Abstracts from East European Scientific and Technical Journals. No. 393, (Biology and Medicine Series) [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1963.
- Physical Description
- 30 pages
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- Contents
- "Tasks of General Ecology." by JOHANSEN, Bodo Germanovic -- "Vegetation of the Mountain Crest Rabia Skala (1168 m.) in the Poloninska Carpathian Mountains." by KUCEROVA, Jana, JENIK, Jan -- "Problems of Phytocenologic Classification of Oak and Beech Forests." by NEUHAUSLOVA-NOVOTNA, Zdenka -- "Heritability of Ear Length of Barley. Part 4. Correlative Analysis of Sub-Characteristics - Average Number and Average Length of Parts of Ear." by NECAS, Jozef -- "Our Experiences with the Cultivation of Leptospira on Solid Media." by PLESKO, Ivan -- "Finding of Some Cicadae in Slovakia (Hom. Auchenorhyncha.)" by MUSIL, Milos -- "Cytology of the Species Vicia incana Gouan." by ZERTOVA, Anna -- "Differentiating the Oak and Beech Zones in the Area of the Forestry Institute Topolcianky." by AMBROS, Zdenek, VAZUR, Milan -- "Scaphosoma assimile Erichson, Selection of a Lectotype and its Relation to Sc. curvistria Reitter (Col., Scaphididae.)" by LOBL, Ivan -- "Regarding the Relationship of Biology and Philosophy." by HAJEK, Karol -- "Transportation of Burned Patients." by KALINA, Jiri -- "Mass Evacuation of Wounded and Diseased on Stretchers Using Common Carriers." by PECENY, Vaclav -- "Effect of Riding in a Tracked Armored Vehicle on Cochleovestibulary Function." by CERNY, Ervin, HOLUB, Miroslav -- "Prevention of ENT Diseases in the Army." by PRASIL, Jan -- "Autonomic Cardiovascular Reflexes in Pilots." by VLASAK, Marian -- "Acute Conditions and Emergencies in Endocrinology." by HAUER, Jan -- "Dilution Curves and Their Significance." by KOSMAK, Ivan, BELOBRADEK, Zdenek, ENDRYS, Jiri, JURKOVIC, Vito, PETRLE, Miroslav, PROCHAZKA, Jaroslav, REHBOR, Jan, STEINHART, Leo -- "Current Problems in Diagnosis and Treatment of Leukemias." by ARIENT, M., POTMESIL, M., SKALA, E., PALA, F. -- "Correct Evaluation of Military Personnel Having Ocular Disabilities which may involve Decrease in Classification." by SINGER, Gustav -- "Our Results Using the Benjamin Method of Total Leukocyte Counting." by SKALA, E., MATYSKOVA, L. -- "Our Experiences with the Benjamin Method." by VANASEK, J., MAZAK, J. -- "Indications for the Use of Urea in Craniocerebral Wounds." by SOUREK, Karel -- "Seventieth Birthday of Prof Josef PODLAHA, MD." by SKVARIL, J. -- "Ten Years of the Institute of Aviation Medicine." by HANKA, Miroslav -- "Disturbances of Consciousness During Flight." by TYLE, Stanislav -- "Effect of Flight Duty on the Spine." by VOLEK, Josef -- "Preventive Mental Hygiene and Neuroses in Pilots in Relation to Unusual Aircraft Accidents." by PEKAR, Augustin -- "Evaluation and Prognosis of Peptic Ulcerative Disease in Propeller and Jet Pilots." by HORACEK, Vladimir, DVORAK, J. -- "Testing the Vestibular Apparatus in Pilots." by STAREK, Jiri -- "Laboratory Tests of Ability to Analyze Complex Field of Stimuli in Relation to Flight Duty." by TUMA, Jaroslav -- "Comments about the Therapeutic Use of Oxygen." by DOLEZAL, Vladimir -- "Hypoxic Convulsions." by DVORAK, Josef, ZEMAN, Miroslav -- "Basic Diagnostic Evaluation of the So-Called Perspiration Artefacts in EEG Tracings." by MORAVEK, Milan -- "The Lee Effect as a Possible Method of Selection." by MORAVEK, Milan -- "Galvanic Skin Reaction During Positive Pressure Breathing." by VLASAK, Marian -- "Report from the 10th International Congress of Aerospace Medicine, Paris 26-30 September 1961." by DVORAK, Josef, ZEMAN, Mirko -- "Report from International Symposium About Conditions of Life of Man in Cosmic Space." by MORAVEK, Milan -- "Tolerance to Hypoxia During Total Fast." by DVORAK, J., PIPAL, M., STVERAK, J., DOLEZAL, V. -- "Report from the Eleventh European Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine, October 8-12 1962 in Madrid." by DVORAK, Josef, VOLEK, JOsef. and "Gonioscopic Findings in Congenital Glaucoma." by KECMANOVIC, Zlatimir -- "Paraproteinemia in Malignant Reticuloses." by NIKOLIC, Bozidar, NIKOLIC, Vladislava, PAVLOVIC-KENTERA, Vera, STEFANOVIC, Stanoje -- "Clinical Aspects of Quincke's Edema." by SPUZIC, Ivan -- "Our Results with Local Use of Fresh Vitreous Body." by STANKOVIC, Miodrag, Bozidar MILOJKOVIC -- "Bronchoscopic Appearance of Pulmonary Carcinoma." by MANDIC, Dragutin, NAUNOVIC, Dusan -- "Extractor as a Substitute for the Forceps." by FINDERLE, Viktor -- "Intestinal Suction by Means of the Muller-Abbott Tube." by GLISIC, Vukasin -- "Biopsy Procedures in the Field of Otorhinolaryngology." by PODVINEC, Srecko, GJORGJEVIC, Slobodan, CVETKOVIC, Stevan -- "Pregnancy and Spontaneous Parturition Following Closure of Cervico-Vaginal Fistula." by BASTA, Zora, MLADENOVIC, Dragomir, CEMERIKIC, Mihailo -- "Fatal Agranulocytosis During Treatment with Favistan." by BURIC, Dusan S., MICIC, Jovan B., TUFEGDJIC-LJALJEVIC, Jasmina, TODOROV, Radmila -- "The Stein-Leventhal Syndrome." by LAINOVIC, Cedomir, MARJANOV, Dusan, JOVANOVIC, Aleksandar, STOJANOVIC, Irina -- "Boeck's Sarcoid of Lachrymal Gland." by ILIC, Ruzica -- "Case of Pyogenic Meningitis Cured by Osteoplasty of Frontal Sinuses." by CVETKOVIC, Stevan, MAKSIMOVIC, Danica -- "Spontaneous Rupture of the Muscle Rectus Abdominis as a Problem of Gynecologic Diagnosis." by GRCIC, Radivoj.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
- Subject(s)
- Note
- Document Date: 12/30/1963.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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