USSR Scientific Abstracts. Electronics and Electrical Engineering. No. 40 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1966.
- Physical Description
- 93 pages : figures, tables
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- Contents
- Influence of backward radiation on the amplification of signals in a weekly modulated one-dimensional electron beam by Galaktionov,S.V., Filimonov,G.F. -- Some problems in designing broadband transistorized operational amplifiers by Anisimov, V. I., Golubev, A. P. -- Weak photocurrent amplifier based on variable-capacitance photodiodes by Berman, L. S. -- Transient processes in a thin circular loop by Lutchenko, L. N., Krasil'nikov, V. N. -- Noise factor of linear receiving antennas in the quantum band by Boloshin, I. A., Gertsenshteyn, M. Ye. -- Polarization diagram of SHF antennas with complex-shape apertures [Reported at the 20th All-Union Conference of NTORiE, May 1964] by Shubarin, Yu. V., Gorobets, N. N. -- Cophased array with active reflector. Class 21, No. 178866 by Kuznetsov, V. D., Paramonov, V. N. -- Geometrical optics of three-dimensional oscillations in open resonators by Bykov, V. P. -- Beam flows in a three-axis ellipsoid by Vaynshteyn, L. A. -- Examination of transient conditions in a semiconductor delay line by Luk'yanuk, I. Ye., Naumov, Yu. Ye. -- Selective minimum-phase circuits with controllable passband and small deviation of phase-frequency characteristic [Report at the All-Union Scientific Conference, NTORiE, 1962] by Vol'pyan, V. G. -- Analyzing the operation of a logarithmic pulse accumulator by Bobrova, L. N., Zakharov, B. A., Mendelev, B. A., Yudanov, B. V. -- Transistor threshold device. Class 21, No. 178857 by Kats, A. Ye., Yakovlev, A. D. -- Meter band switches with cascaded diodes by Semenov, A. V. -- Shielding SHF electromagnetic field by Grodnev, I. I., Novozhilova, L. V. -- Radio-relay communication in a mountain terrain under no direct visibility conditions by Belogurov, A. P. -- Reliability of radio-relay lines by Bunin, D. A. -- Field intensity of short radio waves emitted by an artificial earth satellite by Kazantsev, A. N., Lukin, D. S. -- Selecting the interrogation period in a multichannel system for detection of pulse signals with time division of channels by Dovger, V. I. -- Desynchronization effect on the noise proof feature of post detector integration into binary communication systems by Servinskiy, Ye. G. -- Isolation of synchronizing pulses from the signal in a phase-shift keying system with rotating phase by Nazarov, V. I. -- Results of an investigation of the temperature coefficient of attenuation in coaxial pairs in an MKTP-4 cable by Frolov, P. A., Nikolayev, G. P. -- The effectiveness of radio-teleprinter communications is increased by Leybman, G. S. -- Digital conversion of M, L, C, and R parameters using pulsed power supply by Semko, Yu. I. -- Tunnel-diode generating converter and heterodyne converter by Spirin, V. Ya., Styblik, V. A. -- Experimental study of a mirror-type beam waveguide by Averbakh, V. S., Vlasov, S. N., Popova, E. M., Sheronova, N. M. -- Method of controlling the capacitance of a microfilm capacitor. Class 21, No. 177989 by Izraylev, Yu. S. -- "Coordination State of Boron in Lithium-Borate Glasses from Data on Their Electrode Properties" by BOBROV, V. S., SHUL'TS, M. M., KALMYKOVA, L. P. -- Digital phase angle regulator by Mikheyev, N. S., Stroganov, R. P. -- Coaxial shf switch. Class 21, No. 179804 by Vaulin, A. M., Kholodilov, N. N., Sotkov, V. Ya., Putchkov, Ye. V. -- Semiconductor waveguide attenuator with combinational electric control for shf power stabilization by Tsarenko, V. T., Bagrov, G. V., Borzenko, V. V. -- Power divider for the "Luch-58" microwave therapy unit by