Sir Thomas More's Utopia, by T. M. Parker.--The gloomy dean and the law: John Colet, 1466-1519, by H. C. Porter.--Anthony Marten and the Elizabethan debate on episcopacy, by W. D. J. Cargill Thompson.--The collapse of militant Puritanism, by G. R. Cragg.--King William III and the episcopate, by G. V. Bennett.--Origins of the evangelical revival, by J. D. Walsh.--The working of the alliance: a comment on Warburton, by R. W. Greaves.--Hugh Price Hughes and the nonconformist conscience, by J. H. S. Kent.--The Victorian churchman as historian: a reconsideraton of R. W. Dixon's History of the Church of England, by E. G. Rupp.--A select list of books, articles, and principal reviews written by Norman Sykes (p.217-220).