Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory oil shale project. Quarterly report, October-December 1980
- Author
- Rothman, A. J
- Published
- United States : [publisher not identified], 1981.
Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, [approximately 1981] - Physical Description
- microfiche : negative ; 11 x 15 cm
- Summary
- In this report, simulated modified in-situ (MIS) operations, chemical reaction studies and retort modelling are covered in detail. The MIS pilot retort studies include: runs S-23 and S-21; retort analysis by offgas data; estimated retorting rate based on inlet composition and flow rate; and carbon and sulfur balances. Chemical reaction studies cover gas-phase reactions where the rates of the water-gas shift reaction and combustion of CO and hydrocarbons were measured to develop simple kinetic schemes for gas-phase reactions in a combustion retort. Under the studies on heat of combustion, an equation was developed which relates the heat of combustion of Fischer assay spent shale to its composition. Field retort operation of Rio Blanco Oil Shale Company's (RBOSC) Retort 0 run has been completed, and data are being analyzed.
- Report Numbers
- UCID-16986-80-4
- Other Subject(s)
- 04 oil shales and tar sands
- 040401 - oil shales & tar sands- in situ methods, true & modified
- Alkanes
- Bituminous materials
- Carbon compounds
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon oxides
- Carbon
- Carbonaceous materials
- Chalcogenides
- Chemical reactions
- Chemical reactors
- Combustion heat
- Combustion
- Decomposition
- Design
- Distillation equipment
- Elements
- Energy sources
- Energy
- Enthalpy
- Equipment
- Field tests
- Fossil fuels
- Fuels
- Functional models
- Heat
- Hydrocarbons
- Hydrogen
- Materials
- Methane
- Modified in-situ processes
- Nonmetals
- Off-gas systems
- Oil shales
- Organic compounds
- Oxidation
- Oxides
- Oxygen compounds
- Physical properties
- Pilot plants
- Propane
- Reaction heat
- Research programs
- Retorting
- Retorts
- Spent shales
- Sulfur
- Testing
- Thermochemical processes
- Thermodynamic properties
- Collection
- NTIS collection.
- Note
- DOE contract number: W-7405-ENG-48
OSTI Identifier 6795891
Research organization: Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (USA).
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