- Author
- Albers, H.
- Published
- [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1958.
[Oak Ridge, Tennessee] : [U.S. Atomic Energy Commission], 1958. - Physical Description
- microopaque : positive ; 8 x 13 cm
- Additional Creators
- Walter, B.
- Summary
- DlORIT is a D/sub 2/O inoderated, E/sub 2/O cooled, testing reactor using 6 tons of natural uraniuin at a speeific powcr of 2 to 4 Mw pcr ton. As the effluent froin the individual cooling shrouds overflows into the bulk of the moderator a verv efficient negativc reactivity feedb.ick is cxpected in the pow- er range. The mechanism of this fecdback being of major iinportance for the dynainie properties, a nuclear reaetor siniulator eontaining:i special temperature unit was used to investigate the dynamic behavior of DIORIT. A short descrtption is given of the simulatora and soine coinputations on safety aspects are surainarizcd. ln particular the influenc- of fast changes of primary- and second:iry- cooling r:itcs, possible startup accidents, and the tiinc dependance of power after a fast shutdowan arc investigated. Transfer functions of thc reactor at different power levels are obtaincd and thc performance of the automatic control system is discusscd. The results yield a sound basis for the 1ayout of the control and safcty circuits and the- proper choice of operational conditions. (auth)
- Report Numbers
- RAG-6
- Other Subject(s)
- Accidents
- Analog systems
- Circuits
- Control systems
- Coolant loops
- Delayed neutrons
- Diorit
- Excursions
- Fluid flow
- Heat transfer
- Heavy water coolant
- Heavy water moderator
- Igneous rocks
- Natural uranium fuel
- Neutron flux
- Operation
- Performance
- Planning
- Programming
- Reactivity
- Reactor safety
- Reactors
- Research reactors
- Servomechanisms
- Shutdown
- Signals
- Stability
- Startup
- Temperature
- Transfer functions
- Variations
- Collection
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission depository collection.
- Note
- NSA number: NSA-13-000947
OSTI Identifier 4301761
Research organization: Reaktor A.G., Wurenlingen, Switzerland.
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