East European Scientific Abstracts. Bio-Medical Sciences. No. 41 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1966.
- Physical Description
- 96 pages
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- Contents
- "Study of the Resistance to Antibiotics Shown by Staphylococcal Groups Isolated from Personnel Working in the Production of Antibiotics." by BETINOVA, Milena, NEMEC, Pavel -- "Composition of Amino Acids in Some Kinds of Fodder Yeast." by BACOVA, Maria, ZELINKA, Jan -- "The Level of Biotin in the Mycelium of Streptomyces Aureofaciens During Fermentation." by ZELINKA, Jan, SYHOROVA, Vaclava -- "Chromatographic Determination of Organic Acids in Fruit." by PRIBELA, Alexander, SCHUNOVA, Vlasta -- Some physical problems in physiological optics by Novakova, O. -- "The Relationship between Heterochromatin and the Differentiation of Nucleoli." by HERICH, Rudolf -- "Indication Value of Botanical Groupings and Syntactically Important Species." by NEUHAUSL, Robert -- "Chemlia Slovaca Gen. Nov. a Dematiaceous Fungus, Pathogenic for Man and Animals." by SVOBODOVA, Yvonne -- "Effects of Fluorine on the Germination of Some Species of Seeds." by NAVARA, Jan, HOLUB, Zdenek, BEDATSOVA, Ludmila -- "Some Biometric Characteristics of the Images of Aedes Aegypti L. Grown Under Laboratory Conditions." by PAULOVA, Jana -- "Epidemiologic Observation on Infection of Infants with Salmonella Enteritidis based on the Materials of Clinical Hospital No 4 in Lodz" by NOWICKI, S. -- "Anthrax in Gdansk Wojewodztwo During 1965" by WAGNER, K. -- "Rabies in Wild Animals in Poland During the 1961-1964 Period" by SEROKOWA, D. -- "Problems of Occurrence of Snails Helicopsis Striata (Mull.) and H. Hungarica (Soos WGN.) in Carpathian Lowlands." by HUDEC, Vladimir -- "Immunization of Humans Against Rabies" by SEROKOWA, D. -- "New Ideas in Immunology." by IFTIMOVICI, R. -- "Encephalitis, a Complication of Vaccination." by SAROIU, I., CIOBICA, Cecilia, CARPEN, Ileana -- "Asbestosis in Workers Employed in 'Korlace' Asbestos Mines" by MIKOV, M.I. -- "Working Conditions in Chamber Kilns in the Industry of Basic Refractories and Our Contribution to the Suppression of Radiant Heat" by MIKOV, M.I. -- "Functional Tests for Evaluation of Work Capacity in Practice" by JOVANOVIC, Lj. -- "Results of Examinations of Workers Exposed to Hard Metal Dust" by MARKICEVIC, Ana, HECIMOVIC, A., MARK, B., BERITIC, T. -- "Effect of Detromycetin (Chlorampheniol) on the Dynamics of the Widal Test in Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fevers" by JERZYNA, C., PROKOPOWICZ, D., TOMASZKO, H. -- "Infestation with Lamblia Intestinalis in Children Suffering from Infectious Hepatitis" by HAJZIK, R., RUDKOWSKI, Z., STEHLIKOWA, A. -- "Clinical Picture of Diphtheria with Fatal Course" by WOLOSZCZUK, I. -- "A Case of Typhoid Fever with Seven Recurrences" by SKUTECKA-KRZCIUK, J., ZIEMICHOD, T. -- "Occurrence of Staphylococci of Hospital Origin in Day Nurseries and Kindergartens" by KRYNSKI, S., BUGALSKI, R., PODHAJSKA, A., WITEBSKA, B. -- "Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Studies on Contact and Inoculation Hepatitus." by GAVRILA, I., JOSAN, R., IGNA, M., GORGAN, V., PROCOPAN, V., CUCU, A. -- "Current Problems of Organization Of Infectious Disease Treatment in Poland. Parts II. III and IV." by KOWNACKI, S. -- "Automatation of Measurements in the Field of Luminescence" by WEBER, K -- "Third Hungarian Congress of Specialists in Internal Medicine." by VARRO, Vince -- "On Attenuation of Virus of Canine Infectious Hepatitis." by JIRAN, E. -- "Sensitivity to Penicillin and the Serotype Group of Strains of Erysipelothrix Insidiosa Isolated at Lublin Meat Plant" by NOWAK, J. -- "Quensel Vital Coloration in the Diagnosis