Second Order Non-linear Optics of Silicon and Silicon Nanostructures / by O. A. Aktsipetrov, I. M. Baranova and K. N. Evtyukhov
- Author
- Aktsipetrov, O. A.
- Published
- Cambridge International Science Publishing (CISP), an imprint of CRC Press, [2018]
- Copyright Date
- ©2016
- Edition
- First edition.
- Physical Description
- 1 online resource (592 pages) : 189 illustrations, text file, PDF
- Additional Creators
- Baranova, I. M., Evtyukhov, K. N., and Cambridge International Science Publishing (CISP)
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- Contents
- IntroductionSome Physical Properties of SiliconCrystal Structure: Volume and SurfaceThe Band Structure of SiliconLinear Optics of SiliconEffect of Mechanical Stresses on the Band Structure and the Optical Spectrum of the SiliconGeneration of Reflected Second Harmonic: Basic Theoretical ConceptsNP: A Phenomenological ApproachNon-Linear Polarization: A Microscopic ApproachMethods for Calculating the Reflected Second Harmonic Field. Formalism of Greens FunctionsMethod of Non-Linear ElectroreflectionPhenomenological Theory of Generation of Second Harmonic Reflected from Silicon SurfaceThe Amplitude of RSH on the Surface of Centrosymmetric SemiconductorsCalculation of NP in CrystalsApplication of the Theory of Reflected Second Harmonic Generation in Studies of Non-Linear Electroreflectance and Anisotropic Reflected Second Harmonic on the Silicon SurfaceExperimental Results of Study of Reflected Harmonic in SiliconGeneration of Anisotropic RSHRSH SpectroscopyElectro-Induced Second Harmonic and the NERGeneration of Current-Induced Reflected Second HarmonicReflected Second Harmonic Generation Induced by Mechanical StressesHigher Harmonics Generation and Optical Rectification in SiliconSecond Harmonic Generation in Silicon NanostructuresFemtosecond Spectroscopy of SH and Dimensional Effects in Silicon Quantum DotsSecond Harmonic Spectroscopy of Amorphous Periodic SiSiO2 Quantum WellsPhotoinduced Electronic Processes in Silicon and Their Impact on Reflected Second Harmonic GenerationQualitative Analysis and PhysicoMathematical Model of Photoinduced Electronic ProcessesUnsteady Transverse Dember EffectStationary Two-Dimensional Dember EffectAppendix 1: Parameters of Laser Pumping SourcesAppendix 2: Properties of SiliconAppendix 3: Fundamentals of Group TheoryAppendix 4: Propagation of Light in Absorbing MediumSemiconductorAppendix 5: Linear Optical Parameters of Silicon and Parameters of the Rate of Carriers Photogeneration in SiliconAppendix 6: Units of Measurement of Non-Linear Optical Susceptibilities and Their Conversion from CGS to SI SystemAppendix 7: The Proof of Equation (2.26)Appendix 8: Determination of the ElectricMagnetic Contribution to Quadratic Non-Linear PolarizationAppendix 9: Bra- and Ket-VectorsAppendix 10: Justification of the Exponential Model of Spatial Distribution of Electrically Induced Non-Linear PolarizationAppendix 11: Influence of Surface Non-Linear Polarization on p-Polarized RSH WaveAppendix 12: Non-Linear PolarizationAppendix 13: Casimir EffectAppendix 14: Model of Bulk Recombination in SiliconAppendix 15: Concentration Dependences of Mobility and Diffusion Coefficients of Current Carriers in Silicon.
- Summary
- The theory and practice of the non-linear optics of silicon are inextricably linked with a variety of areas of solid state physics, particularly semiconductor physics. However, the current literature linking these fields is scattered across various sources and is lacking in depth. Second Order Non-linear Optics of Silicon and Silicon Nanostructures describes the physical properties of silicon as they apply to non-linear optics while also covering details of the physics of semiconductors. The book contains six chapters that focus on: The physical properties and linear optics of silicon Basic theoretical concepts of reflected second harmonics (RSH) The authors' theory of the generation of RSH at the non-linear medium-linear medium interface An analytical review of work on the non-linear optics of silicon The results of non-linear optical studies of silicon nanostructures A theory of photoinduced electronic processes in semiconductors and their influence on RSH generation The book also includes methodological problems and a significant amount of reference data. It not only reflects the current state of research but also provides a single, thorough source of introductory information for those who are becoming familiar with non-linear optics. Second Order Non-linear Optics of Silicon and Silicon Nanostructures is a valuable contribution to the fields of non-linear optics, semiconductor physics, and microelectronics, as well as a useful resource for a wide range of readers, from undergraduates to researchers.
- Subject(s)
- Genre(s)
- 9781315369556 (e-book : PDF)
- Other Forms
- Also available in print format.
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