Then and now! [electronic resource] : A long, long time ago, the red-man revelled here,-- and with his spear and bow, pursued the bounding deer. At length the white-man came,-- the "change"--O who could dream,-- He's set the world on flame by "telegraph" and "steam."
- Published
- [Boston] : For sale by H.W. Swett & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in newspapers and periodicals, 128 Washington Street. Boston. Price, $1.50 per 100, 3 cents single, [1859]
- Physical Description
- 1 sheet (1 unnumbered page) : illustrations ; 34 x 27 cm
- Additional Creators
- Monitor (Writer), active 1757
Online Version
- Series
- Subject(s)
- Genre(s)
- Note
- Verse in forty stanzas; first line: 'Twas in my easy chair at home.
Prefatory statement, "Old times and new. The following humorous poem was written several years since by a son of New England, who has since deceased. ... In two or three instances a slight change has been made in the phraseology, and verses ... have been added, to adapt it to the present period," signed: New England, April 20, 1859. Monitor.
Printed area measures 29.8 x 23.7 cm.
- Electronic text and image data. [Chester, Vt. : Readex, a division of Newsbank, Inc., 2005. Includes files in TIFF, GIF and PDF formats with inclusion of keyword searchable text. (American broadsides and ephemera. First series ; no. 10527).
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