of Entamoeba dysenteriae." by SORESCU, Angela, PLECEAS, M. -- "Differentiation Between Br. Abortus and Br. Suis Strains by Means of Microbiological and Biochemical Methods." by KRCMERY, V., NIZNANSKY, F., "Occurrence of the Leaf Rolling Virus on Peas in Slovakia." by MUSIL, Milos -- "The Relationship Between Catalase Activity and Some Biological Properties of Enterobacteriaceae." by RAJTAR, V., CIZNAR, I., PARRAKOVA, E., KRCMERY, V., KELLEN, J. -- "Investigations on Brucella Bacteria Isolated from the Hare in Poland" by IWANOW, M.M., TROPILO, J. -- "A Review of Studies on the Role of the Bacteriologic Factor in Diarrhea in Adults" by ANUSZ, Z. -- "Investigation of the Occurrence of Potentially Pathogenic Staphylococci and the Possibility of the Secretion of Enterotoxin in Bacon and Bacon-Curing Brines" by KAFEL, S. -- "An Appraisal of the Serological Tests in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis, with Particular Reference to the Haemagglutination Reaction (HR) and Haemolytic Reaction (HL)" by BOCHDALEK, N. -- "Considerations on the Etiological Diagnosis of Listerian Meningitis." by RUSU, V., ANDRONESCU, C., BORSAI, L., MARION, M., BARON, O. -- "Etiological Role of Atypical Esch. coli (of Hemolytic Type) in Pediatric Enterocolitis." by SABAU, Monica, DOMOKOS, L., ABRAHAM, A., NAGY, L. -- "Urinary Infections with Pathogenic Esch. coli in Children." by MUNTEANU-IVANUS, Natalia, BELLU, C. -- "An Improvised Biological Magnifying Glass." by CONSTANTINESCU, S. P. -- "Food Toxinfection with Shigella schmitzii." by TUDOR, V., MIHALACHE, Gh., BODO, V. -- "A New Method for the Study of the Chemical Constitution and Antigenic Structure of Bacteria." by SEFER, M., VERENCA, Cornelia, SOBESCIANSCHI, Constanta -- "Blepharospasm, a Hyperkinesis of Extrapyramidal Origin." by DVORAK, M. -- "Rheoencephalography. - Its Possible Uses in Neurology." by ZOUHAR, A., NEVRTAL, M. -- "Diagnosis of Brain Lesion Types by Gamma-Encephalography." by KVICALA, v. -- "The Gamma-Globulin Level of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Relation to the Clinical Picture and Course of Disseminated Sclerosis." by VYMAZAL, J., POLACEK, L. -- "Polarographic Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins." by HANZAL, F., BREZINA, M., PROCHAZKOVA, Z. -- "A Simple Apparatus for Qualitative Cytological Examination of the Cerebrospinal Fluid." by SUTA, M. -- "Sedimentation Apparatus for the Preparation of Cytological Specimens of the Cerebrospinal Fluid or Other Oligocellular Biological Fluids." by HRAZDIRA, C.L. -- "Contribution to the Differential Diagnosis of Basilar Meningitis." by ORSZAGH, J., KAS, S., ZEMAN, V. -- "Chloroquine Preparations in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders." by MIKULA, F. -- "The Polarographic Index and Some Routine Examinations of the Cerebrospinal Fluid." by CICVAREK, Z., TRAVNIK, K. -- "Manometric Measurement of Catalase Activity in the Cerebrospinal Fluid." by LEDVINA, M., CHMELAR, M. -- "Vitamin C Content in Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Concentrates of Polish Production" by MLODECKI, H., CHMIELNICKA, J., JESMAN, A. -- "Intracutaneous and Serologic Tests with T. Spiralis Antigens in Persons Infested with Various Intestinal Parasites" by ADONAJLO, A., GANCARZ, Z., DYMOWSKA, Z., ZAPART, W. -- "Sodium Iodide I¹³¹ and its Quality Control." by CHARAMZA, O. -- "Verification of Bacteriological Purity of Albumin Prepared by Agar Electrophoresis." by NEJTEK, V., PRADAC, J. -- "Constituents of Higher Fungi." by VINTIKA, J. -- "Contribution to the Study of the Colloidal Properties of the Linseed Mucilage." by ZEMANOVA-SIMALJAKOVA, J., KALAC, J. -- "Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry in the Control of Drugs. II. Drugs with a Benzene Chromophore Replaced by Alkyl, Halogen, Hydroxyl, Alkoxy and Thioalkyl Groups." by KRACMAR, J., KRACMAROVA, J. -- "Spectrophotometric Determination of Ketophenylbutazone and Related Keto Derivatives by the Reaction with Diazotized Sulfanilic Acid." by SVATEK, E., HRADKOVA, A. -- "Preparation of Rose Bengal - I¹³¹ and the Testing of its Purity." by RABAN, P., GREGORA, V. -- "Determination of Benzylpenicilloic Acid in the Presence of Benzylpenicillin by Means of Oscillopolarography." by DUSINSKY, G., ANTOLIK, P. -- "Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry in the Control of Drugs. III. Drugs with a Benzene Chromophore, Replaced by Amino, Carbonyl, and Nitro Groups." by KRACMAR, J., KRACMAROVA, J., "Determination of Radiochemical Purity of Sodium Chromate Cr⁵⁷ Injections by Thin-Layer Chromatography." by BURIANEK, J. -- "A Contribution to the Study of the Strength of Tablets." by MOTYCKOVA, S. -- "Infusion Solutions from the Point of View of Electrolytic Therapy." by SAMKOVA, M. -- "The Problem of Interaction of Dimethylandrostanolone and Methandrostenolone with Hydrocortisone." by LINET, O., HAVA, M. -- "Side Effects of Reserpoid Hypotensive Active Agents on the Gastrointestinal Tract." by SMEJKAL, V., TRCKA, V. -- "Determination of Purity of Isothiocyanatofluorescein by Spectrofluorometry." by VACHEK, J. -- "A New Oxidometric Determination of Tocopherol Acetate." by JANKU, J., JANATA, J., ZYKA, J. -- "Persistence of Microbial Contamination in Ointment Bases." by ANTOLIK, P., HUDEC, J. -- "Research Tumor Inhibiting Compounds. XXVI. Synthesis of 4-Chloro-, 4-Bromo- and 4-Iodo-9(4'-Dimethylaminobutylamino)-Acridine" by LEDOCHOWSKI, A., KOZINSKA, B. -- "Oscillopolarographic Determination of Trace Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Food. IV. Oscillopolarographic Determination of O,O-Dimethyl-(1-Hydroxy-2,2,2-Trichloroethyl)Phosphonate" by SZYSZKO, E. -- "Does Radix Althaeae Contain Tannins?" by BIELOSZABSKA, F.W., CZUCHA, K. -- "Acetylcholine Esterase in Animals and Methods of its Determination" by MIZAK, B. -- "Preliminary Quantitative Analysis of Cirsium Oleraceum (L) Scop." by KOLODZIEJSKI, J., MRUK-LUCZKIEWICZ, A., PIETRZAK, D. -- "Poisonous Mushrooms of Poland" by KARKOCHA, I. -- "Tannins in the Leaves of Certain Varieties of Wild Rose from the Gdansk Region" by KOLODZIEJSKI, J., LUCKIEWICZ, I. -- "Preparations Inhibiting the Growth of Virus Infection" by LARSKI, W. -- "Study of Kidney Functions from the Aspect of Hippuran Kinetics in the Organism by Means of an Analog Computer." by SZARKA, Stefan, KUTKA, Mikulas -- "The Level of Calcium and Phosphorus in the Bones as a Function of the Amount and Period of Application of Fluorine." by KORTUS, Jozef -- "Cholinergic and Adrenergic Nervous Structure of the Large Intestine in the Rabbit after Experimental Freezing" by WAWRZYNIAK, M., KWIATKOWSKI, M. -- "Some Lipid Fractions Found in Irradiated Rats Maintained on Different Diets. II." by NEMEC, Rudolf, EICHNEROVA-LAGINOVA, Viera -- "Contribution to the Study of Plant Peroxidase Isozymes by Means of Disc Electrophoresis on Acrylamid Gel." by MACKO, Vladimir, NOVACKY, Anton -- "Water Loss and Stomatal Behavior of Bean (Phaseolus Vilgaris L.) Infected by Uromyces Appendiculatus (Pers.) Link." by SEMPIO, Cesare, MAJERNIK, Ondrej, RAGGI, Vittorio -- "The Protecting Effect and Influence of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus on the Intake of Fluorine by Pea Seeds." by HOLUB, Zdenek, NAVARA, Jan -- "Biochemical Disorders in Food Poisoning in Adults" by OLEJNIK, Z., OSUCH, T. -- "Genetic Aspects of Endogenous Psychoses, Mainly of Schizophrenia." by SKALICKOVA, O., MUSIL, J. -- "Endogenous Aggressivity and Paranoid Psychoses." by