The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting. Part A : on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories : proceedings of the MG11 Meeting on General Relativity, Berlin, Germany, 23-29 July 2006 / editors, Hagen Kleinert, Robert T. Jantzen
- Conference Author
- Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (11th : 2006 : Berlin, Germany)
- Additional Titles
- Proceedings of the MG11 Meeting on General Relativity
- Published
- Singapore ; Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific Pub. Co., [2008]
- Copyright Date
- ©2008
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (lxv, 974 pages) : illustrations, portraits
- Additional Creators
- Kleinert, Hagen, Jantzen, Robert T., and World Scientific (Firm)
Access Online
- Contents
- A brief history of x-ray astronomy in Germany / Truemper, Joachim E. -- On the discovery of the Kerr metric / Kerr, Roy Patrick -- Chaos and symmetry in string cosmology / Damour, Thibault -- Hidden symmetries, cosmological singularities and the E[symbol]/ K(E[symbol]) sigma model / Kleinschmidt, Axel; Nicolai, Herman -- The nature of generic cosmological singularities / Uggla, Claes -- QCD and string theory / Klebanov, Igor R. -- The cosmic string inverse problem / Polchinski, Joseph -- Loop quantum gravity : four recent advances and a dozen frequently asked questions / Ashtekar, Abhay -- String theory landscape and the standard model of particle physics / Lüst, Dieter -- The status of the virgo gravitational wave detector / Bizouard, Marie-Anne; for the Virgo collaboration -- Analytical modeling of binary black holes coalescence / Buonanno, Alessandra -- Binary pulsars and general relativistic effects / Kramer, Michael -- Space astronometry and relativity / Mignard, Francois; Klioner, Sergei A. -- Neutrino astronomy 2006 / Halzen, Francis -- Dark matter and sterile neutrinos / Biermann, Peter L.; Munyaneza, Faustin -- Supercomputer simulations of the joint formation and evolution of galaxies and quasars / Springel, Volker -- CMB observations : from BOOMERanG to Planck ... and beyond / De Bernardis, Paolo -- The origins and the early evolution of quasars and supermassive black holes / Djorgovski, S. George [and others] -- On gamma ray bursts / Ruffini, Remo [and others] -- Passion for rrecision / Theodor, Hänsch W. -- The genesis of general relativity / Renn, Jüergen -- Superposition of fields of two Reissner-Nordström sources / Alekseev, George A.; Belinski, V.A. -- Quasiperiodic oscillations due to axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric shock oscillations in black hole accretion / Chakrabarti, Sandip K. [and others] -- Power spectra of Black Holes (BH) and Neutron Stars (NS) as a probe of hydrodynamical structure of the source : diffusion theory and its application to x-ray observations of NS and BH sources / Titarchuk, Lev; Shaposhnikov, Nikolai; Arefiev, Vadim -- Quark matter in compact stars : astrophysical implications and possible signatures / Bombaci, Ignazio -- Gauge gravity and electroweak theory / Hestenes, David -- Black holes in higher dimensions (black strings and black rings) / Kunz, Jutta -- Some remarks on microlensing towards LMC and M31 / Jetzer, Philippe -- OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb -- gravity reveals first cool rocky/icy exoplanet / Dominik, Martin -- Theoretical gravitational lensing -- beyond the weak-field small-angle approximation / Perlick, Volker -- Nonsingular collapse of spherically symmetric charged dust / Krasiński, Andrzej; Bolejko, Krzyszto -- Quantum cosmology standpoint / Vargas Moniz, Paulo -- Gamma ray burst host galaxies and the link to star-formation / Fynbo, Johan P.U. [and others] -- Gamma-ray bursts with and without supernova fireworks / Della Valle, Massimo -- Talking about singularities / Cotsakis, Spiros -- Time machines and quantum theory / Hadley, Mark J. -- Slowly and rigidly rotating perfect fluid balls of petrov type D / Bradley, Michael [and others] -- Numerical wave optics and the lensing of gravitational waves by globular clusters / Moylan, Andrew J. [and others] -- Inflation, bifurcations of nonlinear curvature lagrangians and dark energy / Mielke, Eckehard W.; Kusmarisev, Fjodor V.; Schunck, Franz E. -- Virgo data analysis for C6 and C7 engineering runs / Cuoco, Elena et al. -- Leopold Ernst Halpern and the generalization of general relativity / Overduin, James M.; Plendl, Hans S. -- Post-Newtonian approximations, compact binaries, and strong field tests of gravity / Blanchet, Luc; Grishchuk, L.P.; Schäfer, Gerhard -- Tests of Lorentz symmetry in the photon sector / Herrmann, Sven [and others] -- OPTIS -- high precision test of special and general relativity in space / Läemmerzahl, Claus [and others] -- Testing special and general relativity : clocks and trajectories / Dittus, Hansjörg [and others] -- Laboratory limits for temporal variations of fundamental constants : an update / Peik, Ekkehard [and others] -- Some old and some new opportunities for quantum gravity phenomenology / Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni -- Visualization of relativistic effects / Ruder, Hanns [and others].
- Summary
- The Marcel Grossmann Meetings are three-yearly forums that meet to discuss recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing their mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. These meetings aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas among scientists, to deepen our understanding of space-time structures, and to review the status of ongoing experiments and observations testing Einstein's theory of gravitation either from ground or space-based experiments. Since the first meeting in 1975 in Trieste, Italy, which was established by Remo Ruffini and Abdus Salam, the range of topics presented at these meetings has gradually widened to accommodate issues of major scientific interest, and attendance has grown to attract more than 900 participants from over 80 countries. This proceedings volume of the eleventh meeting in the series, held in Berlin in 2006, highlights and records the developments and applications of Einstein's theory in diverse areas ranging from fundamental field theories to particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, made possible by unprecedented technological developments in experimental and observational techniques from space, ground and underground observatories. It provides a broad sampling of the current work in the field, especially relativistic astrophysics, including many reviews by leading figures in the research community.
- Subject(s)
- General relativity (Physics)—Congresses
- Gravitation—Congresses
- Quantum gravity—Congresses
- Cosmology—Congresses
- Astrophysics—Congresses
- Relativité générale (Physique)—Congrès
- Gravitation—Congrès
- Gravité quantique—Congrès
- Cosmologie—Congrès
- Astrophysique—Congrès
- SCIENCE—Physics—Relativity
- Astrophysics
- Cosmology
- General relativity (Physics)
- Gravitation
- Quantum gravity
- Genre(s)
- 9789812834300 (electronic bk.)
9812834303 (electronic bk.)
9789812834263 (set)
9812834265 (set)
9789812834270 (v. 1 ; pt. A)
9812834273 (v. 1 ; pt. A) - Bibliography Note
- Includes bibliographical references.
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