Artificial intelligence technical reports. Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International, 1968-1983
- Published
- New York, N.Y. : Scientific Datalink, Comtex Scientific Corporation, [1984]
- Copyright Date
- ©1984
- Physical Description
- 306 microfiches : negative, illustrations
- Additional Creators
- SRI International. Artificial Intelligence Center and Comtex Scientific Corporation
- Contents
- MICHAEL AGAR: Interpreting discourse: coherence and the analysis of ethnographic interviews (225) -- Gerald J. Agin: A modular vision system for sensor-controlled manipulation and inspection (178) -- An experimental vision system for industrial application (103) -- Hierarchical representation of three-dimensional objects using verbal models (182) -- Plan for a computer-based consultant system (94) -- Real time control of a robot with a mobile camera (179) -- Servoing with visual feedback (149) -- DOUGLAS E. APPELT: Interpreting natural-language utterances in dialogs about tasks (210) -- Planning english referring expressions (312) -- Telegram: a grammar formalism for language planning (297) -- Transportability and generality in a natural-language interface system (293) -- ARMAR A. ARCHBOLD: A team user's guide (254) -- STEPHEN T. BARNARD: A laser scanner for solder joint imaging (302) -- Automated inspection using gray-scale statistics (216) -- Computational stereo (261) -- Inspection of printed circuit boards for part integrity (274) -- Interpreting perspective images (271) -- Verification of character-coded part markings (303) -- Phyllis Barrett: An iconic transform for sketch completion and shape abstract (195) -- Digital analysis of color retinal photographs (192) -- Use of range and reflectance data to find planar surface regions (162) -- Harry G. Barrow: Artificial intelligence: state of the art (198) -- Experiments in interpretation-guided segmentation (123) -- Interactive aids for cartography and photo interpretation (137) -- Msys: a system for reasoning about scenes (121) -- Map-guided interpretation of remotely-sensed imagery (196) -- Parametric correspondence and chamfer matching: two new techniques for image matching (153) -- Prospects for industrial vision (175) -- Reconstructing smooth surfaces from partial, noisy information (222) -- Recovering Intrinsic Scene Characteristics from Images (157) -- Representation and use of knowledge in vision (108) -- Scene modeling: a structural basis for image description (221)., JAMES R. BELL: The design of a minimal expandable computer language (1) -- DANIEL G. BOBROW: New programming languages for AI research (82) -- ROBERT C. BOLLES: A simple sensor to gather three-dimensional data (249) -- An overview of applications of image understanding to industrial automation (242) -- Locating partially visible objects: the local-feature-focus method (223) -- Map-guided interpretation of remotely-sensed imagery (196) -- Parametric correspondence and chamfer matching: two new techniques for image matching (153) -- Part acquisition using the sri vision module (193) -- Prospects for industrial vision (175) -- Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography (213) -- Recognizing and locating partially visible objects: the local-feature-focus method (262) -- Robust feature matching through maximal cliques (212) -- Symmetry analysis of two-dimensional patterns for computer vision (186) -- Three-dimensional locating of industrial parts (234) -- ALFRED E. BRAIN: A laser scanner for solder joint imaging (302) -- An infrared microscope lens for solid-state cameras (215) -- An optical method for measuring fastener edge distances (190) -- Lenses for industrial automation; part one: a brief review of basic optics (201) -- Lenses for industrial automation; part three: camera lenses with four air-spaced elements (218) -- The measurement and use of registered reflectance and range data in scene analysis (128) -- The use of achromatic doublets beyond their design range (217) -- Claude R. Brice: A heuristically guided equality rule in a resolution theorem prover (45R) -- A Region-oriented data structure (7) -- Aros; algorithms for partitioning a picture (18) -- Scene analysis using regions (17) -- David J. Burnett: An interactive incremental compiler for more productive programming of computer-controlled industrial robots andflexible automation systems (180)., RONALD A. CAIN: A simple sensor to gather three-dimensional data (249) -- Recognizing and locating partially visible objects: the local-feature-focus method (262) -- Verification of character-coded part markings (303) -- Leonard J. Chaitin: Pdp-15 simulator (25) -- PETER CHEESEMAN: A representation of time for planning (278) -- L. STEPHEN COLES: An experiment in robot tool using (41) -- Categorial bibliography of literature in the field of robotics (88) -- Chemistry question-answering (9) -- Computer-aided instruction using an inferential question-answering system with natural-language input: a plan for research (11) -- Techniques for information retrieval using an inferential question-answering system with natural-language input (74) -- The application of theorem proving to information retrieval (51) -- JAN A. DERKSEN: A heuristically guided equality rule in a resolution theorem prover (45R) -- A language for writing problem-solving programs (48) -- Qa4 working paper (42) -- Qa4: a procedural calculus for intuitive reasoning (73) -- The qa4 language applied to robot planning (65) -- BARBARA G. DEUTSCH: Establishing context in task-oriented dialogs (114) -- Plan for a computer-based consultant system (94) -- The structure of task oriented dialogs (90) -- RICHARD O. DUDA: Experiments in scene analysis (20) -- Low-level processing of registered intensity and range data (129) -- Prospector - a computer based consultation system for mineral exploration (155) -- Perspective transformations (3) -- Semantic network representation in rule-based inference system (136) -- Some current techniques for scene analysis (46) -- Subjective bayesian methods for rule-based inference systems (124) -- The measurement and use of registered reflectance and range data in scene analysis (128) -- Use of range and reflectance data to find planar surface regions (162) -- Use of the hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures (36)., JOHN K. ELLIS: Pdp-15 simulator (25) -- MARTIN N. EPSTEIN: Natural-language access to a melanoma database (171) -- DAVID A. EVANS: Conversation as planned behavior (203) -- DAVID G. FALCONER: Digital analysis of color retinal photographs (192) -- Digital processing of breast thermograms (96) -- Target tracking with the hough and fourier-hough transform (202) -- ARTHUR M. FARLEY: A probabilistic model for uncertain problem solving (256) -- CLAUDE L. FENNEMA: A region-oriented data structure (7) -- Aros; algorithms for partitioning a picture (18) -- Scene analysis using regions (17) -- RICHARD E. FIKES: A lisp implementation of bip (22) -- A network-based knowledge representation and its natural deduction system (147) -- Deductive retrieval mechanisms for state description models (106) -- Failure tests and goals in plans (53) -- Knowledge representation in automatic planning systems (119) -- Learning and executing generalized robot plans (70) -- Monitored execution of robot plans produced by strips (55) -- Plan for a computer-based consultant system (94) -- Qlisp: a language for the interactive development of complex systems (120) -- Ref-arf: a system for solving problems stated as procedures (14) -- Strips: a new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving (43R) -- Some new directions in robot problem solving (68) -- MARTIN A. FISCHLER: A general approach to machine perception of linear structure in imaged data (276) -- An iconic transform for sketch completion and shape abstract (195) -- Computational stereo (261) -- Computational structures for machine perception (233) -- Detection of roads and linear structures in low-resolution aerial imagery using a multisource knowledge integration technique (200) -- Map-guided interpretation of remotely-sensed imagery (196) -- Modeling and using physical constraints in scene analysis (267) -- Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography (213) -- Scene modeling: a structural basis for image description (221)., THOMAS D. GARVEY: An interactive facility for scene analysis research (87) -- Application of interactive scene analysis techniques to cartography (127) -- Isis: an interactive facility for scene analysis research (95) -- Interactive aids for cartography and photo interpretation (137) -- Perceptual strategies for purposive vision (117) -- User's guide to QA3.5 question-answering system (15) -- GERALD J. GLEASON: A modular vision system for sensor-controlled manipulation and inspection (178) -- An optical method for measuring fastener edge distances (190) -- CORDELL GREEN: Application of theorem proving to problem solving (4) -- Chemistry question-answering (9) -- The application of theorem proving to question-answering systems (8) -- BARBARA J. GROSZ: A team user's guide (254) -- An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Dialogic: a core natural-language processing system (270) -- Focusing and description in natural-language dialogues (185) -- Interpreting natural-language utterances in dialogs about tasks (210) -- Providing a unified account of definite noun phrases in discourse (292) -- Research on natural: language processing at sri (257) -- Team: a transportable natural-language system (263R) -- The representation and use of focus in dialogue understanding (151) -- The representation and use of focus in a system for understanding dialogs (150) -- Utterance and objective: issues in natural-language communication (188R) -- Norman Haas: An approach to acquiring and applying knowledge (227) -- Machine learning for information management (252) -- PETER E. HART: A causality representation for enriched robot task domains (62) -- An