STUDENT, V. -- "Final Conditions of Schizophrenia and Schizophrenic Dementia." by FAVORINA, V.N. -- "The Question of Pathogenesis of Post-Traumatic Neurotic Syndromes." by MACEK, Z. -- "The Problem of EEG Changes During Phenothiazine Treatment of Elderly People." by KRONBERGEROVA, J. -- "On the Problem of Mixed Psychoses." by JANIK, A., CHROMY, K. -- "Syndrome of Transsexualism." by NEDOMA, K., MELLAN, J. -- "Hospitalization of "Criminal" Patients." by DOBISEK, K. -- "Significance of the Determination of the ADP/ATP Quotient and the Influence of the Oxygen Medium in the Survival of Leucocytes in Vitro in Psychotic Conditions Caused by Administration of LSD-25." by ERVAN, L., HANZLICEK, L. -- "Progressive Mental Deterioration in Spastic Spinal Paralysis." by NEVSIMAL, O., RUDLOVA, B., KREJCI, O. -- "Psychiatric and Hygiene Problems of Geriatrics and Medical Care Provided in the Homes for the Aged" by UGLESIC, B., BORCIC, R., FRLAN, T. -- "Certain Methodological Aspects and Problems in Investigating the State of Health of Workers" by VUKMANOVIC, Cedomir., "Mortality in Yugoslavia" by LUKOVIC, Gizela -- "Organization and Work of Health Unit Services in Cities" by VUKOVIC, Veljko -- "Facilities for a More Adequate Water Supply in Rural Areas" by LITVINJENKO, Stevan -- "Tasks of the Sanitation Inspection Service for 1966" by GERIC, R. -- "Scintillation Cell for Determination of ²²²Rn " by KOSTRYKO, A., JAWOROWSKI, Z. -- "The Radiation Dose from Radium D to the Human Bones" by JAWOROWSKI, Z. -- "Bone Tissue Sterilization Using Reactor Fuel Gamma Radiation" by CZERNIEWSKI, M., PANTA, P., ZIELCZYNSKI, M., ZAK, W., ZARNOWIECKI, K. -- "Biochemical Lesions Induced in Subcellular Structures by Ionizing Radiation. III. Cytochrome C Oxidase and Glucose-6-Phosphatase Activity of Rat Liver" by DANCEWICZ, A. M., MAZANOWSKA, A., PANFIL, B. -- "Thromboelastographic Research of Blood Clotting in Rats Chronically Exposed to X-Rays" by VISNJIC, V., VIDAKOVIC, A., PANOV, D. -- "Treatment of Postinfectious Necrotic Purpura in Children" by JAEGERMANN, K. -- "Comparison of 14 Substances in their Disinfection Effectiveness Against Mycobacterium Phlei Using the Suspension and the Carrier Methods." by BARTOS, J. -- "Quantitative Chemical Determination of Estrogenic Substances Excreted in the Urine of Cows During Pregnancy, Before Delivery, and in the Puerperium." by KUDLAC, E., STUDENCIK, B. -- "Ascorbic Acid in the Blood Serum of Milch Cows and Bulls During Winter and Summer Feeding." by DVORAK, J. -- "The Frequency of Finding Enterobacteriaceae in the Rectal Contents of Fattened Calves." by MRAZ, O., NAHALKA, J., PSENICKA, M. -- "The Modification of Cattle Methemoglobin in 0.15 N Sodium Chloride Solution" by CARD, Walter, ROHL, Klaus -- "Report on a Preferred Academic Research Task. Animal Hygienic Prerequisites for Large-Industrial Animal Raising." by MCCSY, Janos -- "The Synthesis and Absorption of Nutritional Substances in the Masseter" by PYTASZ, M. -- "Serological Testing of Cattle for Leptospirosis" by ZWIERZ, J., KARMANSKA, K., KONARSKA, D. -- "A Case of Complete Cure of Cancer of the Hoof" by KRAWIEC, Z. -- "Laparotomy in a Standing Horse" by RYLL, J. -- "Immunoelectrophoretic Analysis of Smears from the Cervix of Cows. I. The Use of Immunoelectrophoresis as an Auxiliary Diagnostic Aid" by MAZURCZAK, J. -- "Effect of Vitamin E on the Restoration of the Sexual Impulse in Roosters" by RUDEK, L. -- "Most Frequent Faults in Animal Housing" by CHWOJNOWSKI, A. -- "The Role of Mating of Related Animals in Livestock Breeding and Husbandry" by JASZCZUK, J. -- "Silicones and the Possibility of Their Use in Veterinary Science" by WASILEWSKI, J. -- "Biochemical and Morphological Changes in the Blood of Calves