- Published
- United States : [publisher not identified], 1961.
[Oak Ridge, Tennessee] : [U.S. Atomic Energy Commission], 1961. - Physical Description
- microopaque : positive ; 8 x 13 cm
- Summary
- The Station was shutdown for refueling and the Core Re moval Cooling System was in operation. The 1A, 1B, and 1C reactor-coolant pumps were rotated twice. Routine sampling was limited to the Component Cooling Water System, the primary water storage tank, and the Canal Water System which were still in service. All reference water specifications were maintained in the systems except for the dissolved oxygen concentration in the primary water storage tank. Two chemical waste tanks and one surge tank were filled, tested, and processed by evaporation. Health Physics reports extensive radiation control for the protection of working personnel in the Reactor Plant Containers. Shielding in some areas was difficult because of the lack of support structures. All discharged gaseous activity during incinerator operation was below limitations for release to an uncontrolled area. Radiation intensities in the vicinity of the canal water demineralizers remained constant throughout the month. Most of the remaining reactor components previously removed from the reactor vessel were reinstalled. All of the new seed exit-water thermocouples, seed metal thermocouples, blanket exit-water thermocouples, and auxiliary seed exit-water thermocouples were installed. Reproductions are included of photographs taken of various stages of refueling operations performed on the reactor vessel head. The 48-inch butterfly valves were repaired and maintenance support for the leak test of the 1B heat exchanger was continued. Modifications were initiated in the Nuclear Instrumentation Systems. Removal of 29 valve-position indicators for repairs was begun. New faceplate indicators were installed on the Rod Control System inverters, and the AC and BD pump noise monitors were modified. Information is presented on the status of Duquesne Light Company operational training and Nuclear Power Station Training Program. (auth)
- Report Numbers
- TID-11695
- Other Subject(s)
- Contamination
- Control elements
- Control systems
- Control
- Coolant loops
- Electronic equipment
- Environment
- Fuel elements
- Gases
- Heat exchangers
- Instruments
- Ion exchange
- Leaks
- Liquid flow
- Maintenance
- Operation
- Personnel
- Photography
- Power plants
- Pressure
- Pumps
- Radiation protection
- Radioactivity
- Reactor fueling
- Reactor technology
- Reactors
- Sampling
- Shielding
- Shippingport
- Shutdown
- Standards
- Storage
- Testing
- Thermocouples
- Transport
- Valves
- Water coolant
- Water moderator
- Collection
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission depository collection.
- Note
- DOE contract number: AT-11-1-292
NSA number: NSA-15-025649
OSTI Identifier 4014223
Research organization: Duquesne Light Co., Shippingport, Penna.
View MARC record | catkey: 42248793