Livenson, A. R., Korel'shteyn, B. Yu. -- Contactless magnetic memory element by Ratushnyy, B. A. -- Modern telephone subscribers' sets by Sadovskiy, A. S., Frequency doubling in ferrites by Deryugin, I. A., Konchits, A. A., Melkov, G. A. -- Calculation of SHF-power stabilizers by Tsarenko, V. T., Valitov, R. A. -- Using luminescent capacitors in electronic equipment by Mishustin, I. A. -- Statistical study of delays between the firing and discharge impulses in ISSh 100-3 flash lamp by Katyushkin, V. G., Momdzhi, V. G. -- Contactless pulse relay. Class 21, No. 179383 by Nadezhdin, V. V., Sirotko, V. K. -- A trigger for controlling relay-contact commutators. Class 42, No. 177159 by Khatskelevich, Ya. D., Bulatov, V. K., Popov, S. A., Mityakov, A. I. -- Repair of insulated cables by Chayka, V. M., Tiunov, P. A. -- Diffraction in open resonators with confocal mirrors. -- Part 1 by Vaynshteyn, L. A. -- Diffraction in open resonators with confocal mirrors. -- Part 2 by Vaynshteyn, L. A. -- Diffraction in open resonators with confocal mirrors. -- Part 3 by Vaynshteyn, L. A. -- Frequency shift of radio emission scattered by the surface of the sea by Rozenberg, A. D., Ostrovskiy, I. Ye., Kalmykov, A. I. -- On the asymptotics of the capacity of certain communication channels by Prelov, V. V. -- Analysis of the effect of background noise on the threshold sensitivity of a pulse-modulated photoelectric indicator by Rakovskiy, Yu. N. -- Algorithm of recognition systems of the perception type with a correlation on the input by Vasyl'yev, V. I. -- Vasil'yev, V. I., Ivakhnenko, O. H. -- Ivakhnenko, A. G., Lemishevs'kyy, H. O. -- Lemishevskiy, G. A., Reuts'kyy, V. Yu. -- Reutskiy, V. Ye. -- Effects of detuning and phase fluctuation in the coherent accumulation by Leykhter, L. Ye. -- Analysis of noise rejection of summation codes used in request-for-repetition systems by Bykhovskiy, M. A. -- Principal characteristics of a binary-information-transmitting system with a compound information feedback by Cherepov, N. N. -- Compensation device with a frequency output for the measurement of magnetic induction of constant magnets by Zaytsev, V.I., Spektor, S. A. -- The determination of isothermal lines using resonant circuits by Strokov, V. A. -- Interferometer for measuring the dielectric constant of dielectrics in the microwave region by Vorob'yev, Ye. A. -- Digital voltmeter with parallel-serial operation by Shlykov, G. P. -- Digital television pickup of the linear dimensions and the position of luminous objects. Class 42, No. 179937 [announced by the Scientific Research Institute of Heavy Machine Building (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya] by Mamkin, V. M., Rabinovich, V. A., Zatoka, L. I., Sharf, Ye. M. -- Separating device for multifrequency SHF plasma probing by Il'in, S. D., Petrusev, S. S., Chernetskiy, A. V. -- Measuring dielectric constants of liquids in a resonator by Bondarenko, R. N., Gladyshev, G. I. -- Device for measuring angular velocities by Zabara, M. Ya. -- Device for the display of voltage curves on the screen of a cathode-ray oscilloscope. Class 42, No. 179019 [announced by the Special Design Office, AN Estonian SSR (Spetsial'noye Konstruktorskoye byuro AN Estonskoy SSR)] by Gerasimov, A. Ya., Khrushchev, V. V., Lur'ye, L. Z., Shtamm, Yu. P., Ivanov, V. V., Nokaln, E. A. -- Output characteristics and equivalent circuit of magnetoelastic transformer-type transducers by Bondarenko, G. I. -- Magnetic-amplifier sensor with constant magnetizing current and a graphoanalytical method of its design by Korzhavin, O. A. -- Maser resonator. Class 21, No. 178875 [announced by the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, AN SSSR (Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR)) by Grigor'yants, V. V. -- Regenerated