Exposed to a 1000-Watt Mercury-Quartz Lamp" by KIELSZNIA, R. -- "Studies on Infectious Encephalitis in Foxes (Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs). II. Results of Vaccination Against Infectious Encephalitis in Foxes (Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs) in an Infected Environment" by GORSKI, J. -- "Dermatomycosis in Animals as a Source of Infection in Humans" by KAMYSZEK, F. -- "Poisoning of Fur-Bearing Animals in the Light of Laboratory Investigations" by BUBIEN, Z., MIEDZOBORSKI, K. -- "Development of the Best Methods for Defreezing and Roasting of Polish Ducklings" by KOEPPE, S., ZAWADZKI, A., ZALESKI, S. -- "Comparative Investigations of the Effect of Oxytocin and Hypophysin on the Volume of Residual Milk in Cows" by ZABOLICKI, K. -- "Preliminary Attempts to Use an Estimative Method for Determining Fructose in the Semen of Domestic Animals" by BORYCZKO, Z. -- "A Study of the Etiology of Necrotic Foci in the Livers of Slaughter Geese" by BACHAREWICZ, A., OLSZEWSKI, A. -- "A Study of the Distribution of Cattle Leukemia in Krakow Wojewodztwo" by WOLSKA, A. -- "Changes in the Histidine and Histamine Content of Muscle Tissue in the Tench (Tinca tinca L.) and Bream (Abramis brama L.) During Cold Storage" by DABROWSKI, T., STODOLNIK, L. -- "Polyphosphates and their Use in Animal Products Technology" by OZDZYNSKA, E. -- "Observations on Cobalt Deficiency in Cattle" by JEDRZEJOWSKI, A., and "General Anaesthesia with Halothane (Fluothanc) in Extensive Experimental Operations on Piglets" by ZAGROBELNY, Z. -- "Therapeutic Experience in Combatting Balding Mycosis in Cattle" by KAMYSZEK, F. -- "Remarks on the Occurrence of False Positive and False Negative Results in the Hemagglutination Reaction (RHA) and the Haemolytic Reaction (RHL) in Tuberculosis" by BOCHDALEK, R. -- "Laboratory Diagnosis of Bradsot in Sheep" by CYGAN, Z., KUCHARSKI, B. -- "The Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of a Pararickettsiosis Focus in Piglets." by CRISTEA, I., SECASIU, V., CERNI, I. -- "Some Observations on Staggers in Young Cattle." by SUTEU, E. -- "Studies on the Presence of Brucella-Blocking Antibodies in Swine." by CONTIU, I., ONICA, P., EISELE, I. -- "Special Concern for Cattle Breeding." by CITU, D. -- "Modern Possibilities for Chemoprophylaxis and Treatment Based on Our Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry." by NICOLICIN, S. -- "Possibilities for Increasing the Productive Potential of Fodder by a Superior Technology." by BAIA, Gh. -- "Contributions to the Problem of the Profitability of the Raising of Wethers." by RAICU, Laura, TIMARU, S., MAIER, R., KOMAROMY, I. -- "The Course of Swine Murrain and Methods of Eradication in Bialystok Wojewodztwo" by BACHAREWICZ, A. -- "Combatting Infectious Diseases in South-East Africa" by SAMOL, S. -- "The Role of the Submonealtecule-hypophys System in the Regulation of the Sexual Cycle in the Female. III. Attempts to Use Extracts from Cows from the Area of the Submonealtecule in Cows in Anoestrus" by MAZURCZAK, J., MARKOWSKI, A., SITARSKA, E. -- "A Case of German Measles in a Fox." by KUCHARSKI, B. -- "Infectious Diseases of the Carp's Swimming Bladder" by MARKIEWICZ, S. -- "Combatting Hypodermosis in Cattle with the Organophosphorus Preparation Z-50" by PYTAK, S. -- "An Attempt to Appraise the Carriership of Salomella Bacteria in Dog Foxes (Alopex L) by PARADOWSKA, E. -- "Sheep Listeriosis Outbreaks in Galati Regiune." by HAROVIUC, Sv. -- "The Nesting of the Stork Ciconia Nigra L.A., and of the Stork C. Ciconia L. in the Northern Part of East Slovakia." by BAUER, Zdenek.
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- Document Date: 6/3/1966.
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