The New-England almanac, and gentlemen and ladies' diary, enlarged, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1798 [microform] : ... Fitted to the meridian of New-London, lat. 41$ 25' n. ... / By Nathan Daboll. ; [Eight lines of verse].
Advertised in the Connecticut gazette, New London, Oct. 18, 1797, as Freebetter's New-England almanack; subsequently changed to listing as by Daboll. ONLINE VERSION AVAILABLE TO AUTHORIZED PSU USERS.
Other Forms
Digital image available in the Readex/Newsbank Digital Evans series.
Reproduction Note
Microopaque. [New York : Readex Microprint, 1955-1983. 23 x 15 cm. (Early American imprints. First series ; no. 32012).
Reviewed/Cited In
Drake, M. Almanacs, 576 Evans, C. American bibliography, 32012 Johnson, H.A. New London, 1325 Trumbull, J.H. Connecticut, 248