information-processing model of operant behvaior (38) -- Artificial intelligence (126) -- Experiments in scene analysis (20) -- Learning and executing generalized robot plans (70) -- Prospector - a computer based consultation system for mineral exploration (155) -- Perspective transformations (3) -- Progress on a computer based consultant (99) -- Searching prohabilistic decision trees (2) -- Semantic network representation in rule-based inference system (136) -- Some new directions in robot problem solving (68) -- Subjective bayesian methods for rule-based inference systems (124) -- Use of the hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures (36)., TIMOTHY P. HART: Resolution graphs (24) -- GARY G. HENDRIX: A network-based knowledge representation and its natural deduction system (147) -- An approach to acquiring and applying knowledge (227) -- An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Computational models of belief and the semantics of belief sentences (187) -- Developing a natural-language interface to complex data (152) -- Encoding knowledge in partitioned networks (164) -- Expanding the utility of semantic networks through partitioning (105) -- Human engineering for applied natural-language processing (139) -- Interpreting natural-language utterances in dialogs about tasks (210) -- Klaus: a system for managing information and computational resources (230) -- Lifer: a natural-language interface facility (135) -- Machine learning for information management (252) -- Natural-language processing; part one: the field in perspective (237) -- Semantic processing for speech understanding (113) -- The lifer manual: a guide to building practical natural-language interfaces (138) -- Transportable natural-language interfaces to databases (228) -- JOHN W. HILL: Programmable part presenter based on computer vision and controlled tumbling (194) -- JERRY R. HOBBS: Coherence and coreference (168) -- Conversation as planned behavior (203) -- Interpreting discourse: coherence and the analysis of ethnographic interviews (225) -- Metaphor, metaphor schemata, and selective inferencing (204) -- Natural-language access to medical text (240) -- Why ask? (169) -- Why is discourse coherent? (176) -- D.A. HUFFMAN: Logical analysis of pictures of polyhedra (6)., ARAVIND K. JOSHI: Providing a unified account of definite noun phrases in discourse (292) -- ROBERT E. KLING: A paradigm for reasoning by analogy (47R) -- An information processing approach to reasoning by analogy (56) -- Design implications of theorem-proving strategies (44) -- Reasoning by analogy as an aid to heuristic theorem proving (49R) -- Sri - trace package for pdp-10 lisp (37) -- Some remarks on resolution strategies (28) -- Study of automatic theorem-proving programs (75) -- User's guide to qa3.5 question-answering system (15) -- KURT KONOLIGE: A deductive model of belief (294) -- A first-order formalization of knowledge and action for a multiagent planning system (232) -- A framework for a portable natural-language interface to large databases (197) -- The database as model: a metatheoretic approach (255) -- MICHAEL KOTTLER: Digital analysis of color retinal photographs (192) -- JAN H. KREMERS: A simple sensor to gather three-dimensional data (249) -- Interactive aids for cartography and photo interpretation (137) -- TOSIYASU L. KUNII: A relational database schema for describing complex pictures with color and texture (93) -- TODD R. KUSHNER: Inspection of printed circuit boards for part integrity (274) -- JEAN-CLAUDE LATOMBE: Artificial intelligence in computer-aided design: the "tropic" system (125) -- KENNETH I. LAWS: The ghough generalized hough transform package: description and evaluation (288) -- The phoenix image segmentation system: description and evaluation (289) -- K.N. LEVITT: Reasoning about programs (86) -- WILLIAM H. LEWIS: Transportable natural-language interfaces to databases (228) -- PETER H. LIPMAN: The design and implementation of a disc software system (5) -- David Luckham: Extracting information from resolution proof trees (32)., ZOHAR MANNA: A deductive approach to program synthesis (177) -- Deductive synthesis of the unification algorithm (246) -- Is "sometime" sometimes better than "always?" intermittent assertions in proving program correctness (132) -- Knowledge and reasoning in program synthesis (98) -- On program synthesis and program verification (52) -- Problematic features of programming languages: a situational-calculus approach; part i: assignment statements (226) -- Special relations in program-synthetic (260) -- Deduction synthesis: dreams programs (156) -- The logic of computer programming (154) -- Tawards automatic program synthesis (34) -- PAUL MARTIN: Transportability and generality in a natural-language interface system (293) -- KAZUHIKO MASUDA: Isupposew - a computer program that finds regions in the plan model of a visual scene (54) -- DENNIS MCGHIE: An optical method for measuring fastener edge distances (190) -- ROBERT C. MOORE: Automatic deduction for commonsense reasoning: an overview (239) -- Computational models of belief and the semantics of belief sentences (187) -- Handling complex queries in a distributed database (170) -- Practical natural-language processing by computer (251) -- Problems in logical farm (241) -- Reasoning about knowledge and action (191) -- Semantical considerations on nonmonotonic logic (284) -- The role of logic in knowledge representation and commonsense reasoning (264) -- P. MORRIS: Managing network access to a distributed database (144) -- JOHN H. MUNSON: A cost-effectiveness basis for robot problem solving and execution (29) -- A lisp-fortran-macro interface for the pdp-10 computer (16) -- bottom-level pdp-10 software for the sri robot (35) -- Efficient calculations on points and lines in the euclidean plane (61) -- Robot planning, execution, and monitoring in an uncertain environment (59) -- Systems study of a dial-up text reading service for the blind (67) -- The n-tuple storage system (10) -- The sri intelligent automaton program (19) -- The sri robot as a candidate domain for vocal conversation with a computer (31)., NILS J. NILSSON: A causality representation for enriched robot task domains (62) -- A hierarchical robot planning and execution system (76) -- A mobile automaton: an application of artificial intelligence techniques (40) -- A production system for automatic deduction (148) -- A survey of the literature on problem-solving methods in artificial intelligence (21) -- An information-processing model of operant behvaior (38) -- Artificial intelligence (89) -- Artificial intelligence: engineering, science or slogan? (248) -- Extracting information from resolution proof trees (32) -- Learning and executing generalized robot plans (70) -- Plan for a computer-based consultant system (94) -- Strips: a new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving (43R) -- Semantic network representation in rule-based inference system (136) -- Some examples of ai mechanisms for goal seeking, planning, and reasoning (130) -- Some new directions in robot problem solving (68) -- Subjective bayesian methods for rule-based inference systems (124) -- The interplay between experimental and theoretical methods in artificial intelligence (229) -- DAVID NITZAN: Low-level processing of registered intensity and range data (129) -- Object recognition in multisensory scene analysis (83) -- Programmable industrial automation (133) -- Robotic sensors in programmable automation (183) -- Scene analysis using range data (69) -- Some developments in programmable automation (100) -- Stereopsis error analysis (71) -- The measurement and use of registered reflectance and range data in scene analysis (128) -- Use of range and reflectance data to find planar surface regions (162) -- Use of sensors in programmable automation (122)., WILLIAM T. PARK: An interactive incremental compiler for more productive programming of computer-controlled industrial robots and flexible automation systems (180) -- Location and acquisition of objects in unpredictable locations (102) -- Minicomputer software organization for control of industrial robots (184) -- Robot safety suggestions (159) -- Robotics research trends (160) -- WILLIAM H. PAXTON: A best-first parser (92) -- A framework for language understanding (131) -- A framework for speech understanding (142) -- A parser for a speech understanding system (79) -- An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Experiments in speech understanding system control (134) -- Procedures for integrating knowledge in a speech understanding system (143) -- System integration and control in a speech understanding system (111) -- ALEX P. PENTLAND: Local shading analysis (272) -- FERNANDO C.N. PEREIRA: A new characterization of attachment preferences (296) -- Can drawing be liberated from the von neumann style? (282) -- Logic for natural-language analysis (275) -- Parsing as deduction (295) -- Transportability and generality in a natural-language interface system (293) -- STANLEY PETERS: On some for mal properties of metarules (305) -- GERALD E. PETERSON: Complete systems of reductions using associative and/or commutative unification (269) -- KENNETH PREISS: Engineering design viewed as an activity in artificial intelligence (167) -- LYNN H. QUAM: A storage representation for efficient access to large multidimensional arrays (220) -- Road tracking and anomaly detection in aerial imagery (158)., BERTRAM RAPHAEL: Bibliography on computer semantics (72) -- New programming languages for ai research (82) -- Resolution graphs (24) -- Robot problem solving without state variables (30) -- Robot research at stanford research institute (64) -- Study of automatic theorem-proving programs (75) -- The frame problem in problem-solving systems (33) -- The relevance of robot research to artificial intelligence (13) -- The role of formal theorem proving in artificial intelligence (63) -- RENE REBOH: A preliminary qlisp manual (81) -- Knowledge-engineering techniques and tools in the prospector environment (243) -- Qlisp: a lflnguage for the interactive development of complex systems (120) -- Study of automatic theorem-proving programs (75) -- ANN E. ROBINSON: A causality representation for enriched robot task domains (62) -- A parser for a speech understanding system (79) -- An interactive planning system (245) -- An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Bibliography on computer semantics (72) -- Interpreting natural-language utterances in dialogs about tasks (210) -- Investigating the process of natural-language communication (165) -- System integration and control in a speech understanding system (111) -- The interpretation of verb phrases in dialogs (206) -- JANE J. ROBINSON: A tuneable performance grammar (112) -- An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Diagram: a grammar for dialogues (205) -- For mal constraints on metarules (283) -- Interpreting natural-language utterances in dialogs about tasks (210) -- Performance grammars (97) -- Theoretical foundations of linguistics and automatic text processing (199) -- Why ask? (169) -- CHARLES A. ROSEN: An experimental mobile automaton (39) -- Machine vision and robotics: industrial requirements (174) -- Programmable industrial automation (133) -- Robots, productivity, and quality (66) -- Some developments in programmable automation (100) -- Use of sensors in programmable automation (122)., JOHNS F. RULIFSON: A language for writing problem-solving programs (48) -- Preliminary specification of the qa4 language (50) -- Qa4 programming concepts (60) -- Qa4 working paper (42) -- Qa4: a procedural calculus for intuitive reasoning (73) -- The qa4 language applied to robot planning (65) -- EARL D. SACERDOTI: A ladder user's guide (revised) (163R) -- A preliminary qlisp manual (81) -- A structure for plans and behavior (109) -- Developing a natural-language interface to complex data (152) -- Language access to distributed data with error recovery (140) -- Natural-language processing; part one: the field in perspective (237) -- Plan generation and execution for robotics (209) -- Plan for a computer-based consultant system (94) -- Planning in a hierarchy of abstraction spaces (78) -- Problem solving tactics (189) -- Qlisp: a language for the interactive development of complex systems (120) -- The nonlinear nature of plans (101) -- DANIEL SAGALOWICZ: A d-ladder user's guide (224) -- A ladder user's guide (revised) (163R) -- A team user's guide (254) -- Developing a natural-language interface to complex data (152) -- Ida: an intelligent data access program (145) -- Managing network access to a distributed database (144) -- Qlisp: a language for the interactive development of complex systems (120) -- STUART M. SHIEBER: Direct parsing of id/lp grammars (291) -- Formal constraints on metarules (283) -- Sentence disambiguation by a shift-reduce parsing technique (281)., DAVID SIEGEL: Inspection of printed circuit boards for part integrity (274) -- JONATHAN SLOCUM: An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Developing a natural-language interface to complex data (152) -- Speech generation from semantic nets (115) -- GRAHAME B. SMITH: Detection of rivers in low-resolution aerial imagery (244) -- From image irradiance to surface orientation (273) -- Shape from shading: an assessment (287) -- The relationship between image irradiance and surface orientation (306) -- MARK E. STICKEL: A nonclausal connection-graph resolution theorem-proving program (268) -- Complete systems of reductions using associative and/or commutative unification (269) -- Theory resolution: building in nonequational theories (286) -- SUSAN U. STUCKY: Formal constraints on metarules (283) -- Metarules as meta-node-admissibility conditions (304) -- GEORGIA L. SUTHERLAND: Semantic network representation in rule-based inference system (136) -- ANTONY J. SWORD: Location and acquisition of objects in unpredictable locations (102) -- Programmable Part Presenter Based on Computer Vision and Controlled Tumbling (194)., J. MARTIN TENENBAUM: A region-analysis subsystem for interactive scene analysis (104) -- A relational database schema for describing complex pictures with color and texture (93) -- A scene-analysis approach to remote sensing (173) -- An interactive facility for scene analysis research (87) -- Application of interactive scene analysis techniques to cartography (127) -- Detection of roads and linear structures in low-resolution aerial imagery using a multisource knowledge integration technique (200) -- Experiments in interpretation-guided segmentation (123) -- Isis: an interactive facility for scene analysis research (95) -- Interactive aids for cartography and photo interpretation (137) -- Msys: a system for reasoning about scenes (121) -- Map-guided interpretation of remotely-sensed imagery (196) -- On locating objects by their distinguishing features in multisensory