Lender impacts upon energy conservation in buildings. Development and assessment of alternative government actions
- Published
- United States : [publisher not identified], 1977.
[Oak Ridge, Tennessee] : [U.S. Atomic Energy Commission], 1977. - Physical Description
- microfiche : negative ; 11 x 15 cm
- Summary
- The purpose of this investigation is four-fold: (1) identify facets of the real-estate loan-underwriting process that inhibit or promote the financing of energy-conserving devices and techniques in buildings; (2) delineate government actions that would encourage private lenders to finance energy-conserving devices and techniques; (3) estimate the financial institutions' probability of voluntary commitment to each of these government actions; and (4) estimate the impact of each government action on future real-estate-loan originations. The study clearly demonstrated the ease with which lender-oriented programs can be developed to which lenders will commit themselves and still achieve rather impressive improvements in the energy efficiency of buildings.
- Report Numbers
- FEA/D-77/125
- Other Subject(s)
- 29 energy planning, policy and economy
- 290200 - energy planning & policy- economics & sociology
- 291000 - energy planning & policy- conservation
- 32 energy conservation, consumption, and utilization
- 320100 - energy conservation, consumption, & utilization- buildings
- Appliances
- Buildings
- Communications
- Data acquisition
- Economic growth
- Energy conservation
- Financing
- Government policies
- Insurance
- Ownership
- Regulations
- Simulation
- Standards
- Collection
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission depository collection.
- Note
- DOE contract number: EM-76-C-01-8619
OSTI Identifier 7097363
Research organization: Federal Energy Administration, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Energy Conservation and Environment.
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