East European Scientific Abstracts. Earth Sciences. No. 47 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1966.
- Physical Description
- 91 pages
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- Contents
- "Space Research in the Soviet Union." by VALNICEK, Boris -- "Radar Interviews." -- Titanium abundance in the solar atmosphere by Letfus, V. -- Artificial satellites will be provided with a flashing light -- Radiation on Mars by Krivsky, L. -- Space model of a cloud of solar cosmic and subcosmic particles by Krivsky, L. -- The Moon and the Zond-3 space probe by Badil, J. -- Means of propagation of perturbation element in the chromosphere and corona, which change the intensity of solar radio emission by Garczynska, I. -- "The Statistics of Blue Objects in the Vicinity of the Galactic North Pole. Part 2: The Problem of the Extragalactic Nature of Blue, Star-Like Objects" by RICHTER, N. -- "Polarimetric and Colorimetric Investigations on the Crab Nebula. Part 1: Polarization Investigations" by BORNGEN, F., CHATSCHIKYAN, E. -- "A Renewed Luminosity Outburst of the Comet 1925 II" by BORNGEN, F. -- "The Statistics of Blue Objects in the Vicinity of the Galactic North Pole. Part 1" by RICHTER, N., SAHAKJAN, K. -- "Isophoto Rendition of the Solar Corona at 15 Feb 1961 with the Aid of Photographic Equidensities" by LOCHEL, K., HOGNER, W. -- "Photographic Determination of the U-Luminosity of 17 Stars in the Northern Polar Sequence" by BORNGEN, F. -- "The Structure of a Star with 0.6 Sun Mass" by FRITZE, K. -- Hungary's role in satellite tracking by Ill, Marton -- Recent radio observations of the outer solar corona by Gorgolewski, S. -- Preliminary computations of the construction of detailed models of sunspots by Jakimiec, J., Zabza, M. -- Remarks on Babcock's explanation of the sun's magnetic field by Krause, F. -- The magnetic field and motion of gases in the solar atmosphere by Krat, V. A. -- Trajectories of charged particles in the magnetic and gravitational fields with applications to planetary nebulae, novae and eruptive prominences by Chvojkova, E. -- Hazards of the Earth's radiation belts -- Positions and radiation intensity of solar active centers observed with an E-W94 λ interferometer by Turlo, Z. -- Polarization measurements of solar spectral lines by Jager, F. W. -- "The Determination of the Spreading Rate and Other Characteristics of Interplanetary Plasma from the Direction of the Gas-Tail of the Comets" by PFLUG, K. -- "Investigations on Type III and Type V Solar Bursts" by DAENE, H., KRUGER, A. -- Research in type-III and type-V solar bursts by Daene, H., Kruger, A. -- "Stationary Vertical Distribution of Weightless Radioactive Admixture in Ground Air Layer" by JORDANOV, D. -- Measurements of atmospheric radioactivity for 1964 by Petrovic, Pavel, Zavodsky, Dusan -- Effect of meteorological conditions on atmospheric turbulence and diffusion by Borkowski, Janusz -- "Present-Day Knowledge about the Ionosphere" by MICOLAU Edmond -- "The Use of the Orthophotoscope in the Elaboration of Maps and Plans" by WEIBRECHT, O. -- "The Precision and Economy of Photogrammetric Compilation of Maps on the 1:2000 and 1:1000 Scales" by KERN, H. G. -- "The Technique and Results of Urban Mapping on the 1:500 Scale" by BURGER, M. -- "The Maintenance of Maps at Szombathely" by JAGASICS, B, NEMETH, G -- "Elaboration of Large Scale Maps by Photogrammetric Methods and Their Use in Urban Construction" by SAVIC, Radinka -- "Some Remarks on Urban Mapping" by VISSER, J. -- "Aerotriangulation for Maps of Large Cities" by BRANDENBERGER, A. J. -- "Probabilities of Error Reduction in Corrodinates of Air Photographs in Analytic Aerotriangulation" by REGENSBURGER, K. -- "The Preparation of the Plotting of Maps and Plant by Means of Air Photographs" by HERDA, K. -- "The Precision of Air Photogrammetry in Built-up Areas" by PICHLIK, Vaclav., Automation of the preparation of topographic maps by Topfer, F. -- "Information Content of Large-Scale Maps. Part 2" by Chair for Advanced Geodesy at the Technical University for Architecture and Transportation -- Mists at the Tatra Airport by Nedelka, Milan -- "Some Peculiarities of the Climate in Tobacco Crops" by EORSSY, Janos -- "Some Current Problems of Applied Climatology." by SEITAN, Octavia, MIHAI, Elena -- Occurrence of different diurnal mean temperature values in particular vertical climatic zones of the Polish Western Carpathian Mountains by Hess, Mieszyslaw -- "Auxiliary Goniometric Functions for the Solution of Some Problems of Spherical Trigonometry" by VYKUTIL, Josef -- "The Solution of the Principal Geodetic Problems in the Vicinity of the Terrestrial Pole with the Aid of Stereographic Polar Projection" by SCHOEPS, D. -- Results of test measurements with the Stecometer precision stereocomparator made by VEB Carl Zeiss, Jena by Kern, H.