Wha-cha-call-'em blues -- Coon hollow capers -- Mammy Blossom's possum party -- Dusty rag -- Big lip blues -- Shake that thing -- Spanish shawl -- The head hunter's dream -- Georgia grind -- Pigs feet and slaw -- Masculine women, feminine men -- Roberto Clemente, a folk elegy.
Wha-cha-call-'em blues Coon hollow capers Mammy Blossom's possum party Dusty rag Big lip blues Shake that thing Spanish shawl Head hunter's dream Georgia grind Pigs feet and slaw Masculine women, feminine men Roberto Clemente, a folk elegy
Title from container. Jazz and ragtime music. Descriptive notes by Wayne Jones on container. The Wayne "Fuzzy" and Ann W. Lehman Collection.
Participant/Performer Note
Performed by the Red Rose Ragtime Band.
Data/Place of Event
Recorded at Acme Recording Studios, Chicago, Feb. 20, 22, Mar. 15, 1986.