East European Scientific Abstracts. Biology and Medicine. No. 41 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1964.
- Physical Description
- 20 pages
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- Contents
- "Microcinematographic Analysis of the Dying of Free Fagocytous Cells in Cultures from Embryonic Spleen and Brain of Hens." by STANEK, Ivan, KALAFUT, Frantisek -- "Caryological Studies of Species of Cultivated Vine (Vitis Vinifera L.)." by MURIN, Augustin -- "Morphosis of Anthers and the Cytological Aberrations in Barley Caused by the Action of the Herbicide MCPA (2-methyl-4 chlorophenoxyacetic acid)." by HLASNIKOVA, Aurelia -- "The Course of Titrations During the Determination of the Cationic Exchange Capacities of Plant Roots." by ZVARA, Josef -- "Application of the Method of Microscopic Determination of Bacteria in Analyzing of Pure Water." by DAUBNER, Imrich, MUCHA, Igor -- "Morphology and Number of Chromosomes in Trifolium Bonannii Presl." by CINCURA, Frantisek -- "Contribution to the Biology of Seeds of Cedrus Atlantica Manetti Growing at the Arboretum at Mlynany." by LAFFERS, Anton, SIMANCIK, Frantisek -- "Description of a Male Hirstionyssus Tatricus Mrciak 1958 (Acari: Liponyssidae)." by MRCIAK, Milan -- "The Growth of Phyllitis Scolopendrium (L) Newm. at Cervena Hlina in Belanske Tatry." by SMARDA, Jan -- "Investigation of Physiology, Biochemical Photosynthesis, and Mineral Nutrients in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic." by LUKACEVIC, Augustin -- "Geobotanical Cartography of Czechoslovakia." by RUZICKA, Milan -- "Contribution to the Study of Enzymatic Activity in the Integument of Ascaris Suum." by BREZNA, Gertruda, LESTAN, Pavol -- "Contribution to the Knowledge of Seasonal Relationships of Helminthologic Hosts, Polymorphus Magnus Skriabin 1913 and Domestic Ducks in Slovakia." by BUSA, Vladimir -- "Penetration of the Ag Ion into the Integument of Ascaris Suum." by LESTAN, Pavol, BREZNA, Gertruda -- "Distribution of Human Helminthoses (Enterobiosis, Trichocephaliasis, and Ascaridiasis) in the Individual Geographic Regions of Slovakia." by MAGROVA, Ernestina -- "Age Dynamics of Plerocercoids Ligula Intestinalis (L.) in Rutilus Rutilus and Some of It's Peculiarities." by ZITNAN, Rudolf -- "A Preliminary Report Covering the Occurrence of Syngamids in Wild Birds." by BIROVA-VOLOSINOVICOVA, Viera -- "Contribution to the Knowledge of the Number of Generations of Helminth Heterodera Schachtii, 1871, in Slovakia." by CURI, Jozef -- "Contribution to the Knowledge of Nematodes and Pentastomides in Terns of Slovakia." by MACKO, Jozef, K. -- "Finding of Trematode Plagiorchis (Plagiorchis) Amplehaustoria Sp. Nov. in Bats (Chiroptera) in Slovakia." by MITUCH, Jan -- "Contribution to the Question of the Dynamics of Seasonal Invasion of Intermediate Hosts by Thelaziides of Cattle." by VILAGIOVA, Izabela -- "The History, Results, and the Perspectives of the Helminthological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences at Kosice." by ZMORAY, I. -- "Immediate Tasks in Systematics of Helminths." by MACKO, J. K. -- "Metabolism of Adipose Tissue and its Changes During Aging." by JELINKOVA, M. -- "Metabolism of Lipids in Mother and in Fetus." by SABATA, V. -- "Contribution to the Quantitative Histochemistry of the Central Nervous System." by KRIVANEK, J. -- "Some Peculiar Reactions and Adaptation to Hypoxia in Young Animals." by TROJAN, S. -- "Radiophonic Stimulator for Work With Freely Moving Animals." by ROHLICEK, V., MIKULAS, I. -- "Automatic Device for Following Defensive Conditioned Reflexes of Rats." by SOUSKOVA, M., ZATREPALAK, J., VOTAVA, Z. -- "Sixth International Congress of Nutrition, Edinburgh 1963." by HAHN, P., KOLDOVSKY, O. -- "Symposium Covering Early Manifestations of Conditioned Reflexes Budapest, 2 - 3 July 1963." by BURES, J. -- "International Scientific Meetings in Physiological Science Planned for 1965 - 66." by HRUZA, Z. and "Sixth International Congress of Gerontology, Copenhagen, 11-17 August 1963." by HRUZA, Z., GUTMANN, E. -- "Difficulties in Organizing Science." by SCHREIBER, V. -- "JELINEK-KLIKA: Experimental Morphogenesis of Some Evolutionary Defects of the Central Nervous System." by FIFKOVA, E.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
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- Note
- Document Date: 3/25/1964.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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