-G -- Results of the evaluation of an MRK2 meridian direction gyroscope by Merkel, J. -- "The Free-Atmosphere Anomalies in the European Area" by ARNOLD, K. -- "The Orbits of the Artificial Earth Satellites in Relation to Their Gravity Anomalies" by ARNOLD, K. -- "Application of the Torque and Projection Theory for Polyangulation in the Derivation of the Transverse Condition Equations of the Filling Network Established by Angle Measurement" by FIALOVSZKY, Lajos -- "Remark on the Article Entitled 'Surveying of Railway Installations'" by BARTOK, Bela -- "Function of Geographic Latitude in Measurements Made by the Gyroscopic Theodolite" by JOO, Istvan -- "The Aims and Significance of the Agro-Geodetic Services Implemented in State Farms" by LADANYI, Jeno -- "The Purely Physical Method for the Determination of the Geodetic Reference Surface" by BIRO, Peter -- "The Actual Calculation of Plumb-Line Deflection" by CSATKAI, Denes, GAZSO, Miklos -- "Results of the Practical Application of the SzT-62M Light Distance Meter" by BOLSHAKOV, V. D. -- "Systematical Structure of Engineering Geodesy, and Its Relationship to Engineering Creating Activity and General Geodesy" by KOREN, Istvan -- "Utilization of Aerial Photographs and Photographic Maps in Basin-Morphological Investigations" by BENDEFY, Laszlo -- "Indirect Observation Method for Correcting Satellite Triangulation" by DOBACZEWSKA, W. -- "Use of the Vector Radius of an Artificial Satellite as a Measure of Length in Geodesy" by ZIELINSKI, J.B. -- "Determination of Time and Lattitude from Observation of a Pair of Stars at Equal Altitude near their Elongation" by BIENIEWSKI, J, DOMARADZKI, S. -- Use of Photheo 19/1318 phototheodolite in precision ground surveys by Majde, Andrzej, Niepokolczycki, Mieczyslaw -- Development of geodetic and cartographic technology in work of the Central Administration of Geodesy and Cartography, 1945-1965 by Pawlowski, Jozef -- The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in 1945-1965 by Krynski, Stanislaw -- "The Center of Prague as a Place of Residence and Work" by MURDYCH, Zdenek -- "The Geographical Aspects of the Distribution of the World's Population." by CUCU, V. -- "Problems Concerning the Geography of Tourism." by SANDRU, Ion -- "Intra-Carpathian Depressions in Rumania." by IANCU, M. -- "The Industrial Hub Brasov." by PANAITE, Ludmila -- "New General and Subgenera of Ammonites of Family Berriasellidae" by NIKOLOV, T. -- "The Nature of Sagenite in Biotite" by VERGILOV, V. -- "The Chemical Composition of the Comagmatic Volcanic and Intrusive Rocks and Dely's Average Compositions" by IVANOV, R. -- "The Calculation of Water Intake Wells in Wedge-Shaped Stratum of Varying Contour" by GYLYBOV, M. -- "The Calculation of the Pressure Field of an Oil Field Operating Under Elastic Conditions" by CHERKASOV, I. D. -- The velocity distribution of elastic waves in the Pribram graywacke by Pros, Zdenek, Sobotova, Carmen, Waniek, Ludvik, Pribyl, Alois -- Tests made to determine the intensity of explosion-caused vibrations by Dvorak, Arnost -- "The Middle and Upper Pleistocene Development of the Lower Jizera Valley" by BALATKA, Bretislav., "On the Problems of Recent Crust Movements" by BANKWITZ, P. -- "Microresidues of the Grey Wacke Formation in Lausitz" by BURMANN, G. -- "On the Internal Structure of the Earth. Part 3" by HEDERVARI, Peter -- "Sonde Measurements of Discharges. Part 1: Direct-Current Sonde Measurements" by BITO, Janos -- "Loess and Loessoid Soils as Macroporous Rocks in the Socialist Republic of Rumania." by PROTOPOPESCU-PACHE, Emil, CRACIUN, Florin, POPESCU, Dan -- "Polarographic Studies Concerning the Nature of Porphyrins in Rumanian Crude Oils from Different Geological Formations." by SERBANESCU, Ana -- "Coatings of Emulsified Bitumen Films." by BLAGA, A., NEUHAUS, F. -- "Corrections to be Used in Calculating Pressure and Flow in the Case of Air Drilling in Unstable Formations." by MANOLESCU, G. -- "Determining