Commendatory poem to The French garden [electronic resource].
- Author
- Herbert, William, active 1604
- Published
- Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey, 1992.
Access Online
- Note
- Only commendatory poem by Harbert included.
- English Poetry Full-Text Database
Literature online - Original Version
- Transcribed from: Herbert, William, fl. 1604. The French garden : for English ladyes and gentlewomen to walke in, or, A sommer dayes labour. Being an instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French tongue, wherein for the practise thereof, are framed thirteene dialogues in French and English, concerning divers matters from the rising in the morning till bed-time. Also the historie of the centurion mencioned in the Gospell, in French verses. Which is an easier and shortter methode then hath beene yet set forth, to bring the louers of the French tongue to the perfection of the same London : Printed for Edward White [etc.], 1605. [3 sheets.].
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