKZ radiosonde by Zaychikov, P. F., Krechmer, M. V., Fridzon, M. B. -- Gravimeter. Class 42, No. 203276 [announced by the All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Geophysics (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geofiziki)] by Mininzon, G. A.-M., Davydov, M. S., Ayrapetyan, T. M., Ryabikov, Yu. K., Pikalo, V. Ye., Bobrov, N. I. -- Multicomponent dynamometer. Class 42, No. 202555 by Belyayev, G. V., Motiyenko, Yu. F., Orlov, A. P., Maslennikova, N. S., Orlov, B. P., Pavlov, G. A., Pokrovskiy, A. N., Treshchevskiy V. N., Vlasov, B. N., Telepnev, L. L., Chistyakov, S. I., Kachulin, G. N. -- Instrument for measuring low resistance by Isakov, Yu. A., Klepalova, Z. P. -- Generator of uniform random [duration] pulse trains by Verkiyenko, Yu. V., Tikhonov, G. A. -- Instrument for remote measurements of liquid levels. Class 42, No. 202540 by Dubyanskiy, Yu. Ye., Mel'nikov, P. I. -- High-speed measurement and logging apparatus by Lebedev, A. V., Tolchinskiy, Ye. M. -- Device for measuring the conductivity of a plasma. Class 21, No. 202321 by Poberezhskiy, L. P., Device for measuring the luminophor afterglow duration of a cathode-ray tube. Class 21, No. 202249 by Lyamichev, I. Ya., Pershin, G. G., Shinov, L. N. -- Semiconductor strain gages by Gorodetskiy, A. F., Guk, G. N., Dikareva, R. P., Makarov, Ye. A., Shadrin, V. S. -- Optimal redundancy with an allowance for modernization of elements by Shishonok, N. A., Neledva, V. A. -- Circuits of instruments using semiconductor sensors for measurements of flow temperature and velocity by Malozemov, V. V., Rozhnov, V. F. -- Generation of r-f sawtooth voltage by Bogomolov, A. S., Drakin, A. V., Sushkov, A. D. -- Electric breakdown of series- and parallel-connected variconds by Pershina, M. A. -- Determination of the structure of an optimum phase receiver by the minimax method by Pantyushov, V. P. -- Decimeter band maser by Sakharov, A. Ye., Turevskiy, V. M. -- Production ol electrical connections by laser-beam welding by Kudryavtsev, V. S., Struchkov, A. I., Shapiro, S. A. -- Lasers and prospects for their application in optical range finders by Nazarov, V. M. -- A beam instead of a cable [laser telephone communications] by Balagezyan, D. -- New PEL-3 echo-sounder by Borisov, L. A. -- Errors in operation of an inertial navigation system with odd parity input of initial data into the computer by Storozhenko, V. A., Temchenko, M. Ye. -- Precision and reliability of aircraft navigation by Molokanov, Georgiy Fedoseyevich -- "Optimal Processing of Signals in Navigation Systems" by Iger' Borisovich Chelpakov -- Transistorised audio oscillators with stabilized amplitude of output voltage by Bogdanov, A. A., Ivanov, I. D. -- Noise figure of a nonlinear-capacitance-type reactive modulator by Belov, A. A., Karasev, M. D. -- Shock excitation of oscillations by Barinov, K. V. -- Calculation of the effect of oscillator mismatch on field distribution in a measuring line by the method of directed graphs by Kuznetsov, Yu. V. -- Cascade self oscillator by Sidorenko, I.S. -- The use of magnetic pulse modulators for powering spherical strobotrons by Saltykov, V. [Illegible], Il'in, V. S. -- Using image convertor tubes and light amplifiers in underwater photorecording by Kotietsov, B. N., Babak, E. V. -- Electronic mirror microscope -- Multistage pulse frequency control units by Gurevich, A. L., Rusinov, L. A. -- Rectangular pulse shaper. Class 21, No. 202217 by Kostryukov, Yu. N. -- Effect of FM pulses on quadratic-phase-characteristic filter by Protopopov, A. S. -- Parametric convertor of pulse singlas by Solomin, B. A. -- Comparison between linear and nonlinear differentiating devices intended for shaping nanosecond pulses by Baksht, R. B. -- Propagation of pulses over a p-n-junction transmission line by Shabanov, V. N. -- Apparatus for ultrasonic welding of microelements by [Illegible] A. P., [Illegible] N. V., Nazarov, G. V., Sokolov, A. V., [Illegible] L. P. -- Prospects for designing film microcircuits by chemical reactions in gas phase by Kachukhashvili, G. S. -- Monostable multivibrations using complementary symmetry transistors by Gorn, L. S., Ivanov, I. D., Khazanov, B. I. -- A cyclical scanning transducers of analog values into numeric impulse form by Karpov, R. G., Oranskiy, A. M., Fomichev, V. A. -- Main characteristics of photo-optical transducers for information systems by Zhabreyev, V. S., Krepyshev, G. B. -- Capacitive temperature transducers with variable spacing longitudinally deforming plates by Bratasyuk, N. M., Gritsenko, A. P., Magda, I. N. -- Waveguide piston with springs which are cut along the lines of surface currents by Dorokhov, A. [Illegible] -- Parameters of ring resonators using H-shaped and cruciform waveguides bent in the E plane by Zerkin, A. F., Tereshchenko, A. I. -- Inductive post in H-shaped and U-shaped waveguide by Lyapunov, N. V., Borodvko, Yu. M., Zaytseva, A. Ye., Shein, A. G. -- Junction of H-type and rectangular waveguides by Lyapunov, N. V., Zayats, B. F. -- The effect of field deformation in the coupling zone and the experimental investigation of miniature waveguide directional couplers by Shestopalov, B. I., and Miniature cruciform directional couplers by Shestopalov, B. I. -- A contactless synchronous electric generator Class 21, No. 201513 by Gumberg, B.N., Gladyshev, V.I., Glyadko, V.Z., Tesiyuk, N.G. -- A contactless synchronous electric generator. Class 21, No. 201514 [announced by the All-Union "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics (Vsesoyuznyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut elektromekhaniki)] by Palastin, L. M. -- Concerning the silver distribution in silver-zinc cells by Dmitrenko, V. Ye., Levinson, V. S., Belostotskaya, V. V. -- Thyristorized inverters for frequency control of high-speed induction motors by Sandler, A. S., Avvakumova, G. K., Kudryavtsev, A. V., Nikol'skiy, A. A. -- New products of the Gruzkabel' Mfg Plant by Kukhianidze, D. F. -- An alkaline flat-cell dry galvanic battery. Class 21, No. 199939 by Kalachev, S. L., Kocherginskiy, M. D., Pen'kova, L. F., Naumenko, V. A., Lidorenko, N. S. -- Effect of some factors on the life of silver-zinc cells by Nikitina, Z. Ya., Dmitrenko, V. Ye., Koval', I. I., Zalkind, D. I., Kapustina, L. N., Iofa, Z. A. -- Alkaline cell. Class 21, No. 203015 by Velkov, F. F., Berezin, A. R., Guz', P. K., Protasenko, N. S. -- Electrical and operating characteristics of silver-cadmium storage batteries by Molotkova, Ye. N., Berezina, N. V., Segal', Ye. N. -- Electric transmission lines in areas of permafrost soils by Gal'perin, Vitaliy Veniaminovich -- In the ravine of the fire dragon. First Soviet experimental power plant with an MHD generator is operational by Orlov, V.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
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- Note
- Document Date: 2/14/1968.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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