A diamond or rich jewel presented to the common-wealth of England for inriching of the nation [microform] : being necessary for the use of all marchants and tradesmen, and advantagious to the poor, wherein is declared a way, 1. How all forraign moneys may pass in England and gain the merchants 10 per cent ... 2. To settle a banke in London for furnishing all trades with money ... 3. To supply the nation with salt at three half pence the gallon. 4. To encrease the trade of fishing ... 5. To make England the richest nation in Europe ... 6. To save half the charges of the officers of excise and custome ... 7. To free all necessary commodities from taxes. 8. To settle an insurance office cheap ... / by Capt. Samuel Chappel
- Author
- Chappel, Samuel
- Published
- London : Printed for John Clowes ..., 1650.
- Physical Description
- 11 unnumbered pages, 20 pages
- Additional Creators
- Council of Trade (England and Wales)
- Series
- Subject(s)
- Note
- A petition addressed to the Council for Regulating of Trade.
- Reproduction Note
- Microfilm. New Haven, Conn. : Research Publications, [1974]. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature ; no. 1162).
- Reviewed/Cited In
- Catalogue of the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature, 1162.
Wing, D.G. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700, C1955.
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