Solar central receiver prototype heliostat : phase I. Technical progress interim report
- Published
- United States : [publisher not identified], 1978.
Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, [approximately 1978] - Physical Description
- microfiche : negative ; 11 x 15 cm
- Summary
- The objective of this study and analysis is to optimize the structural design and performance of the heliostat so that satisfactory performance will be achieved over a system life of 30 years at minimum cost. The design constraints can be broken into two categories; those of a transient nature and those of a steady-state nature. Transients include wind loadings, local ambient vibrations, earthquakes, rain and hail loading, and temperature changes. The steady-state parameters include gravity, ice loading, and long-term weathering effects. During normal operation the reflective surface, the support structure, the drive and control system, and the foundation must be sufficiently rigid so that 95 percent of the reflected beam is received in the target area during daylight hours. Factors which will influence heliostat design during normal operation include flutter and vortex shedding due to normal wind conditions, ambient ground vibration, gravity loads, and temperature transients. During abnormal operation, the heliostat must be capable of withstanding loads imposed by maximum postulated winds both in operating orientation, and in stowed orientation; it must be capable of withstanding loads due to dust devils, rain, snow, hail and earthquakes. Structural integrity must not be threatened and realignment of the reflective surfaces is allowed only after occurrence of earthquakes. For this study the reflective component of the Solaramics heliostat consists of a foamed waste glass panel to which a thin glass reflector will be permanently bonded. Ten 4 ft x 10 ft panels and one 8 ft x 2 ft panel arrayed for 416 ft/sup 2/ of reflecting surface are proposed in this design. The total heliostat array and controls are mounted on a vertical implanted hollow column (pedestal) made of a rigid ceramic material. Project status is reported.
- Report Numbers
- SAN-1745-2
- Other Subject(s)
- 14 solar energy
- 140702 - solar thermal power systems- central receiver
- Atmospheric precipitations
- Configuration
- Control systems
- Cost
- Design
- Dynamic loads
- Earthquakes
- Fabrication
- Glass
- Hail
- Heliostats
- Manufacturing
- Materials testing
- Mechanical tests
- Mirrors
- Optimization
- Performance
- Power plants
- Production
- Rain
- Seismic events
- Solar power plants
- Solar thermal power plants
- Solar tracking
- Testing
- Tower focus power plants
- Weathering
- Wind
- Collection
- NTIS collection.
- Note
- DOE contract number: ET-78-C-03-1745
OSTI Identifier 5624221
Research organization: Solaramics, El Segundo, CA (USA).
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