England's State-distempers, trac'd from their originals [electronic resource] : with proper remedies and means to make her vertuous and prosperous. Humbly presented by James Whiston. The mismanagements in trade discovered, and adapt methods to preserve and improve it. With an appendix shewing the decrease of Protestants in Europe
- Author
- Whiston, James, 1637?-1707
- Published
- [London] : [sold by Samuel Crouch Edward Poole and Joseph Fox. Published by John Nutt], 1704.
- Physical Description
- 44;32 pages ; 4⁰.
Access Online
- ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu , Full text online
- Series
- Note
- In two parts; 'The mismanagements in trade discovered, .. ' having a separate titlepage, pagination and register.
Imprint from colophon.
Reproduction of original from the British Library.
Available online to authorized PSU users as part of the Social sciences and fine arts series of Eighteenth century collections online. - Reproduction Note
- Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2003. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements
- Reviewed/Cited In
- Goldsmiths', 4046
English Short Title Catalog, ESTCT145359.
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