Nero Cæsar, or Monarchie depraued· [microform] : an historical worke· dedicated to the D of Buckingham L Admirall. Whereunto beside otherthings [sic], is now newly added the authors priuat account, to k· Iames, concerning ye same, together with a parallel of places in Polybius & Florus. openning ye way of best profit in historie, to Mr. Endymion Porter heretofore, and now to all. By the translatour of L· Florus
- Author
- Bolton, Edmund, 1575?-1633?
- Additional Titles
- Monarchie depraved, Nero Caesar, and Nero Caesar, or Monarchie depraved
- Published
- London : [Printed by Thomas Snodham and Bernard Alsop], M dCXXVII [1627]
- Physical Description
- 24 unnumbered pages, 288, 16 pages : illustrations (metal cuts)
- Additional Creators
- Delaram, Francis, 1589 or 1590-1627
- Series
- Subject(s)
- Note
- "An historical parallel" (caption title) begins new pagination; register is continuous.
A reissue, with new preliminaries (printed by Augustine Mathewes), added quires 2P-2Q, and engraved title page altered, of the 1624 edition. Some copies have the original 1624 letterpress title page remaining.
Printers' names from STC 3221; "Alsop pr[inted]. B-M, Snodham the rest".
Reproduction of the original in Cambridge University Library.
The title page is engraved and signed "Fr: Delaram sculptor". The roman numeral date is made with turned C's.
The translator of Lucius Florus = Edmund Bolton. The dedication is signed: Philonactophil.
Variant 1: title page in another state, with "work" in line 6 and lacking most of the punctuation. Variant 2: lacking the engraved medallions on p. 1, 64, et al.
- Available electronically as part of Early English books online.
- Reproduction Note
- Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1956. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 655:4).
- Reviewed/Cited In
- Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) 3222.
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