the Influence Radius of Wells." by SOARE, Al. -- "The Oligocene of the Sources of the Piriul Rosu River (Vales Uzului Basin)." by BUCUR, I. -- "The Influence of Transient Processes in the AB Circuit on the Accuracy of Electrometric Prospecting Performed by Potentiometric Methods." by SALISTEANU, D. -- "The Neogene Basin in Transylvania." by ILIE, Mircea -- "The Zero-Surface of Tangential Stress in Seas Under Conditions of Stationary Wind" by ERTEL, H. -- "Litoral Abrasion and Shore-Parallel Transport of Eroded Matter" by ERTEL, H. -- "Damming Effect and Damming Force in Rivers with Disturbances in the Runoff Velocity" by ERTEL, H. -- "A Relation Between the Zero-Surfaces of Velocity and the Tangential Stress in Seas Under Stationary Wind Conditions" by ERTEL, H. -- "Wind-Induced Ocean Currents with Binary Dissipation" by ERTEL, Hans -- New methods for making water measurements--hydrostatic profilographs by Wisniewski, Bronislaw -- "Distribution of the Sources of Pollution and the Cleanness of Rivers in Northern Bohemia" by HAVRDA, Vladimir -- "Potential Evaporation from Different Wet Surfaces" by ERDOS, Laszlo -- "Scientific Conference on the Technical Experiences Gained During the Danube Flood" by BODOLAI, I. -- "A Solution for Improving the Stability to Infiltrations of the Suction Basins in the Danube Floodland Pumping Stations." by PIETRARU, Vitalie, JUSTER, Victoria -- "The Method of Point Dilution in Radiohydrology." by GASPAR, Emilian, ONCESCU, Mircea -- "Some Facts on the Occurrence of Fog at the Kosice Airport" by KOLESAR, Julius -- "Supercooled Fogs in the Region of Most" by MUNZAR, Jan -- "Storms on Warm Fronts" by STEKL, Josef -- "Forecasting Fogs at Most" by REIN, Frantisek -- "Spring Frosts in Zapadoslovensky Kray" by BALLON, Lev -- "Verification of Several Methods of Forecasting Storms in the Summer Half-year of 1965" by STRACHOTA, Jan -- "The Influence of Rearrangement of the Natural Synoptic Period on the Success of Weather Forecasting" by VONDRACEK, Vladimir -- "Evaluation of the Success of Weather Forecasts in 1961 to 1965 According to Individual Types of Weather Situations" by KOREJS, Zdenek -- "Isolines of Atomospheric Humidity on Synoptic Charts" by PAPEZ, Antonin -- "Evaluation of Short-term Weather Forecases in Slovakia with Consideration of Different Types of Meteorological Situations" by POPALENY, Jan -- "Front Analysis and its Importance for Weather Forecasting" by BRADKA, Jan -- "A Simple Model for Forecasts of Precipitation" by ZIKMUNDA, Otakar -- "Psychological Analysis of Short-term Weather Forecasts" by BUDIN, Karel -- "The Effect of the Latent Heat Evolved by the Condensation of Water Vapor on Vertical Velocities and the Field of the Geopotential" by BRANDEJS, Stanislav -- "The Influence of Surface and High-level Prebaratics on Short-term Forecasts" by OTRUBOVA, ALZBETA -- "Experience in Objective Analysis by the Method of Optimum Interpolation" by SKODA, Miroslav -- "Heat Exchange Between the Ocean and Atmosphere and its Role in the Cyclogenetic Mechanism of the Atmosphere" by BRANDEJS, Stanislav -- "A Barotropic Model with the Influences of Orography and Friction" by VEKOVA, Nina -- "The Structure of Storms and Their Forecasting" by FORCHTGOTT, J -- "Meteorological Problems of Lake Balaton" by KERI, M., and "Relations Between Meteorological and Hydrological Forecasts" by DESI, Frigyes -- "Forecasting of Monthly Temperature Anomalies" by CSEH (Mrs. KALMAN), Eva, KOPPANY, Gyorgy -- "Role of Agrometeorological Research in Irrigation" by ANTAL, E. -- "The Significance of Meteorological Data Collection in Field Tests" by O'SVATH, Janos -- "Agrometeorlogical Research in the Service of Irrigation" by DESI, Frigyes -- "Synoptic Analysis of Cloud Photographs Obtained by Meteorological Satellites. Part 1" by KONDRATEV, K. J. -- Measurement of microseismic noise level in the neighborhood of Bratislava by Holub, Karel, Marquart, Patrik -- "An Exact Formulation of Seismic Activity" by ULLMANN, W., MAAZ, R. -- "On the Calculation of Seismicity" by ULLMANN, W., MAAZ, R. -- "Uniqueness Condition for the Solution of the Inverse Gravimetric and Magnetic Problem" by ZIDAROV, D.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
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- Note
- Document Date: 11/23/1966.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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