Correspondence, original, Board of Trade [electronic resource], 1684-1695
- Corporate Author
- Maryland
- Published
- Marlborough, England : Adam Matthew Digital, [2015]
- Copyright Date
- ©2015
- Physical Description
- 91 items
- Additional Creators
- Maryland. Proprietary Council, Maryland. Council, Maryland. General Assembly, England and Wales. Board of Trade, National Archives (Great Britain), and Adam Matthew Digital (Firm)
Access Online
- Series
- Contents
- The accounts of Maryland -- Address of the Council -- An address of thanks for the provision of a Protestant governor -- The answers of John Coode and Kenelm Cheseldine to a paper exhibited against them -- The answers of Sir Thomas Lawrence -- Articles against the Lord Baltimore, his deputies, judges and ministers employed by him in the government of the province -- Articles of peace with the empire of Piscataway and the Kings of Choptico and Mattawoman -- Colonel Copley's answers and proposals -- Colonel Nicholson's memorandum and proposal for an Act of Oblivion -- Commission for Colonel Copley to be Governor of Maryland -- Complaint of the inhabitants of Maryland against the wicked practices of John Coode -- Copies of document relating to Captain Mooch's commission -- Copy of Colonel Copley's speech to the Assembly -- Copy of letters relating to the French blockade of Martin's Vineyard and the continued command of John Coode -- The demands of James Heath and the answers of the Committee -- The deposition of Gilbert Clark -- Deposition of John Hammond regarding the alleged rebellion of Richard Hill -- Depositions concerning Mr Randolph -- Depositions regarding the trial of Thomas Lawrence -- Document requesting a bill be brought forward -- Documents protesting the governorship of John Coode -- Documents relating to the clerks of the County Courts of Maryland -- Documents relating to illegal trade on board the Margaret -- Francis Nicholson to John Coode regarding recent news -- A humble address of the General Assembly -- The humble address of Your Majesties' loyal subjects to the Council of Burgesses -- The humble petition of Charles Lord Baltimore -- The humble petition of Richard Rawstone -- The humble petition of William Payne -- The humble representations of the Assembly regarding demands made by Lord Baltimore's agent in his petition to the Governor -- James Heath's demands and Coode's answers -- John Llewellin's proclamation regarding the laws of Maryland -- Letter and abstract referring to the petition of Thomas Lawrence -- Letter and answer discussing the treason of Richard Hill, sailing in fleets and a possible war with Canadian Indians -- Letter answering Baltimore's demands -- Letter detailing the condemnation of three of Payne's murderers -- Letter from the Assembly congratulating the Duke of Shrewsbury -- Letter from Captain Nichols to Coode about the murder of John Payne and French affairs -- Letter from Chief Justice Holt concerning Maryland -- Letter from Colonel Copley complaining about officials, Lawrence and Randolph -- Letter from Colonel Copley to the Committee -- Letter from Colonel Copley to the Council commenting on the petition of Nicholas Sewell -- and Letter from Colonel Nicholson to the Committee -- Letter from Coode regarding a convention of representatives, French affairs and a fugitive -- Letter from Edmund Andros to the Committee -- Letter from Edward Chilton to Randolph about European imports -- Letter from the Governor's Council to the Committee -- Letter from Jacob Younge regarding French prisoners and Indians -- Letter from the Lords of the Committee -- Letter from Phillips, Brown and Buford -- Letter from Richard Hill to Captain Browne -- Letter from the Treasury Secretary regarding Pennsylvania -- Letter to the Bishop of London discussing French support for Indian incursions -- Letter to Povey returning the petition of the Assembly about the duty on ships -- Letter to William Blathwayt from Lyonel Copley regarding the seal of Maryland -- Letter transmitting an act for port duties -- Letters from Coode concerning the French and the murder of John Payne -- Letters from the people of Maryland to the King discussing revenue collections and the murder of John Payne -- Letters from Thomas Lawrence discussing the seal -- Letters regarding the alleged treason of Richard Hill, the rule of Governor Coode, the fleet and Indian aggressions in the North -- Letters regarding Lord Baltimore's answer on the commission of Captain Copley -- Letters regarding the murder of Piscataway Indians -- Letters, depositions and petitions relating to the murder of the collector, John Payne -- List of acts relating to the Secretary's fees -- List of the Council of Maryland -- Lists and correspondence proposing members for the Council -- Memorandum for Colonel Copley -- The memorial of Thomas Lawrence -- Order and address of the Council to the Committee for Trade and Plantations -- Order and petition of Lord Baltimore -- Order for Richard Hill to surrender -- Order of the Convention for the trial of Woodcock for the murder of Payne -- Order of Council for separating all chancery fees and writs from the province Court and Secretaries Office -- Order referring Lord Baltimore's petition to the Committee for Trade and Plantations -- Order to Captain Copley to ready himself to join the convoy -- Petition of Henry Darnall -- Petition of Lord Baltimore -- The petition of Nicholas Sewell -- Petition signed by Kenelm Cheseldine -- Proceedings of trials relating to the murder of John Payne -- Report of John Paige accusing Coode of blasphemy -- Report on bonds and trade -- Request for powder money -- Request for a report on ships that sailed from Maryland -- Several short heads of charges against Sir Thomas Lawrence -- Short letter relating to the hogsheads -- Two extracts discussing trade and the fleeing of Chaptico Indians -- Warrant for Captain Copley's commission -- Warrants for apprehending Thomas Lawrence and Edward Randolph.
- Subject(s)
- Copley, Lionel, 1648-1693
- Coode, John, -1709
- Baltimore, Charles Calvert, Baron, 1637-1715
- Maryland. Proprietary Council—Records and correspondence
- Maryland. Council—Records and correspondence
- Maryland. General Assembly—Records and correspondence
- England and Wales. Board of Trade—Records and correspondence
- Indians of North America—Government relations—To 1789
- Maryland—Politics and government—To 1775
- Maryland—Commerce—History—17th century—Sources
- Maryland—History—Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775—Sources
- Great Britain—Colonies—America—History—17th century—Sources
- Note
- Volume title from publisher's website (resource viewed on 7 Oct. 2015)
Volume reference no.: CO 5/713. - Location of Originals
- The National Archives
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