Special Issue of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES)
- Published
- Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2020
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (416 p.)
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- directory.doabooks.org , Open Access: DOAB: description of the publication
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- Language Note
- English
- Restrictions on Access
- Open Access Unrestricted online access
- Summary
- This book derives from the Special Issue of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) that was launched as a Special Issue of the journal Materials. The 48 contributions, published in this book, explore the evolution of traditional manufacturing models toward the new requirements of the Manufacturing Industry 4.0 and present cutting-edge advances in the field of Manufacturing Engineering focusing on additive manufacturing and 3D printing, advances and innovations in manufacturing processes, sustainable and green manufacturing, manufacturing systems (machines, equipment and tooling), metrology and quality in manufacturing, Industry 4.0, product lifecycle management (PLM) technologies, and production planning and risks.
- Subject(s)
- Other Subject(s)
- 3D printing
- AA7075
- accident analysis
- acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
- additive manufacturing
- additive manufacturing and 3D printing
- adhesion
- advances and innovations in manufacturing processes
- aircrat engine repair and overhaul (MRO)
- aluminum
- Arbitrary Lagrangean-Eulerian Method
- arduino
- argon
- atlas
- automotive industry
- basalt fiber reinforced plastic (BFRP)
- biocompatible
- bioink
- bioprinting
- bow-tie analysis
- brain
- cancer treatment
- Canny algorithm
- carbon fiber reinforced plastics
- carbon fiber reinforced polymer
- case-based reasoning (CBR)
- cell culture
- chip geometry
- cold metal transfer
- collaborative and integrated product-process development
- Compression-After-Impact strength
- Compression-After-Impact testing
- computed tomography
- consolidation
- contact measurement
- correlation coefficients
- corrosion
- cost
- crash boxes
- crashworthiness
- cross wedge rolling
- curved substrate
- cybernetics
- dangerous substance
- deep learning
- deep neural networks
- delamination
- delphi prospection
- Deriche algorithm
- design
- dimensional and geometrical specification
- Directive 2012/18/EU
- Directive 89/391/EEC
- drilling
- dry drilling
- dry machining
- edge trimming
- education
- educative model
- emerging risk
- employment
- end point detection
- equipment and tooling
- extrusion temperature
- fault diagnosis
- feature-based modeling
- finite element analysis
- flanging
- flat specimen
- flexible manufacturing systems
- force prediction
- force signal
- forming
- free-form filament fabrication (FFF)
- friction
- functional performance
- fused deposition modeling
- fused filament fabrication
- gear manufacturing
- geometric accuracy
- geometrical parameters
- grinding process
- hardness
- heat affected zone
- heat flux
- helium
- hole making
- hole quality characteristics
- hole-flanging
- htTTT
- humidity
- hybrid components stack
- in-process measurement
- Inconel 718
- incremental
- incremental forming
- incremental sheet forming
- Industry 4.0
- infill density
- inspection planning
- ISO 45001:2018 standard
- job shop scheduling
- joining by forming
- laser
- laser beam machining
- laser metal deposition
- laser polishing
- laser processing
- layer height
- layer orientation
- linear accelerator
- lithography
- LSND (low stress no distortion)
- lung tumor
- machining
- magnesium
- magnetic resonance imaging
- maintenance
- maintenance management
- major accident
- manufacturing
- manufacturing industry
- manufacturing problem solving (MPS)
- manufacturing systems
- manufacturing systems: machines
- material color
- mechanical properties
- medical devices
- melt pool temperature
- metallic powder
- metrology and quality in manufacturing
- micro-manufacturing
- microchannel
- microstructure
- microstructures
- model validation
- modeling
- multi-material microextrusion
- multiobjective optimization
- multitasking machines/multiprocess machines
- near-net forming
- non-parametric tests
- numerical model
- occupational accident
- optical measurement
- pallet mover accidents
- parameters
- parametric models
- phase change
- pigmentation
- plastic deformation
- plastic flow kinetic theories
- point
- polylactide (PLA)
- polystyrene
- pore size
- porosity
- priority dispatching rules
- process
- process failure mode and effect analysis (PFMEA)
- process specification
- product lifecycle management (PLM)
- product lifecycle management (PLM) technologies
- production management
- production planning
- pyrometer
- Ra
- radiotherapy
- rapid prototyping
- rat
- repair and maintenance operations
- replicability
- RepRap
- residual stress
- resistance spot-welding
- respiratory movement
- risk assessment
- risk management
- risks
- robot-assisted polishing
- roughness
- roughness average (Ra)
- roughness model
- roughness parameters
- safety barriers
- scaffold
- scaffolds
- Selective Laser Melting
- semi-analytical model
- service-oriented manufacturing systems
- sheet metal forming
- shielding gas
- simulation
- simulation optimization
- single
- Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF)
- smart factory
- soft X-rays SXR
- spare parts
- specific energy
- stack
- stepped shaft
- stock
- strength of the joint in tension
- surface extraction
- surface integrity
- surface roughness
- surface texture
- sustainable and green manufacturing
- SXR absorption spectroscopy
- Synchrotron X-rays
- synthetic polymer
- system dynamics
- taper
- tapered roller bearings
- temperature
- temperature distribution
- tensile behaviour
- thermal input
- thermo fluidic
- thermocouple
- thermoplastics
- thickness distribution
- thin-wall plate
- three-dimensional
- Ti6Al4V alloy
- titanium
- tool wear
- topological optimization
- tribology
- turning
- ultimate tensile strength
- ultrasonic metal welding
- ultrasonic molding
- UNS A92024
- UNS A92024-T3
- UNS A97075
- variable cone angle billets
- Viable System Model
- waviness
- WC-Co
- wear
- wear mechanism
- welding distortion
- 9783039367429
books978-3-03936-743-6 - Collection
- DOAB Library.
- Terms of Use and Reproduction
- Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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