Getting the climate science facts right : the role of the IPCC / Medani P. Bhandari
- Author
- Bhandari, Medani P.
- Published
- Gistrup, Denmark : River Publishers, [2020]
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource
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- Series
- Contents
- Intro -- Getting the Climate Science Facts Right: The Role of the IPCC -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Endorsements -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Getting the Facts Right:The IPCC and the Role of Science in Managing Climate Change-Literatureand Chapter Outline -- Climate Change and Science -- The Historical Outline of Climate Change Science -- The Major Contributor to the Climate Change and Science -- The Pre-modern Development on Climate Science -- The Major Steps to Tackle the Climate Change, Role of International Organization in Addressing the Climate Change Issues and Creation of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) -- The History of the International Organizations -- The Regulatory Bounded Treaties, Conventions and Science -- The Fall of the Vienna Congress and the Foundation of the League of Nations -- The Fall of the League of Nations and Foundation of the United Nations (UN) -- Environmental Change: Public Concern and Actions -- The United States: A Pioneer to Address the Environment -- Back to the United Nations: The UNEP and WMO, the Founder of IPCC, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Establishment -- Getting the Facts Right -- IPCC -- Formalization and its Report Procedures -- Introduction: Science, Politics and Regimes -- Science and International Organizations -- The IPCC's Origins and Role -- IPCC Reports: Procedural Agreements -- Multi-stakeholder Governance in the Future -- Developing Country Scientists and the IPCC -- The Complexity of United Nations System -- The Representation of Developing World Authors, Reviewers -- Developing and Develop World Representation by Working Groups, IPCC Questionnaire Results and Analysis on Number of Experts -- The Developed and Developing World Participation -- The IPCC's Efforts to Involve Developing Nations -- UNFCC Appropriately Illustrates the Developing World'S Situation -- Climate Change Deniers and the IPCC -- IPCC is a Trustworthy and Reliable Knowledge Producer -- More Reputation-more Expectations -- Something Went Wrong: Urgency to Address -- The Timing of the Himalayan Glacier Melt: Error Overview -- The Netherland 55 Percent Land is Below Sea Level: Error Overview -- The Amazonian Forest Reduction: Error Overview, and The Questions of the IPCC: The African Crop Yields Case -- The Hacking of Emails in a Climate Change Institute -- The IPCC Acknowledges the Criticism and Takes the Steps to Correct -- The Composition of the IPCC -- The Intergovernmental Organization: The Ipcc as Knowledge Producer -- The IPCC Scientists and Reviewers: The Public Face -- The Expert Participation in Terms of Place of Employment -- Working Groups Composition by Country and Host Organization -- Repetition of Participation in TAR and AR4 -- Science and Regime Creation -- Regime Theory and International Organizations
- Summary
- Getting the Climate Science Facts Right - The Role of the IPCC discusses climate change science with reference to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Addressing climate change is the most important public priority of the 21st Century. Unlike many issues, however, this one is being driven by both science and its interface with politics. The main institution for bridging this division between science and international politics is the IPCC. As such it is the main source of the facts from which climate change policy is developed. This book describes the ways in which the IPCC arrives at these facts and so can be sure they are complete and evidence based. Seldom in history has science had such a direct relationship with politics. The negotiation of an international policy regime requires, at its outset, an agreement on the facts. In this case, the facts are scientific, complex and contentious. Governments have recognized this and have, by using the IPCC, set up institutional machinery to provide facts from a source and in a manner that they can accept. The way in which the IPCC functions is unique in that it melds the way in which science achieves consensus with the way governments does at the international level. Starting with a process to examine, review and debate scientific findings leading to a consensus about scientific fact, usually expressed as probabilities that the findings will hold over time, the IPCC then concludes by using the kind of consensus-development mechanism that the United Nations typically uses to achieve agreements leading to the formation of policy regimes. The book examines the structure of the IPCC, its composition and its procedures in order to achieve an understanding of its role and future. This book addresses how climate change science was developed; how climate change impacts have been analyzed by various scholars, agencies, and other stakeholders; what roles international, nongovernmental and governmental organizations play in addressing climate change issues. The book incorporates climate change deniers' arguments and counter arguments. It also does not shy away from some problematic results (for example the immature data interpretation of IPCC, particularly in its 2007 report). Finally, the book also presents a case study of climate change impacts, including air, water and soil pollution, in major South Asian cities.
- Subject(s)
- 9788770221856 (electronic book)
8770221855 (electronic book)
9781003338291 (electronic bk.)
1003338291 (electronic bk.)
9781000797206 (electronic bk. : EPUB)
1000797201 (electronic bk. : EPUB)
9781000794045 (electronic bk. : PDF)
1000794040 (electronic bk. : PDF)
9788770221863 - Biographical or Historical Sketch
- Medani P. Bhandari
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