East European Scientific Abstracts. Physics and Mathematics. No. 23 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1964.
- Physical Description
- 19 pages
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- Series
- Contents
- "Space-Charge Effect of the Beam Upon the Phase Velocity of an Accelerating Wave." by SOCHOR, Vaclav -- "The Use of Single-Channel Scintillation Gamma Spectrometer in Radioisotope Diagnostics." by HUSAK, Vaclav, KUBA, Josef -- "The Change in Properties of Polyethylene by Irradiation." by MOZISEK, Max -- "Radiolysis of Methyl Isobutyl Ketone and Methyl Cyclohexanone and of Their Solutions Containing Uranyl Nitrate." by TEPLY, Jiri, TEICHMANNOVA, Milada, BARTONICEK, Bohumil, JANOVSKY, Igor, KRIZ, Jan, MORAVEC, Jaromir -- "Investigation of the Geometry of Reflected Beta Radiation." by VARGA, Stefan, LUKAC, Peter, KLAS, Jan -- "Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Radiometric Titration in Precipitation Systems. I." by TOLGYESSY, Juraj, JESENAK, Viktor -- "Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Radiometric Titration in Precipitation Systems. II." by TOLGYESSY, Juraj, SARSUNOVA, Magda -- "Investigation of Uses of Reflected Beta Radiation in Laboratory Technology and in Industrial Production." by TOLGYESSY, Juraj, VARGA, Stefan, KLAS, Jan, DILLINGER, Pavel -- "Low-Voltage Power Sources." by TEPLICKY, Jiri -- "Scintillators for Fast Neutrons." by PAVLICKOVA, Blanka -- "Economics of Chemical Treatment of Nuclear Fuels." by KOURIM, Vaclav, MARHOL, Milan -- "A New Method of Ionization of Neutral Particles by the Oscillation of Electrons in a Potential Well." by KULT, Karel -- "Formation of Uranium Peroxide in Ketone Solutions of Uranyl Nitrate by Radio - Chemical Means." by TEPLY, Jiri, STULIK, Vaclav, TEICHMANNOVA Milada, MORAVEC, Jaromir -- "X-ray Investigation of Fiber Textures in Alpha-Uranium Rods." by VOLF, Frantisek -- "Extraction of Nitrosoruthenium Complex Salts from Nitrite Media by 30% Tributyl Phosphate ( Influence of Complex Forming Reagents and Deficiency of Acid)." by BRUTOVSKY, Milan, SRAIER, Vratislav -- "Determination of the Absolute Constant of the Rate of Reaction of OH Radicals with Chloride Anions in an Acid Water Solution by Means of Fenton Reaction." by CHUTNY, Bohumir -- "The Influence of Concentration of Nitric Acid and of the Extraction Agent Upon the Extraction of Zr-95 by Tributyl Phosphate." by CAKRT, Eduard, SRAIER, Vratislav -- "Liquid Level Indicator MVH - 1." by KUBA, Jaromir, UNCOVSKY, Adolf -- "On the Operation of Spin Generators with Streaming Probe." by PETTIG M., STEINERT J. -- "Multi-Stage Inverse-Coupled Oscillograph Amplifiers." by HOLLAND-NELL U., HOENE Juergen -- "Determination of the Freezing Temperature of Copper." by HEYNE W. -- "Tests for the Determination of the Thermovoltage-Temperature Relationship for (Pt+10%Rh)/Pt Thermoelements by Measuring the Freezing Points of Metals." by HEYNE W. -- "A Temperature-Regulating Device of High Accuracy." by MANZEL M., VOIGT F. -- "A Temperature Pick-Off for the Magnetic Nuclear Resonance." by MUELLER R., SCHNABEL B. -- "Anomalous Diffraction of Electron Beams in Pyroelectric Turmaline Crystals." by YAMAGUCHI S. -- "Model Calculation for the Catching Mechanism in a Betatron." by SCHMALZ L. -- "A Heavy-Current High-Voltage Source for a Neutron Generator." by BEINE H., PEIL A. -- "A Method for Producing Sinusoidally Modulated Light." by GRAEFE W. -- "Lightning Apparatus for Photochemical Applications." by BERG H., SCHWEISS H., TRESSELT D. -- "Pre-Impulses in Short-Time Photomultipliers." by BONITZ M., MEILING W., STARY F. -- "The Setting of a Vacuum X-Ray Spectograph for Maximum Intensity by Means of a CdS Crystal." by DORST M. -- "Pendulum Coupling through Fields." by GERTH Ewald, MELCHER Horst.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
- Subject(s)
- Note
- Document Date: 6/11/1964.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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