Power and Impotence : a History of South America under Progressivism (1998-2016).
- Author
- Santos, Fabio Luis Barbosa dos
- Published
- Boston : BRILL, 2019.
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (359 pages).
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- Series
- Contents
- Intro -- Power and Impotence: A History of South America under Progressivism (1998-2016) -- Copyright -- Contents -- About Power and Impotence -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- 1 The 'Progressive Wave' -- 2 A National Approach -- 3 A Methodological Note -- 1 Venezuelan Revolution: Underdevelopment despite an Abundance of Foreign Exchange -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Underdevelopment with Abundance of Foreign Exchange Reserves -- 3 Bolivarian Revolution -- 4 Dilemmas of the Venezuelan Revolution -- 5 Crisis -- 6 Final Thoughts -- 2 Conciliation and Order under 'Lulaism' in Brazil, 1 Introduction -- 2 Preamble -- 3 Strategies of Accumulation Neodevelopmentism or Neoliberalism? -- 3.1 Conciliation and Order -- 3.2 Neodevelopment -- 4 The Lulista Way of Regulating Social Conflict -- 4.1 Articulation of Two Consensuses -- 4.2 Conservative Modernization -- 5 Lulism in Crisis -- 5.1 From the June Days to Mobilizations for Impeachment -- 5.2 Impeachment -- 6 Final Thoughts -- Post-scriptum the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Elections -- 3 Kirchnerism and Impasses of the Bourgeois Way in Argentina -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Perón and Peronism, 3 From the 'National Reorganization Process' to Neoliberal Democracy -- 4 Kirchner Governments -- 5 Cristina Kirchner -- 6 Final Thoughts -- 4 The Process of Change in Bolivia: Creative or Destructive Tensions? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Variegated Society between Revolution and Dictatorships -- 3 Democracy and Neoliberalism -- 4 Revolutionary Conjuncture -- 5 The Process of Change -- 6 Final Thoughts -- 5 Ecology versus Capitalism: Dilemmas of the Citizen Revolution in Ecuador -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ecuadorian Formation -- 3 From Re-democratization to Alianza País, 4 Political Economy of the Citizen Revolution -- 5 Final Thoughts -- 6 The Deposition of Lugo in Paraguay and the Brasiguayo Question -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Agrarian Question and Brazilian Presence in Paraguay -- 3 Soy and Brasiguayos -- 4 The Lugo Presidency (2008-2012) -- 5 The Agrarian Question in the Lugo Government -- 6 The Political Judgment -- 7 Final Thoughts -- 7 Brazil and the Political Economy of South American Integration -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Open Regionalism versus Developmental Regionalism -- 3 Political Economy of Developmental Regionalism -- 4 Developmentalism in Crisis, and 5 The Petista Order in South America -- 6 Final Thoughts -- 8 Chile and the Political Economy of the Real Neoliberalism -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Between the Popular Front and the Chilean Way to Socialism -- 3 From Dictatorship to Protected Democracy -- 4 Political Economy of the Concertación -- 4.1 Concertación in Power -- 4.2 Macroeconomics -- 4.3 Education -- 4.4 Labor Relations, Poverty and Debt -- 4.5 Pension Fund Administrators -- 5 Crisis -- 6 Final Thoughts -- 9 Perversion and Trauma: Impasses of Contemporary Peruvian Politics -- 1 Introduction -- 2 New Left and United Left
- Summary
- "Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos delves into the history of South America to understand the rise and fall of the so-called 'progressive governments'. In the wake of mobilizations against neoliberalism in the 1990s, most countries elected presidents identified with change. However, less than twenty years after Hugo Chávez's victory, this trend seems to be reversed. The times of Lula are now Bolsonaro's. What happened? Supported by an extensive bibliography and hundreds of interviews, the author addresses each South American country, including those who did not elect progressives, in addition to Cuba. The national focus is enriched by an analysis of regional integration attempts, providing a detailed and necessary recent history of the subcontinent. Originally published in Portuguese as Uma história da onda progressista sul-americana (1998-2016) by Elefante, São Paulo, 2018. Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos mergulha na história da América do Sul para compreender a ascensão e queda dos chamados 'governos progressistas'. Na esteira de mobilizações contra o neoliberalismo nos anos 1990, a maioria dos países da região elegeu presidentes identificados com a mudança. Contudo, menos de vinte anos depois da vitória de Hugo Chávez, essa onda chega ao fim. Os tempos de Lula agora são de Bolsonaro. O que aconteceu? Apoiado em extensa bibliografia e centenas de entrevistas, o autor aborda cada país, inclusive os que não elegeram progressistas, além de Cuba. O enfoque nacional é enriquecido por uma análise das tentativas de integração regional, oferecendo uma detalhada e necessária história recente do subcontinente.".
- Subject(s)
- 9004419055
9789004419056 (electronic bk.) - Note
- 3 Alanism and United Left
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