Washington, the beautiful capital of the nation, 1920
- Author
- Olsen, William
- Published
- Washington, D.C. : Techna-Graphics, Inc.?, [192-?]
Washington, D.C. : printed by Techna-Graphics, Inc., (2004?] - Physical Description
- 1 view : synthetic ; 67 x 112 cm, on sheet 82 x 121 cm
- Additional Creators
- Techna-Graphics, Inc
- Summary
- "This Aero View of Washington is the most remarkable map picture that has ever been made. Remarkable for its great range of vision and the stupendous task in making such a drawing and the extreme accuracy in the architectural "lay out". It shows the city in perspective from a point of vantage east of the Congressional Library looking northwest thus including the most attractive suburbs with the Capitol in the foreground. This work occupied two years of continuouus time of the greatest Bird's Eye View artist in the country. No map view of this vast comprehensive nature has ever been made of any City and it is especially a great accomplishment when it is considered that Washington's immense area of public buildings, parks and suburbs in here shown in a picture from which anyone may become familiar with locations of the streets, business blocks and public buildings. Even though it has a "Bird's Eye View" effect, it has all been sketched from the ground and every block and building is in proper survey"--Text with title of "Washington the heart of the nation".
- Subject(s)
- Genre(s)
- Cartographic Mathematical Data
- Not drawn to scale (W 77°16ʹ--W 76°45ʹ/N 39°01ʹ--N 38°45ʹ).
- Note
- "Originally reproduced about 1920."
Facsimile of a bird's-eye view of Washington D.C.
Perspective view oriented with north to the upper right and horizon at top.
"TGi Techna-Graphics, Inc. map & large-format printer."
"Printed on 4 Mil (4SLC), SynCarta Synthetic Media."
"Reproduction date of 2004 inferred from date in local call number."
Includes text and United States coat-of-arms. - Original Version
- Original version: [Washington, D.C.?] : William Olsen, 192-? Original was hand-drawn.
View MARC record | catkey: 2757263