TW quantum amplifiers by Karlov, N. V., Prokhorov, A. M. -- Frequency stability of transistorized and electron-tube oscillators by Petrov, B. Ye. -- Cryotron relaxation oscillator with frequency oscillator by Kan, Ya. S., Rakhubovskiy, V. A. -- Digital method of measurement of pulsed signal amplitudes by Novopashennyy, G. N., Yasenskiy, A. N. -- Chronotrons: time-pulsed multistable elements by Sigorskiy, V. P., Sitnikov, L. S., Utyakov, L. L., and Bolometric device for measuring pulsed uhf power by Pelykh, N. A. -- Effect of magnetizing pulse rise time on the signal and noise in square-loop ferrites by Traubenberg, V. P. -- A shaping circuit for the delay of pulsed signals. Class 42, No. 177160 by Vasil'yev, A. F., Shibanov, G. P. -- Investigation of minimum noise factor in a tunnel-diode mixer by Shinkarenko, V. G., Kukushkin, V. V. -- "Investigation of Electrode Semiconductor Catalysts. II. Hole Concentration and Electrical Conductivity of LixCu₍₁₋x₎O as a Function of Formation Conditions" by MISYUK, E. G., DAVTYAN, O. K., UMINSKIY, M. V. -- "New Rival of Semiconductors" by ZAKIS, Yu. -- Nonlinear transmission line with distributed parameters based on a p-n junction by Shabanov, V. N., Tolomasov, V. A. -- Some possibilities of using capacitive properties of four-layer NPNP diodes by Smirnov, V. I. -- Problems in the design of cooled uhf mixers by Alfeyev, V. N., Yekimov, V. D. -- Generalized formulas for differential parameters of junction transistors by Sher, Yu. A. -- Effect of temperature on dynamic characteristics of transistors by Nazar'yan, G. A. -- Low-temperature parameters of transistors by Nikolayevskiy, I. F., Perel'man, B. L., Skorik, K. I., Zotova, L. G. -- Transistorized infralow-frequency amplifier. Class 21, No. 179797 [announced by the Special Design Office of the Minsk Radio Plant (Spetsial'noye konstruktorskoye byuro Minskogo radiozavoda)] by Kaplan, I. M. -- Transistorized switching flip-flop. Class 21, No. 178855 by Konev, Yu. I., Malyshkov, G. M. -- "Intercollegiate Convention on Electrochemistry Held 31 May to 2 June 1965 at the Novochrekassk Polytechnical Institute" by ANOSHCHENKO, I. P., SKALOZUBOV, M. F. -- General theory of single-phase inductor generators by Tsesnak, L., Palka, R. -- Permeance of interpole leakage of a claw-shaped inductor with variable-width poles by Sika, Z. K. -- Airgap permeance in claw-shaped-pole machines by Sika, Z. K. -- Direct-axis magnetic field in the airgap of a synchronous machine with trapezoidal claw-shaped poles by Apsit, V. V. -- Calculation of the yoke loss in an inductor generator with pulsating flux by Kolomeytsev, L. F. -- Magnetic field of inductor-machine armature by Dombur, L. E. -- Electronic devices for motor pools by Zinov'yev, V. -- Calculation of magnetic fields in the airgap of a salient-pole synchronous machine by Khachatryan, S. L. -- Autonomous induction generator excited by variconds by Popov, I. A. -- Mathematical model of the gap magnetic field when open-slot design of stator and rotor is used by Terzyan, A. A. -- "The Mathematical Modeling of Hydrolic Units of Electrical Stations" by AKOPYAN, S. G. -- "Present Status and Prospects for the Development of Electromechanical Rectifier Systems" by ZAVALISHIN, D. A. -- "Plasma in Energetics [Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma Machines and Electric Power Generation]" by BLUM, E. -- "Electrical Calculation on A.C. Models" by KRYZHOV, G. P. -- "Just Ordinary Soviet Engineers, Not Wielders of Thunderbolts" by KNORRING, O., EPSHTEYN, M.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
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- Note
- Document Date: 7/13/1966.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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