v. 1. Pauline, Paracelsus. Pippa passes. King Victor and King Charles.--v. 2. Strafford. Sordello.--v. 3. The return of the Druses. A blot in the 'scutcheon. Colombe's birthday. Luria. A soul's tragedy.--v. 4. Dramatic lyrics. Dramatic romances. Christmas-eve and Easter-day.--v. 5. Men and women. In a balcony. Dramatis personae.--v. 6-7. The ring and the book.--v. 8. Balaustion's adventure. Aristophanes' apology.--v. 9. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. Fifine at the fair. Pacchiarotto. Miscellaneous poems.--v. 10. Red cotton night-cap country. The inn album. The two poets of Croisic.--v. 11. The Agamemnon of Aeschylus. La Saisiaz. Dramatic idyls. Jocoseria.--v. 12. Ferishtah's fancies. Parleyings with certain people. Asolando. Fugitive poems.