Sexualities : identities, behaviors, and society / edited by Michael Kimmel, the Stony Brook Sexualities Research Group
- Published
- New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015]
- Edition
- Second edition.
- Physical Description
- xv, 685 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
- Additional Creators
- Kimmel, Michael S.
Related Resources
- Table of contents only:
- Contents
- pt. I. Thinking about sexualities : theories and methods -- 1. Classical inquiries -- By the numbers : The Kinsey Code Book -- Conceptualizing sexuality / Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott -- The social origins of sexual development / John H. Gagnon and William Simon -- How to get valid answers from survey questions / Aniruddha Das and Edward O. Laumann -- Thinking critically about strip club research / Katherine Frank -- Personal voice : on interviewing a bout sex / Teela Sanders -- pt. II. Becoming sexual -- 2. Childhood sexual socialization -- By the numbers : gender convergence in rates of sexual activity -- Primary school "studs" : (de)constructing young boys' heterosexual masculinities / Emma Renold -- The ambiguity of "having sex" : the subjective experience of virginity loss in the United States / Laura M. Carpenter -- Dating and romantic relationships among gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths / Ritch C. Savin-Williams -- Personal voice : my first time, him / Teela Sanders -- Personal voice : my first time, her -- 3. Collegiate sexualities -- By the numbers : four factoids -- The gender of desire : the sexual fantasies of women and men / Michael S. Kimmel and Rebecca F. Plante -- Working a yes out / Peggy Reeves Sunday -- Gender, agency, and sexual decision making in collegiate hookups / Rachel Kalish -- Personal voice : a personal story about hooking up -- 4. Sexual socialization through the life course -- By the numbers : how would you describe your sex life before and after you had children? -- Sexual expression in later life : a review and synthesis / John DeLamater -- Transitions from heterosexuality to lesbianism : the discursive production of lesbian identities / Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson -- Relationships, sexuality, and adjustment among people with physical disability / George Taleporos and Maria P. McCabe -- Personal voice : I had polio, I also have sex / Winstone Zulu -- and pt. III. Sexual identities -- 5. Heterosexualities -- By the numbers : sexual behavior chart -- The heterosexual questionnaire / M. Rochlin -- Critique of compulsory heterosexuality / Steven Seidman -- The not-so-straight path to heterosexuality : sexual orientation questioning among young men and women / Elizabeth M. Morgan -- The invention of heterosexuality / Jonathan Ned Katz -- Person voice : coming out as a straight man / Adam Christopher Warrington -- Personal voice : coming out / Corey A. Brown -- 6. LGBT identities -- By the numbers : how many people are LGBT? -- Lesbian identities : concepts and issues / Laura S. Brown -- Transgender youth / Arnold H. Grossman and Anthony R. D'Augelli -- The gay-friendly closet / Christine L. Williams, Patti A. Giuffre, and Kirsten Dellinger -- LGBT : what's in a name ... or an acronym? / Sasha Rodriguez -- Personal voice : transgender dinosaurs and the rise of the genderqueers / Riki Wilchins -- Nine stupid myths about bisexuals that will make you laugh / Anna Pulley -- 7. Non-normative sexual identities and "other" sexual identities -- By the numbers : The Janus Report -- There's more to life than sex? : difference and commonality within the asexual community / Mark Carrigan -- Whatever happened to non-monogamies? : critical reflections on recent research and theory / Meg Barker and Darren Langdridge -- Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? / Michael C. Seto -- Personal voice : BDSM as a sexual orientation / Corey A. Brown -- pt. IV. Practices and politics -- 8. Sexual behaviors -- By the numbers : gender differences -- The lives and voices of highly sexual women / Eric S. Blumberg -- Dude sex : white masculinities and "authentic" heterosexuality among dudes who have sex with dudes / Jane Ward -- Faking it : the story of "Ohh!" / Celia Roberts, Susan Kippax, Catherine Waldby, and June Crawford -- Personal voice : fifty shades of grey sex changed our lives forever -- 9. Technologies new and old -- By the numbers : sex toys -- Cybersexuality in MMORPGs : virtual sexual revolution untapped / Zek Cypress Valkyrie -- Average Joes : men's relationships with media, real bodies, and sexuality / Deborah Schooler and L. Monique Ward -- Twenty-one moves guaranteed to make his thighs go up in flames : depictions of "great sex" in popular magazines / A. Dana Ménard and Peggy J. Kleinplatz -- History of Viagra -- Personal voice : no body is "doing it" : cybersexuality as a postmodern narrative / Juniper Wiley -- 10. Sex as a global commodity -- By the numbers : brothel facts -- Sex work for the middle classes / Elizabeth Bernstein -- Fantasy islands : exploring the demand for sex tourism / Julia O'Connell Davidson and Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor -- Human trafficking : globalization, exploitation, and transnational sociology / Stephanie A. Limoncelli -- Personal voice : Manifesto : PUMP -- Personal voice : I was trafficked -- 11. Pornography -- By the numbers : porn data -- Pornography and media : toward a more critical analysis / Gail Dines and Robert Jensen -- Pornography, women, and feminism : between pleasure and politics / Karen Ciclitira -- Putting hypersexuality to work : Black women and illicit eroticism in pornography / Mireille Miller-Young -- Personal voice : manifesto / Erika Lust -- Personal voice : Shira Tarrant interviews Gail Dines -- 12. Sexual violence -- By the numbers : rape myths and facts -- Rape, racism, and the myth of the Black rapist / Angela Y. Davis -- Male sexual victimization : examining men's experiences of rape and sexual assault / Karen G. Weiss -- Involving men in efforts to end violence against women / Michael Flood -- What is sexual assault? / Martin Schwartz and Walter DeKeseredy -- Personal voice : filming my rapist / Nancy Schwartzman -- Personal voice : my justice is her justice / Katherine Scott Nelson -- 13. Sex education and sexual health -- By the numbers : HIV rates -- "They think you shouldn't be having sex anyway" : young people's suggestions for improving sexuality education content / Louisa Allen -- Damaged goods : women managing the stigma of STDs / Adina Nack -- "Going down" : oral sex, imaginary bodies and HIV / Celia Roberts, Susan Kippax, Mary Spongberg, and June Crawford -- Goals, values, and fundamental principles -- Personal voice : various quotes -- Personal voice : I don't need to know if you masturbate / Hugo Schwyzer -- Glossary.
- Summary
- Featuring a variety of readings, this interdisciplinary anthology addresses such key questions as: How are sexualities socially constructed? Why are sexualities more than just natural "urges" or "drives"? and How are sexualities personal, social, and political? Sexualities: Identities, Behaviors, and Society, Second Edition, focuses on gender, using multiple disciplines, international populations, and theories to explore sexualities. Edited by Michael Kimmel and the Stony Brook Sexualities Research Group, the readings--including several written specifically for this volume--will grab students' attention. Topics range from the motivations of X-rated movie stars to vibrator use to gendered sexual fantasies. The text considers same-sex orientation, people of color, and global populations throughout.--From publisher description.
- Subject(s)
- 9780199944231
0199944237 - Bibliography Note
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Action Note
- Self-Renewing 2017
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