Pool--loop--hybrid Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor plant comparison. Volume III. Hybrid plant design
- Published
- United States : [publisher not identified], 1976.
[Oak Ridge, Tennessee] : [U.S. Atomic Energy Commission], 1976. - Physical Description
- microfiche : negative ; 11 x 15 cm
- Summary
- This volume describes the reference Atomics International--Burns and Roe LMFBR Target Plant employing a hybrid primary system configuration. The hybrid design presented was selected after careful consideration of all the major subfeature options possible, the major tradeoffs being between the hot leg vs cold leg primary pump, and the fixed vs moving component pipe expansion compensation. The design employs a cold leg primary pump and the loops have a fixed IHX with the pipe expansion being taken up by expansion loops. The design incorporates design features considered to be the most economical overall approach for the hybrid concept. The design is based on the current state-of-the-art of U.S. and foreign LMFBR technology. The required development can be accomplished on a schedule compatible with the PLBR schedule.
- Report Numbers
- FBR-76-1(Vol.3)
- Other Subject(s)
- 21 specific nuclear reactors and associated plants
- 210500 - power reactors, breeding
- Boilers
- Breeder reactors
- Comparative evaluations
- Cooling systems
- Cost
- Design
- Energy transfer
- Epithermal reactors
- Fast reactors
- Fbr type reactors
- Feasibility studies
- Fluid flow
- Fluid mechanics
- Heat exchangers
- Heat transfer
- Hydraulics
- Liquid flow
- Liquid metal cooled reactors
- Lmfbr type reactors
- Maintenance
- Mechanics
- Primary coolant circuits
- Reactor components
- Reactor cooling systems
- Reactor maintenance
- Reactors
- Reliability
- Seismic effects
- Steam generators
- Vapor generators
- Collection
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission depository collection.
- Note
- DOE contract number: EY-76-C-03-1142; EY-76-C-03-1145
OSTI Identifier 7322433
Research organization: Atomics International Div., Canoga Park, CA (United States).
Research organization: Burns and Roe, Oradell, NJ (United States). Breeder Reactor Div. - Funding Information
- Sponsored by US Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA): Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
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