Yosippon = Josippon, sive Josephi Ben-Gorionis Historiæ Judaicæ libri sex. Ex Hebræo Latine vertit, præfatione & notis illustravit Johannes Gagnier, A.M [electronic resource].
In fact anonymous, though formerly attributed to Flavius Josephus, who appears in the text wrongly called Joseph ben Gorion. The first word of the title is transliterated from the Hebrew. The titlepage vignette is a woodcut of the Sheldonian Theatre. With an index. Reproduction of original from the British Library. Available online to authorized PSU users as part of the Religion and philosophy series of Eighteenth century collections online.
Reproduction Note
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2003. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements