Communist Chinese Scientific Abstracts. General Science. No. 50 [electronic resource].
- Published
- [Arlington Va.] : [publisher not identified], 1967.
- Physical Description
- 52 pages
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- Series
- Contents
- "Where Goes the Fertilizing Elements" by CH'EN Ch'i-lueh -- "How to Raise the Quality of Rural Fertilizers" by CH'EN Ch'i-lueh -- "How to Attain Good Camellia Harvest" by YUAN Shao -- "Cultivation Techniques of Walnut Plantation" by LIEN Yu-ch'in -- "Two New Lumber Transportation Tools" by HSU T'ing-pi -- "Management of Fish Winter Slumber Period" by CH'EN Hsu -- "The New Scientific Technological Achievement of China" -- "Ampere - the Unit of Electric Current" by WANG Hung -- "What is Wrong" by YANG Ch'ao-yun -- "Supersonic Waves - The Unheard Sound" by LIU Yu -- "Slide Rules" by SUN Shu-pen -- "How to Apply the Lever Principle" -- "Soft Water and Hard Water" by CHANG Tseng-hui -- "Changing Sweet Potatoes into Rubber Shoes" by HU Hsien-keng -- "Solid Fuel Rockets (IV)" by CHAO Li -- "Mechanization of Cooking Utensils" -- "Grain Saving Cooking Methods" -- "A Motor Operated Tractor" by HUA Kuo-chu -- "Introducing a Few Deep-planting Plows" by P'ENG Ch'iang -- "The Science of Plows" by WANG Te-shan -- "The Improved Dirt Cart" -- "A Sprinkler-Fertilizer Cart" -- "A Bamboo-frame Cart" -- "A Rice-field Fertilizer Transporter" -- "An Automatic Fertilizer Unloading Cart" -- "The Operation of a Tractor" by CHAO Hua-hsiang -- "Pulleys and the Pulley Assembly" by TZU O -- Preventing Frost Damage and Protecting the Bumper Harvest" by CHIANG Liu -- "Basic Conditions for Building a Hydroelectric Station" by CHAO Tseng-kuang, CHIN Yen -- "Where Should a Hydroelectric Station Be Built?" (II) by CHAO Tseng-kuang, CHIN Yen -- "Terminal Voltage" by WANG Hung -- "Why?" by YANG Ch'ao-yun -- "Plate shape Hay Cutters" -- "A Hay Cutter, Converted from a Thresher" -- "A Red Flag Among Pig Farms" -- "What is the Best Pig Feed?" by HUANG Sung-pin -- "The Development of Sources of Pig Feed" by HUANG Sung-pin, LI Chin-sheng -- "Clerk Raises 1,100 Pigs" by TS'AI Mu-chin -- "Many Ways for Saving Grain" -- "Improved Kitchen Utensils" -- "Answers to 'What is Wrong?'" -- "Unusual News" -- "A Giant Soviet Spaceship Was Launched" -- "Congratulations to the Giant Soviet Spaceship in Space" by CH'IEN Hsueh-sen -- "A Long Rainbow Across the Yellow River" by WANG Chun-kuei -- "The 10,000 Metric-Ton SS Tung-Feng" by TING Chih-k'un -- "Talk About Archimedes' Principle -- a Thought on the Launching of the 10,000-Ton Giant Ship" by CHU Ho -- "Make Tractors Travel Safely in the Field" -- "The Axle and Wheels" by TZU O -- "The Way Electricity Travels -- D. C. and A. C." by WANG Hung -- "Why There Are Three Cables on a Transmission Line -- Three-Phase Alternate Current" by WANG Hung -- "Science Mailbox -- How to Wire a Crystal Receiver" by LIU Yu -- "The Star Clock in the Sky" by HSI Tse-tsung -- "Extracting Detergent From Tea-Seed Cakes" by CHOU Tsai-chen -- "Small Common Sense About Daily Living" by CHUNG T'ien -- "Why?" -- "Corn Is the King of Feed" -- "Introducing Several Methods of Preparing Feed" by MIN Sheng -- "Feed Pigs with Mixed Fodder" by MIN Sheng -- "Talk About Techniques of Protecting Cotton Seedlings" by HSIANG Nung -- "Weeding with Chemical Agents" by HSU Ying-ming -- "MICHURIN's Method of Hybridisation, Part I" by MI Ching-chiu -- "The Selection and Preservation of Vegetable Seeds" by LU Jen-ch'ing -- "Bumper Crops of Rice and Fish -- Raising Fish in Paddy fields" by CH'EK Hsiu-ying -- "Catching Fish Wigh Light" by SHA CH'ang-yu -- "Red Cross Youths" by LAO She -- "Hygienic Habits of Pre-School Age Children" by SHEN Chi-ying -- "Calisthenic Exercises for Textile Workers" -- "Broadcast Calisthenic Exercises and Production Calisthenic Exercises" by I Chung -- "Talk About Prevention of Heat Stroke" by CHENG Li-chun -- "A Song About Heat-Stroke Prevention" by K'UNG Hsiang-ch'in -- "Cold Drinks" -- "Unprecedented Flights" -- "Cosmonaut's 'Heavenly Kitchen and Tasty Food'" by WEN Yu-jen -- "Late Ripening and Appropriate Early Reaping of Agricultural Crops" by SHA Wen -- "Forestry -- Climate -- Agriculture" by LIN Chih-kuang -- "A Talk on Rabbit Breeding" by KAO Chen-tung. and "Urea and Its Application" by LI Chung-chi -- "Gas Turbine Tractors" by LIN Chi-hui -- "Vitamins and Plants" by WU Hsien-yung -- "On the Road of Conquering Diamond" by LIANG Ch'en -- "A New Generation of Metals" by Kuang Kung -- "The Formation and Development of Atomaism" by LU Ming -- "The Benefit of Tea Drinking" by HU Chien-ch'eng -- "What Geochemistry Tells Us" by LI Tan, YEH Yun-chin -- "Uranium and Thorium" by LIN Fu-chang -- "In the World (News)" -- "Ribonucleic Acid and Deoxyribonucleic Acid" by LIU Pei-nan -- "Can Man Fly High with Wings?" by HSIEH Ch'u -- "Strange Rooks" by LIU Ying -- "Be Not Afraid of Adverse Winds" by KU Chun-cheng.
- Report Numbers
- Y 3.J 66:
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- Note
- Document Date: 11/21/1967.
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- Electronic reproduction. Chester, Vt. : NewsBank, inc., 2013. Available via the World Wide Web. Access restricted to Readex Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports subscribers.
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