images (84) -- Parametric correspondence and chamfer matching: two new techniques for image matching (153) -- Plan for a computer-based consultant system (94) -- Prospects for industrial vision (175) -- Reconstructing smooth surfaces from partial, noisy information (222) -- Recovering intrinsic scene characteristics from images (157) -- Representation and use of knowledge in vision (108) -- Scene modeling: a structural basis for image description (221) -- Evan Tick: An overlapped prolog processor (308) -- HANS USZKOREIT: A framework for processing partially free word order (285) -- Formal constraints on metarules (283) -- On some for mal properties of metarules (305) -- Carlos Velarde: Study of automatic theorem-proving programs (75)., RICHARD J. WALDINGER: A deductive approach to program synthesis (177) -- A language for writing problem-solving programs (48) -- Achieving several goals simultaneously (107) -- Deductive synthesis of the unification algorithm (246) -- Is "sometime" sometimes better than "always?" intermittent assertions in proving program correctness (132) -- Knowledge and reasoning in program synthesis (98) -- On program synthesis and program verification (52) -- Problematic features of programming languages: A Situational-calculus approach; part 1: assignment statements (226) -- Qa4 working paper (42) -- Qa4: a procedural calculus for intuitive reasoning (73) -- Qlisp: a language for the interactive development of complex systems (120) -- Reasoning about programs (86) -- Robot and state variable (26) -- Special relations in program-synthetic deduction (260) -- Synthesis: dreams programs (156) -- The logic of computer programming (154) -- The qa4 language applied to robot planning (65) -- Tawards automatic program synthesis (34) -- DONALD E. WALKER: An overview of speech understanding research at sri (141) -- Automated language processing (77) -- Computational strategies for analyzing the organization and use of information (253) -- Natural-language access to medical text (240) -- Natural-language access to a melanoma database (171) -- Procedures for integrating knowledge in a speech understanding system (143) -- Progress in speech unerstanding research at sri (llO) -- Speech understanding through syntactic and semantic analysis (80) -- Speech understanding, computational linguistics, and artificial intelligence (85) -- The sri speech understanding system (91)., and DAVID H.D. WARREN: A view of the fifth generation and its impact (265) -- An abstract prolog instruction set (309) -- Applied logic - its use and implementation as a programming tool (290) -- Parsing as deduction (295) -- SCOTT WEINSTEIN: Providing a unified account of definite noun phrases in discourse (292) -- STEPHEN A. WEYL: A region-analysis subsystem for interactive scene analysis (104) -- A relational database schema for describing complex pictures with color and texture (93) -- Aros; algorithms for partitioning a picture (18) -- An interlisp relational database system (116) -- An interactive facility for scene analysis research (87) -- Isis: an interactive facility for scene analysis research (95) -- B. MICHAEL WILBER: A qlisp reference manual (118) -- Qlisp: a language for the interactive development of complex systems (120) -- DAVID E. WILKINS: An interactive planning system (245) -- Domain-independent planning: representation and planning generation (266R) -- Parallelism in planning and problem solving: reasoning about resources (258) -- HELEN C. WOLF: A general approach to machine perception of linear structure in imaged data (276) -- An interactive facility for scene analysis research (87) -- Detection of roads and linear structures in low-resolution aerial imagery using a multisource knowledge integration technique (200) -- Isis: an interactive facility for scene analysis research (95) -- Interactive aids for cartography and photo interpretation (137) -- Map-guided interpretation of remotely-sensed imagery (196) -- Parametric correspondence and chamfer matching: two new techniques for image matching (153) -- ROBERT A. YATES: Resolution graphs (24) -- Study of automatic theorem-proving programs (75) -- LOTFI A. ZADEH: Test-score semantics for natural languages and meaning representation via pruf (247).
- Continues
- Subject(s)
- Note
- Title from t.p. of guide.
Accompanied by a guide with the same title.
Eye-readable title at top of microfiche: Memo 1 [-312], SRI Intl.
Reports no. 12, 23, 27, 57-58, 146, 161, 166, 181, 207-208, 211, 214, 219, 231, 235-236, 238, 250, 259, 277, 279, 280, 298-301, 307, 310 and 311 omitted ; publisher reported that, in most cases, these reports were never written.
Collection of papers, reports and theses included in the technical note series of the Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International. - Bibliography Note
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Complexity Note
- Later reports included in: Current reports/AI
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