An epistle of the reuerend father in God Hieronymus Osorius Bishop of Arcoburge in Portugale, to the most excellent Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, &c. Translated oute of Latten in to Englishe by Richard Shacklock M. of Arte and student of the ciuill Lawes in Louaine [microform].
- Author
- Osório, Jerónimo, 1506-1580
- Uniform Title
- Epistola ad serenissimam Elisabetam, Angliae Reginam. English
- Additional Titles
- Epistle of the reverend father in God Hieronymus Osorius Bishop of Arcoburge in Portugale, to the most excellent Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, &c., Epistola ad serenissimam Elizabetam, Angliæ reginam, and Pearle for a prynce
- Published
- Imprinted at Antwerp : By Ægidius Diest, Anno M. D. LXV. [1565]
- Physical Description
- 78 pages, 2 unnumbered leaves
- Additional Creators
- Shacklock, Richard
- Series
- Subject(s)
- Note
- A translation, by Richard Shacklock, of: Osòrio, Jerònimo. Epistola ad serenissimam Elizabetam, Angliæ reginam.
Errata of earlier edition, STC 18888, corrected.
Reproduction of original in the Yale University. Library.
Running title reads: A pearle for a prynce.
- Available electronically as part of Early English books online.
- Reproduction Note
- Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1963. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 968:06).
- Reviewed/Cited In
- Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) 18887.
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